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Man who shot teen over loud music apologizes


bye felicia
He kept shooting to keep them from shooting back, cause that's how it works.
I wish I had the nads to light up a truck outside MY store then just go home and chill without calling the cops.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
This is actually America's solution to gun crime.
Gun crime rises, "ahh we need more guns to protect ourselves from these people with guns".

America will never learn.
Agree to an extent, but prohibition doesn't work here in America. History tells us this, and history is a pretty cool dude imo.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
If you want a look at history with regards to gun control, I'd suggest looking at Australia's.
America =/= Australia. I know they banned guns and everything has been pretty much fine. I'm not going to get into a debate because I'm not well versed or haven't researched everything, but I do know that prohibition in America just leads to more problems. We cray.


Come On Die Young
He kept shooting to keep them from shooting back, cause that's how it works.
I wish I had the nads to light up a truck outside MY store then just go home and chill without calling the cops.
they didn't have a gun though....


lol yeah I don't get Florida, they have awesome weather, why do they cause so much trouble?
Awesome weather? You must be mistaking Florida for somewhere else. The weather here is as fickle is it gets.


undefeated online evo champion
Did Dunn kill Davis solely because he was black? It'd be hard to prove. Did the fact that the teenagers in the car were black males play on Dunn's insecurities and contribute to his willingness to open fire at any perceived "threat"? Hell yes.

What about him was thug? I know a lot of white guys who blast rap music in their car, but no one seems to be threatened by them.
Isn't it obvious? This black youth was bumping that rappity a.k.a. kill whitey music so there was a pretty good chance he had gang affiliations. He was probably high on the weeds, too, you never know. It's not like the poor man had a choice to pull the trigger. The car was black and blasting the music loudly at him. That sounds like a threatening vehicle to me! And it wasn't like he was in a car and could have just drove away or anything

I think we can all agree race played absolutely no part here.


Come On Die Young
That's just a left wing comedy show.

Here's another point of view on the Australia gun ban. I believe there's even a documentary on it somewhere.

A few things about this:

Gun ownership was never a constitutional right in Australia. Regardless, I don't see how gun collectors having their hobby ruined trumps public safety.

Guns are not completely illegal in Australia. There are still many exemptions that let non-police or military personnel own them

Statistics don't have a bias. After searching through many different sources, I can't find anything resembling what they show in this video. Everything shows gun crime decreasing significantly since the ban. And this of course includes, to reflect the original purpose of the ban, mass shootings, which has been reduced to none. This is why I prefer to get my information from reputable sources rather than believing whatever a video is saying.

And left-wing comedy show or not, they consistently bring up great points and have a stronger reputation for truth than most real news shows. If someone has a strong argument, the argument isn't diminished because they made a joke with it.
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Statistics don't have a bias. After searching through many different sources, I can't find anything resembling what they show in this video. Everything shows gun crime decreasing significantly since the ban. And this of course includes, to reflect the original purpose of the ban, mass shootings, which has been reduced to none. This is why I prefer to get my information from reputable sources rather than believing whatever a video is saying.
Can you give me a source? I haven't looked into the Australia ban very much, I just know in general taking away guns from law abiding citizens doesn't reduce crime, look at Mexico and Chicago. Chicago has gotten some rights back though.

And left-wing comedy show or not, they consistently bring up great points and have a stronger reputation for truth than most real news shows. If someone has a strong argument, the argument isn't diminished because they made a joke with it.
Like I've said before, I'd trust The Daily Show over CNN or MSNBC at this point.


undefeated online evo champion
I just know in general taking away guns from law abiding citizens doesn't reduce crime.
Not true. A lot of people have died because of the outdated right that is the second amendment.

The right to bear arms is as part of an organised militia. This stems from before there was a USA military. The amendment is redundant so long as the US military exists; citizens should not be free to bear arms unless properly licensed for recreational or other relevant permits (eg equine veterinarians, hunters, collectors etc).

There are many many countries who operate this way and with way less violent crime (specifically gun crime). Britain comes to mind:

"Britain’s 46 homicides involving firearms was the lowest total since the late 1980s. New York City, with 8 million people compared to 53 million in England and Wales, recorded at least 579 homicides last year"

So, yeah. Big difference. Imo, the thing about gun control in the US up to this point is it's impossible to a large degree. After all, people sure do love their guns in this country. But it is also impossible to stop people from killing each other but that doesn't mean we should just make it legal, yeah?


Not true. A lot of people have died because of the outdated right that is the second amendment.

The right to bear arms is as part of an organised militia. This stems from before there was a USA military. The amendment is redundant so long as the US military exists; citizens should not be free to bear arms unless properly licensed for recreational or other relevant permits (eg equine veterinarians, hunters, collectors etc).
That's some pretty radical speech, I must say. I support your right to free speech, but I believe you'd be better suited in China.

Imo, the thing about gun control in the US up to this point is it's impossible to a large degree. After all, people sure do love their guns in this country.
Oh absolutely.

EDIT: and I actually must go for now, I may continue this discussion tomorrow, or I may not. I've already been reading too many of your weird obsessive racism arguments.
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undefeated online evo champion
That's some pretty radical speech, I must say. I support your right to free speech, but I believe you'd be better suited in China.

Oh absolutely.
Huh? I suppose it's "radical" if you don't understand the original meaning or intent of the framers when they wrote the U.S. Constitution, including the 2nd amendment.

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

This was made well before US military came to be. The US military now has that stockpile of weapons. It isn't necessary for the "people" to carry them, except for specific purposes as I outlined above.

Still, something tells me you're not going to understand all this, the statistics still won't get through to you, and you'll just keep your tin foil hat tightly fit.


All I know is, I am not trying to be the person who doesn't have a gun if someone comes into my house and tries to rob/kill me, just putting that out there #YEEAAPP


Official Master of Salt
America =/= Australia. I know they banned guns and everything has been pretty much fine. I'm not going to get into a debate because I'm not well versed or haven't researched everything, but I do know that prohibition in America just leads to more problems. We cray.
I understand that Australia and America are not the same place, but the reason I brought up Australia rather than any other country is because they have such a similar history.

Yeah I know, I still don't get why you guys are opposed to an NHS either