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Man who shot teen over loud music apologizes


Main: Rain

A man convicted of first-degree murder for fatally shooting a teenager in an argument over loud music outside a Florida convenience store was sentenced Friday to life in prison without parole.

The life sentence imposed by Circuit Judge Russell Healey was mandatory for 47-year-old Michael Dunn after prosecutors decided not to seek the death penalty.

Dunn was convicted of first-degree murder at a second trial in September after jurors deadlocked on the charge at his initial trial in February. Prosecutors say Dunn, who is white, fired 10 times into a sport utility vehicle carrying black teenagers in November 2012 and killed 17-year-old Jordan Davis of Marietta, Georgia.

Evidence showed that Dunn fired the shots during a heated argument over the volume of music coming from the SUV carrying Davis and three other teenagers. Dunn was convicted of three counts of second-degree murder and sentenced to 60 years in prison in his first trial because he continued to fire into the Dodge Durango as the driver tried to flee the scene. The 60-year sentence is consecutive to the life sentence.

Dunn, who testified at both trials, claimed he was acting in self-defense. Dunn told jurors that he saw Davis roll down the window and flash what he believed to be a gun after the two exchanged words. He contended that he kept firing at the fleeing sports utility vehicle to make sure no one shot back at him.

At Friday's sentencing hearing, Dunn apologized to Davis' parents.

"I want the Davis family to know that I truly regret what happened. If I could roll back time and do things differently, I would," he said. "I am mortified that I took a life whether it was a justified or not."

Davis' mother, Lucia McBath said she always taught her son to love and to forgive.

"Therefore, I too must be willing to forgive and so I choose to forgive you Mr. Dunn for taking my son's life," McBath said in court.

Throughout the second trial, prosecutors portrayed Dunn as a cold-blooded killer. Dunn never called police after firing into the SUV, and afterward he went back to his hotel, made a drink, ordered pizza, walked his dog and went to sleep.

Dunn testified that the problems started when he and his fiancee heard loud bass thumping from an SUV parked next to them after they pulled into a convenience store to buy a bottle of wine. Dunn had just come from his son's wedding.

Prosecutor John Guy said during opening statements that when Dunn pulled into the parking spot, the music from the SUV was blaring.

"He looked at his girlfriend and said I hate that thug music," Guy said.


undefeated online evo champion
Wow, black people can't even listen to music in public without getting wrongfully targeted.

It's refreshing not to be outraged at the outcome of one of these incidents. I'm used to these situations, where the correct verdict/course of action is rather apparent, and it completely going the other way

Enjoy rotting in jail. He's Dunn for.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Lucia McBath has been so beautifully CLASSY during this whole ordeal. What a truly inspirational human being and an amazing mother.

AK Stormthegates

Dunn was convicted of first-degree murder at a second trial in September after jurors deadlocked on the charge at his initial trial in February. Prosecutors say Dunn, who is white, fired 10 times into a sport utility vehicle carrying black teenagers in November 2012 and killed 17-year-old Jordan Davis of Marietta, Georgia.
Wow he was from my area. I'm sorry for the family.


undefeated online evo champion
To be honest, he probably would of done the same thing if it were 2 "thug" white guys. I don't think racism was involved in this one.
This happened for two reasons. First one being this dude is obviously racist af.

Second, this happened in batshit crazy Florida. They should really do some tests in air/water in Florida..... there are way too many bizarre stories about people to be coincidence.



Main: Rain
This happened for two reasons. First one being this dude is obviously racist af.

Second, this happened in batshit crazy Florida. They should really do some tests in air/water in Florida..... there are way too many bizarre stories about people to be coincidence.

lol yeah I don't get Florida, they have awesome weather, why do they cause so much trouble?


Grundy think you handsome!
He should also be prosecuted for stupidity, I mean if he was a KKK member then it would be known that he did it out of explicit racism, but shooting someone over music?



TYM's Head Herpetologist
lol yeah I don't get Florida, they have awesome weather, why do they cause so much trouble?
This isn't even the most trivial thing someone has tried to murder someone over in Florida. Here's a story about a guy stabbing his brother over Mac n' Cheese.


I can't find the article, but I remember reading another one in which one man stabbed his father for trying to tell him how to make Kool-Aid.


My blades will find your heart
I hate rap as much as the next guy, but it doesnt give me the right to go shooting people up who play it too loud.

Whether he was racist or not is irrelevant, point is he gets what he deserves.
To be honest, he probably would of done the same thing if it were 2 "thug" white guys. I don't think racism was involved in this one.
Did anyone pay attention to the case ? i understand that this can happen to anyone but you cant just sticky that argument to this if you haven't researched
he told his girl that he hates thugs music ( rap ) 30 seconds later he shot and killed and unarmed teen and went back to his hotel room ordered a pizza and drank rum and Coke .

"This may sound a bit radical but if more people would arm themselves and kill these **** idiots when they're threatening you, eventually they may take the hint and change their behavior " Michael Dunn
To be honest, he probably would of done the same thing if it were 2 "thug" white guys. I don't think racism was involved in this one.
Did anyone pay attention to the case ? i understand that this can happen to anyone but you cant just sticky that argument to this if you haven't researched
he told his girl that he hates thugs music ( rap ) 30 seconds later he shot and killed and unarmed teen and went back to his hotel room ordered a pizza and drank rum and Coke .

"This may sound a bit radical but if more people would arm themselves and kill these **** idiots when they're threatening you, eventually they may take the hint and change their behavior " Michael Dunn