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A Unique Idea that will help the community.


Weather Man
Also i don't think you should label those as newbie fights. Just maybe as "Fights," lol idk. Because TrickyNick sure as hell is one of the best Kabals if not the best Kabal I have faced
Thank you Snips, but in the end its just a title to the match. He could call it the douchbag fight and Id be ok with it lol. A little confused but ok with it. All i need to do is fight and bring justice to the title "newbie" lol. Anyway seeing how me and movezero are going to fight soon from here on out Im going to use only kabal in my matches.

Looking forward to the rumble you have created TakeAChance:top:
shit like this makes me hate living in europe.
I'm not 100% on this, but; I think the Creator of Mortal Monday said that as long as you and your opponent can connect and can record the match,
you can send the match to him to edit in the Commentating. Again, I'm not so sure about this. It is an option and a good idea.
TakeAChance, could you comment on this and clarify? thanks. :)


shit like this makes me hate living in europe.
I'm just going to throw this one out there but the recorder we got for 360 also lives in Europe. He's done great job before logging on at what I can imagine are ungodly hours for him, to record and all the respect for that. Where I'm going with this is that if you sign up and there is no problem with connecting to your opponent I don't see why you can't be a part of it.

Oh, and also, I think for now we can eliminate the idea of "newbie matches"? I mean, we can have a sign up option where people can classify themselves as beginners or what not, but none of the people you threw on there are by any means newbie or beginners. I'm just saying, we can have like a specific division for "newer players". :)


TYM White Knight
shit like this makes me hate living in europe.
Dude i have played against you lots. Your connection was fine. Our issues was my connection. I am on rubber band internet until Friday and have been all Summer.

You are more then welcome to join as is anyone else from Europe. I have absolutely no restrictions within this project.


TYM White Knight
I'm just going to throw this one out there but the recorder we got for 360 also lives in Europe. He's done great job before logging on at what I can imagine are ungodly hours for him, to record and all the respect for that. Where I'm going with this is that if you sign up and there is no problem with connecting to your opponent I don't see why you can't be a part of it.

Oh, and also, I think for now we can eliminate the idea of "newbie matches"? I mean, we can have a sign up option where people can classify themselves as beginners or what not, but none of the people you threw on there are by any means newbie or beginners. I'm just saying, we can have like a specific division for "newer players". :)
I agree I don't like the name. I think I will just rename them "opening bouts".

The most important matches on the cards are the first and last matches :)

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Dude i have played against you lots. Your connection was fine. Our issues was my connection. I am on rubber band internet until Friday and have been all Summer.

You are more then welcome to join as is anyone else from Europe. I have absolutely no restrictions within this project.
Well alright, I'll sign up. If anyone whines about the lag though then they can deal with it! :)
So Milky, THTB, Snips, yourself, and me? Reptile mirrors 4 lyf.


Dojo Trainee
a $100 capture card will still look good.
Not particularly the case. The big issue with having Wile E Jaguar record it is that he has an HD PVR (which are around $200, for the record), and every other match is going to need to stand up to that. If there's inconsistent quality throughout one card, it's going to look kind of... Unprofessional. Still, I'm sure we can find SOMEONE with an HD PVR on the PS3 side, especially if we're aiming to launch this in two weeks' time. That gives us all the time in the world to get this off the ground.

Also, while this decision isn't up to me, I don't think we should have console-specific commentary. I think the beauty of an event like this is that it does away with the split between PS3 and 360 players, since we can all be on the same card under the same circumstances. I'm okay with rotating commentators or having Shady and I take turns sitting off when we have guests, but I don't think commentators should be confined to one system. It feels more fluid if we just have everyone covering matches on both sides.

As for the card, I have one suggestion: Swap Lionheart and 16 Bit. For the main event, you could do a mirror match between THTB and Milky, and for the runner up, you could do a match between 16 Bit and Lionheart, provided 16 Bit is interested. I think the Reptile mirror is actually a really interesting fight, and I know there was a lot of hype for the one between Art Sanchez and Chris G at Evo. THTB and Milky are definitely the two best Reptiles I've played, so I think this would make for one hell of a show.

Also, while I like the idea of tag, it does seem like it might be out of place if Snips doesn't really have another character. If people are set on seeing a grudge match between the two of us, you could always just have us do a 1v1 for that and have Zyns play someone else, either in tag or 1v1. I think we should have one ruling for tag though, which is either no tag combos or no tag combos over 50%. Tag actually has a lot of 100% combos, and if we allow those, it's just going to be cheesy.

What I think WOULD be interesting is team 3v3, tourney style, single elimination (I'm assuming most of these events will be first to 2 sets, maybe 3 for the main event). Basically, three guys from one "team" play three guys from another team in individual matches, and when the first player on one team is eliminated, the second player moves up to fight the first player from the opposing team. Basically, winner stays on, and this continues until one whole team is eliminated. I find team matches are really interesting just because there can't be more than one of the same character on a team, and no one can switch out. In a matchup-based fighting game, it really makes for some cool sets. You also get some really crazy turnouts, like JSMaster reverse-OCVing Japan's team at Canada Cup last year.

We don't have to do this on week one, but it'd definitely be something to consider. There's always team 5v5 as well, but uh... That's a little harder to coordinate online.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Yeah the fact that Wile E Jaguar will have a legit recording compared to if I get a cheaper quality one will make some people kind of uninterested in the fights that I would record. I'm jobless now that school is about to start so I don't think buying a 200$+ recording device would be smart for me to do. If someone really knowledgable about recorders can confirm whether or not the quality will make a huge difference, that would be nice.

About the commentary, I just think that PS3 players commentating on PS3 fights could be a bit better because they might be more familiar with the people playing. That does create some bias which can pose problems, but at the same time I think more background info and such can be given. It's not necessary but I just think it'd make the commentary a bit better.

I think the main event should be 16_Bit v. THTB. They are both big names and that quality of a fight is equivaent to something you'd see at a tourny in the top 8 or something. Many people (PS3 users esepcially) probably don't know Milky or Lion and while they are very good, they aren't as known as either THTB or 16_Bit.

I really don't mind doing tag, I'll just use Mileena probbaly since I don't think I'm that bad with her or 3-Button King. I personally don't know shit about tag combos though so I wouldn't be pulling any flashy moves off. I do however want to be on this first card so I will try my best to learn something about Tag lol. I'll also try my best to do the most corny pre-fight talk in all my interview things.


The Mad_Hattr
If you could I would deem you one of the most awesome people in this thread and put your name all nice and neatly on the original post as a recorder :p
LoL, Yea man, I got ya. I'll probably pick it up tomorrow, play with it for a little, then post here letting you know Im good
Ah damn, these are on Monday's? Well I guess you can take my name off the list, I can only play Fridays and weekends now that school has started.


Grapple > Footsies
Ah damn, these are on Monday's? Well I guess you can take my name off the list, I can only play Fridays and weekends now that school has started.
The matches will be recorded beforehand and upped on Mondays. So shouldn't be a problem as long as you have someone to caputre.
The matches will be recorded beforehand and upped on Mondays. So shouldn't be a problem as long as you have someone to caputre.
Ok thank you that makes me feel alot better haha, oh and Bryan I decided to just say fuck everyone, stick with Rain, and pick up the Blonde as my second main.