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Best move in the game


Sinestro's might!
I really don't get why people say that Spin is the best move.

It is great, but it is not best.

Ice clone however, is a game changer. It changes spacing so much. It can stop teleporters like Raiden, Scorpion, Smoke and all others if placed behind you. If infront of you it can stop pretty much all upclose pressure. If timed right it can stop long range jump ins. And perhaps best of all, It can trap you in the corner. Where Subby has some pretty nasty corner combos which enable him to keep you there.

When you fight a Sub-Zero do you ever run up to him? No. Why? Ice Clone. Do you run up to Kung Lao? Sure you do. His spin is specifically around Kung Lao and is quite punishable.

Kung Lao has more tools and is an overall better character, but Sub-Zero still has the best special in the game I want to say.


I really don't get why people say that Spin is the best move.

It is great, but it is not best.

Ice clone however, is a game changer. It changes spacing so much. It can stop teleporters like Raiden, Scorpion, Smoke and all others if placed behind you. If infront of you it can stop pretty much all upclose pressure. If timed right it can stop long range jump ins. And perhaps best of all, It can trap you in the corner. Where Subby has some pretty nasty corner combos which enable him to keep you there.

When you fight a Sub-Zero do you ever run up to him? No. Why? Ice Clone. Do you run up to Kung Lao? Sure you do. His spin is specifically around Kung Lao and is quite punishable.

Kung Lao has more tools and is an overall better character, but Sub-Zero still has the best special in the game I want to say.


Sinestro's might!
You're supposed to fight back don't give me a bad conscience
Or right.


I think KomegaK said it best.

"wow son, u but angery? i hav never seen sum1 so pooper peeved. you are the gayest gay in fagtopia, no u r the mayor. ur butt is evapourating semen cus it is red hot wiv anger. "i listen to linkn park wile i cry myslf 2 sleep" - u SPHINCTER WRECKED"

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
That quote will rest nicely next to the works of Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

For me, Raiden's teleport is the best move in the game. Raiden can do so much with it and unless the opponent anticipates it, he can carry on with little consequence.
Best Move Property for Property?

Ex Shadow Glow - no hitstun? Seriously this move is crazy, there's no other way around it- just consider if this move was on someone other than Jade.
Soul Steal - I believe someone outline the properties of this move on another thread. Basically its safe on block, leaves opponent standing, has great range, Ex has armor and gives a damage boost.
Nomad Dash- grants amazing mobility, has amazing mix-up properties
Kung's Spin/ Rising Karma - a quick and safe defensive launcher. Though Lao's is crossover safe
Trance- THE best "projectile" when timed right it always "wins" in a trade.

Best Normal
The Pop-up Kick- Johny stuffs jump ins because of this
Kabal/ Baraka's Knee- reset, no wake up
Mileena's Footsies- look at the range, look at the speed, look back at me...their good.
Liu Kang's Moves - serious no other character as the speed and mix-upability with their normals like Liu Kang does


MK is kinda dope
Raidens teleport. It shuts down everything in the game. Spin isn't safe, even though it's good, especially w/the new patch coming, it's a huge risk. Teleport is not a huge risk, at all. If you have ever fought a good Raiden, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about


Kung Lao's Spin

-stops jump ins and pressure
-stops cross over jumps
-cant poke it
-safe on block to a certain extent
-can be done very fast one after the other
-can lead to a combo
-hell if you sneeze in its general direction you still get hit
Not a ton of people have mentioned it's general speed ofc which lets you punish things with a launch that no one else can punish. Lets you punish eblow dash way more reliably and easier than any1 else and things that seem barely punishable like his own low hat he still gets a launch.

Even after the patch to make it more unsafe it'll still be great. I don't really see where the 'you can see it coming' argument comes from. The threat of it is enough to prevent most jump ins/ crossups so your in constant fear of it.


It is EASILY Kung Lao's Spin in my humble opinion. I mean I honestly don't even believe it's debatable, It's an AA that launches and has a good hitbox and it's quick, virtually forcing the opponent to consistently be scared of even jumping in on Kung Lao. Hell, sometimes I've just been nervous in general even when I'm not jumping.


KL spin....
But after that I think Jaxs ex dash punch while holding back, you get the shield to go through projectiles and slamming them to the ground allows you to keep pressure by staying in their face.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
hands down, kung lao's ex teleport.

then raidens teleport, then mileenas d4

then mileena's ex teleport
Definitely two of the most annoying teleports, and people think Raiden's is annoying lol...

Mileena's wouldn't be SO bad if it wasn't for the fact that she can shoot sais at you at any time, lame...

KL's teleport with 3 options, and enhanced with armor=too much.


Best Move Property for Property?

Ex Shadow Glow - no hitstun? Seriously this move is crazy, there's no other way around it- just consider if this move was on someone other than Jade.
Soul Steal - I believe someone outline the properties of this move on another thread. Basically its safe on block, leaves opponent standing, has great range, Ex has armor and gives a damage boost.
Nomad Dash- grants amazing mobility, has amazing mix-up properties
Kung's Spin/ Rising Karma - a quick and safe defensive launcher. Though Lao's is crossover safe
Trance- THE best "projectile" when timed right it always "wins" in a trade.

Best Normal
The Pop-up Kick- Johny stuffs jump ins because of this
Kabal/ Baraka's Knee- reset, no wake up
Mileena's Footsies- look at the range, look at the speed, look back at me...their good.
Liu Kang's Moves - serious no other character as the speed and mix-upability with their normals like Liu Kang does
I agree with this whole post, though mostly Jade's EX Shadow Glow. That thing is such an ass, but Jade needs it to be decent, she's a terrible character IMO.


I know people will disagree but that’s fine with me.

I would say best move in the game is smoke’s smoke bomb.
Very fast
Realistically it is very safe
It builds meter.
If timed properly it can catch someone when they are landing.
It can always be combo-ed on hit.
It can be incorporated into combos.
The EX version does OTG for 10% damage
The EX version can catch people in a jump
You are always throwing it when not close to the opponent so it keeps the opponent in check the entire time, they can’t just mosey their way towards you.
Also it is probably one of the most frustrating things to get hit with.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, Jade's enhanced shadow invincibility move is annoying and has armor but I've noticed her normal version gets stuffed by Sektor's fire hehe, I've noticed Jade struggles against Sektor


I know people will disagree but that’s fine with me.

I would say best move in the game is smoke’s smoke bomb.
Very fast
Realistically it is very safe
It builds meter.
If timed properly it can catch someone when they are landing.
It can always be combo-ed on hit.
It can be incorporated into combos.
The EX version does OTG for 10% damage
The EX version can catch people in a jump
You are always throwing it when not close to the opponent so it keeps the opponent in check the entire time, they can’t just mosey their way towards you.
Also it is probably one of the most frustrating things to get hit with.
Almost everything you mentioned applies to spin, and then some
Spin to win man, spin to win. Even after the nerf the spin will still have godlike startup/hitbox/damage potential. Just means scrubs who spam online will be easier to kill, won't effect high level play in the slightest.


Come On Die Young
I still need to hear why Nomad Dash isn't the best move in the game. It's the whole reason Kabal rushdown is so deadly. Yes, I know it's punishable on block, but you never see a good Kabal player use it outside cancelling pressure or catching someone airborne.
I still need to hear why Nomad Dash isn't the best move in the game. It's the whole reason Kabal rushdown is so deadly. Yes, I know it's punishable on block, but you never see a good Kabal player use it outside cancelling pressure or catching someone airborne.
Kabal dash has some startup. And the frame trap is escapable. And its braindead easy to punish. Its just not nearly as scary as some of the other BS.