cr. HP Master
PPL have back dashed after my 3 before, but once you realize that is when you open them up to back 2. For example, after a instant air dash 1 follow with a 3 and follow with a b2 if that's something they've shown they're commited too. Her 50/50's are fantastic.I respect this, get it done. @BillStickers I would say her normal are solid. B1, B2, D3 are all very solid. Are they better than Green Lantern's? I mean you can't backdash her stuff but b1,3 does have range and great start up.
Edit: I heard u can backdash in between 3,3 tho haha
EDIT'; ALSO her frame advantage off 33 is ok. Good enough to follow with a d12 mb tiara which can cause over 40% of your health to disappear. Cancelling b113 can give some advantage too. People do not understand her tools.