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Hearthstone Discussion


"Cheap Grubber"
I hit OTK status yesterday.
Had out a spider and a golem the turn before, and then summoned

Warsong Commander, 2 frothing beserkers, and then played a coin for the 2nd spider.
Made the spiders ram into his taunt, giving each beserker 12 boosts, then the golem for another 4.
Slammed him for 18 a piece with charge.
Wanna play some matches? :D

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
I am getting wrecked by the new zoo now. Having eggs on board and spectral spiders make board clear a pain in the ass.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Obviously, except for the fact that silence isn't always available. You can literally insert L2anything as a way to not lose. If it were that simple you would never lose.
Honestly with how popular zoo is, I find myself running warrior and priest almost exclusively. Mass dispel kills their side so good, and holy nova does some work. Plus its hard for zoo to trade effectively with minions that have more health than usual. My warrior is more based around pyromancer synergy than anything, but nothing says "fuck your last 5 turns" like pyromancer + whirlwind


Scrub God Lord
This game is so fucking stupid.
Right after I get into rank 11 I see nothing, but Zoo...smh
Looks so brain dead l0l
What are control paladins suppose to do about?


Trust me, I'm a doctor
This game is so fucking stupid.
Right after I get into rank 11 I see nothing, but Zoo...smh
Looks so brain dead l0l
What are control paladins suppose to do about?
Learn to abuse Pyromancer a lot.
Literally throw him in, and divine shield his shit like 2 times. Nukes about 4 turns worth of minions right there and you don't lose anything for doing it. Then anything else he summons you can just keep mowing down.

I like my pyromancers lol.


Filthy Casual
Learn to abuse Pyromancer a lot.
Literally throw him in, and divine shield his shit like 2 times. Nukes about 4 turns worth of minions right there and you don't lose anything for doing it. Then anything else he summons you can just keep mowing down.

I like my pyromancers lol.
I wish I could afford Pyromancers. I just finally got an Azure Drake and a Argent Commander. I'm starving for more board clear with my Warrior.


Filthy Casual
My deck list is pretty good for its budget style. Want the list?
Yeah if you wouldn't mind. I've been using Colma's Tempo Warrior deck to some success (got me to rank 15-16) but...I only have 1 Azure Drake and 1 Argent Commander and no Bloodmage Thalnos. I pulled a Priest Legendary though so I might want to look at what I can do with a Priest tempo deck. Warrior and Priest have been my favorite so far...a bit of Hunter / Mage too.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I'll take that like as a yes.

Mind you, this is a work in progress, and the entire basis of it is swarming with Warsong to boost up minions like Frothing Beserker. This deck is just one huge combo to be done whenever you can manage. Makes good value out of the spiderlings, but just know you won't be playing much into the late game aside from dishing out one big attack. You can change the deck to better suit other needs, but this is just what I've got (and its not bad)

Inner Rage x2
Execute x2
Whirlwind x2
Fiery War Axe x2
Rampage x2
Slam x2
Armorsmith x2
Cruel Taskmaster x2
Haunted Creeper x2
Wild Pyromancer x2
Acolyte of pain x2
Frothing Beserker x2
Harvest Golem x2
Warsong Commander x2
Senjin Shieldmaster x2

This is the most budget deck I could make that will provide a good starting ground for building up while still having its own power. If done right, you can OTK an opponent and, worst come to, you'll be able to clear the entire field and force their removals out early.


Filthy Casual
I'll take that like as a yes.

Mind you, this is a work in progress, and the entire basis of it is swarming with Warsong to boost up minions like Frothing Beserker. This deck is just one huge combo to be done whenever you can manage. Makes good value out of the spiderlings, but just know you won't be playing much into the late game aside from dishing out one big attack. You can change the deck to better suit other needs, but this is just what I've got (and its not bad)

Inner Rage x2
Execute x2
Whirlwind x2
Fiery War Axe x2
Rampage x2
Slam x2
Armorsmith x2
Cruel Taskmaster x2
Haunted Creeper x2
Wild Pyromancer x2
Acolyte of pain x2
Frothing Beserker x2
Harvest Golem x2
Warsong Commander x2
Senjin Shieldmaster x2

This is the most budget deck I could make that will provide a good starting ground for building up while still having its own power. If done right, you can OTK an opponent and, worst come to, you'll be able to clear the entire field and force their removals out early.
I like that style of deck but doesn't that put a huge amount of emphasis on the Frothing? Any single target spell removal and it's bad news.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I like that style of deck but doesn't that put a huge amount of emphasis on the Frothing? Any single target spell removal and it's bad news.
Frothing himself is just a part of it, you can get by with just minion swarming. Also the point is to have frothing get the charge bonus from Warsong commander, so they won't have the chance to remove it before the damage is done.

Also if you can't find it in yourself to manage some stuff, you can trade the rampages for eggs. Eggs are free and work well with the idea of buff and swarm.

If nothing else, the emphasis is all on warsong commander, not frothing. You could do the same combo with Fresleating Ghouls if you wanted, or hell, use both. :p


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
What deck do you run?
Aggro Hunter. Not the derp slam down charge minions one, but with lots of traps one. It's quite fun to play, faking people out with traps and having them salty spam emotes is the best