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Best move in the game


kung laos spin is good. but i would say Sub zeros Ice clone. that thing is the most annoying speical ever. and if you're in the corner and he puts one up. well that's pretty much GG....
Ice clone is one of the fastes moves in the game at 2 frames, not the fastest attack.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I REALLY dont get why you lot think the spin is so great? Even the against the best KL players its obvious when a spin is coming.

Best normal: Cages F32, hit confirmable into nutpunch, can be linked into a frametrap, continue frametraps and is a true mid so it cant be poked out of
Best special(s): Nutpunch, Raiden teleport, Any reptile forceball.

Another interesting one is Sonyas Military Stance -> can fake an attack, reach 3/4 of the screen, builds meter, adds an incredibly strong mixup game and can be linked at the end of any string.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'm stuck between KL's spin and Reptile's dash. I know the Dash can be blocked and punished but it's also one of the best countermoves in the game making normally safe moves UNSAFE to use mid to close range.

Also, @foxy, sorry but unless you're psychic or your foe is dumb with his/her patterns, it's impossible to see a spin coming....if the KL player is smart...


"More deadly than the dawn"
Not that any sektor should rely on it , EX uses meter and as you said pressure is reversed , but just by having it ( and hopefully being at 3/4 fullscreen ) it really shuts down most projectiles , the psycological effect is really huge at that distance , it really blows up fullscreen zoners like sindel or even Cyrax ( we can discuss about it tho ) making them get closer to make it harder to react to the projectile therefore reducing their potential at fullscreen where sektor still has his zoning ( wich is a little above average ) , about that know it's coming it really depends on the player , sure you can walk back and nullify the jumpin attempt aswell the EX TU by blocking once out of the jumpin but that put you on the defensive ( wich is not a bad thing for some characters anyways ) , sure it isn't the best move out there but to me it definately feels top 8.

PS: a really good/on the spot Sektor will never mistime a TU from 3/4 fullscreen ( unless against the fastest recovery projectiles like KL lowhat or Freddys projectile)
i don't want to sound patronising or anything but i play mustard all the time and trust me, the TU next to never works. Unless you jump as they do a projectile which is hard as you dont want to jump against cyrax ever. Not that im saying the TU isn't a good move but it's not as good as you make it out to be in most situations :p

On topic however i think raidens teleport is the best move as its impossible to pressure him constantly, he dodges projectiles and is completely unpunishable. And no kung laos spin is NOT the best move in the game as its easy to punish and you can scout it from a mile away.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
kano's choke, no lie

it cancels out almost every attack to the point where its kinda cheap


Cage's nutpunch is great. It has a pretty nice range and leaves your opponent rubbing their jewels long enough for you to continue the pressure.


Come At Me Bro
Yah spin is great for offence and defense and is fast. But if its blocked your screwed and will take a full combo even after patch youll be at a greater risk of being screwed. RH is SAFE and creates combo potential. Yah a great kung lao will use it effectivly but thats the player not the move itself which is why its not the best. Plus the EX version pops you up lower and only moves forward with no armor while EX RH can take anything( i think) and deal back some big damage and deny wake- up attacks. Did i win ...........:/
Ice clone is good, spin is good, force push is good, kitana's fans are good, rains rh is good, smokes shake is good, scorpions ex teleport is good, mileenas teleport is good, cages nut punch is good, kabals dash is good, reptiles dash and forceballs are good,cyber subs parry and dive kick are good, Liu kangs b312 is good, basically there's a ton of great moves in the game. But which is best?


Ice clone is good, spin is good, force fish is good, kitana's fans are good, rains rh is good, smokes shake is good, scorpions ex teleport is good, mileenas teleport is good, cages nut punch is good, kabals dash is good, reptiles dash and forceballs are good,cyber subs parry and dive kick are good, Liu kangs b312 is good, basically there's a ton of great moves in the game. But which is best?


I would have to go with ice clone. In most cases it is a "set it and forget it" move. Zero risk when spaced properly, and when the opponent touches it, you get a free combo. It can also be used in the air. No reason to not use it when you have the chance. Hands down the most "braindead" move in the game.


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar
Currently? Let's see...

Skarlet daggers.

Pushback, cancel THEMSELVES, super meter build, pressure, even in air!


hands down, kung lao's ex teleport.

then raidens teleport, then mileenas d4

then mileena's ex teleport


I would have to go with ice clone. In most cases it is a "set it and forget it" move. Zero risk when spaced properly, and when the opponent touches it, you get a free combo. It can also be used in the air. No reason to not use it when you have the chance. Hands down the most "braindead" move in the game.
no its actually quite risky, very long recovery time, and does not work if too close,

you will eat a combo, in many situations with several characters


no its actually quite risky, very long recovery time, and does not work if too close,

you will eat a combo, in many situations with several characters
I said when spaced properly. For example 224~clone. You're free to do whatever you want afterwards. I know I exaggerated a little when I said it had zero risk, since almost everything in this game can be punished, but when this move is pulled off, it has a lot of benefits.


I said when spaced properly. For example 224~clone. You're free to do whatever you want afterwards. I know I exaggerated a little when I said it had zero risk, since almost everything in this game can be punished, but when this move is pulled off, it has a lot of benefits.
yeah it will give alot of charcters problem, but there are some that can punnish it hard like ermac, and then there are a couple than can punish it with a special like kenshi's bf3, and then theres a few more than can punish with meter
In a vacuum? Jade immunity glow. You cant really beat becoming immune to... well... damage.

As implemented on a character, i would say spin. Its just got so many uses.
That move doesn't make her immune to damage.

I'd have to say KL's spin for sure.


Death is my business
i don't want to sound patronising or anything but i play mustard all the time and trust me, the TU next to never works. Unless you jump as they do a projectile which is hard as you dont want to jump against cyrax ever. Not that im saying the TU isn't a good move but it's not as good as you make it out to be in most situations :p
Feel free to disagree , it's a discussion afterall , my opinion isn't the law , but if as you say you never have a chance to TU against your bro it actually means something , can he put on the Cyrax minefield from fullscreen then cover it up nets? What i'm trying to say is that at high levels TU disables fullscreeen zoning and forces your opponent to get closer to Sektor , it's not about hitting with a TU ( in fact the opponent will never give you a chance to TU in high level play ) it's about making the opponent respect it , just like Kung Laos spin , even that is predictable ( to a certain extent ) during frametraps but it disables you to jumpin when he's has the reaction time to do it.

Btw i'll probably get an Xbox soon , looking foward to have some online fun with you guys :p