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"Cheap Grubber"
Aggro Hunter. Not the derp slam down charge minions one, but with lots of traps one. It's quite fun to play, faking people out with traps and having them salty spam emotes is the best
I've been wanting to run a hunter, but wasn't sure which to run.
Do you think I could see your decklist? :)


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I've been wanting to run a hunter, but wasn't sure which to run.
Do you think I could see your decklist? :)
Before you ask about fairie dragon...it helps ALOT in the druid and rogue MUs specifically. Especially if you are player 1 and turn 1 leper gnome, turn 2 fairie dragon or just coin out fairie dragon on turn 1 as player 2, it can be extremely hard to deal with and deal a lot of dmg. I've won games based on it turn 2 fairie dragon lol.


Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
Put together a pally deck, working out nicely. I don't think i'm going to be netdecking as it's not my style. Got to rank 10 so far, hopefully it keeps going :D


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Before you ask about fairie dragon...it helps ALOT in the druid and rogue MUs specifically. Especially if you are player 1 and turn 1 leper gnome, turn 2 fairie dragon or just coin out fairie dragon on turn 1 as player 2, it can be extremely hard to deal with and deal a lot of dmg. I've won games based on it turn 2 fairie dragon lol.

Looks so much better than mine D:

Hunters Mark x2
Flare x1
Stonetusk Boar x2
Timberwolf x2
Explosive Trap x2
Haunted Creeper x2
Ironbeak Owl x1
Scavenging Hyena x2
Starving Buzzard x2
Animal Companion x2
Kill Command x2
Unleash the Hounds x2
Flesheating Ghoul x2
Cult Master x1
Houndmaster x2
Tundra Rhino x1
Maexxna x1
Savannah Highmane x1

Also is that a golden hero I see >_>


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Looks so much better than mine D:

Hunters Mark x2
Flare x1
Stonetusk Boar x2
Timberwolf x2
Explosive Trap x2
Haunted Creeper x2
Ironbeak Owl x1
Scavenging Hyena x2
Starving Buzzard x2
Animal Companion x2
Kill Command x2
Unleash the Hounds x2
Flesheating Ghoul x2
Cult Master x1
Houndmaster x2
Tundra Rhino x1
Maexxna x1
Savannah Highmane x1

Also is that a golden hero I see >_>
Haha yeah I got 500 wins a day or two ago

Also, your deck is closer to midrange hunter, which isnt quite as aggresive
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False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
So I can kinda understand the dragon and the golem, but why the wolfrider?
Just some more direct dmg that doesnt have a downside like golem or leeroy. Also makes them use some removal on it. Gotta get them down to kill range


"Cheap Grubber"
Before you ask about fairie dragon...it helps ALOT in the druid and rogue MUs specifically. Especially if you are player 1 and turn 1 leper gnome, turn 2 fairie dragon or just coin out fairie dragon on turn 1 as player 2, it can be extremely hard to deal with and deal a lot of dmg. I've won games based on it turn 2 fairie dragon lol.

Nice man! Thanks for sharing.


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I guess it just doesn't seem as great against things like Mage.
Freeze mage is super free for my build, and most aggro/trap hunters. Aggro is still advantage for the hunter, but if they get their fireballs/Frost bolts/ice lances combos in the top 10 cards it's hard to beat that

Overall there isnt many mages and this deck still has advantage over both builds of them lol


yea hunter usually beats the mages in play right now.
with the right traps and the right plays hunter does super well against ramp druid too.
used to use a lot of hunter last season: misdirection and freezing is annoying for them.
then when they do get a minion to stick to the board, you always have hunters mark

for people struggling against zoo you can try priest, control warrior, shaman and handlock
for priest it is all about pyro combos and drawing a lot of cards out of the cleric to get the answers you need
handlock you mulligan for hellfire and moltens and its pretty free
shaman used to be solid for zoo but i am not sure what it is like now since the spiders and eggs being added to zoo. same with warrior.
havent got to play a lot of shaman and control warrior with the new zoo, but it is priests and handlocks that give me trouble when i run it

i usually run handlock right now and i have no real problems. its super solid right now. but if i start to see a lot of hunters then i wont use handlock.
oh , also for zoo..... the deck that dizzy posted can be really good against it.... well from what i remember last season. if you get hounds and explosive you have a good chance but just like shaman/warrior... i am not sure what the mu is like now with the new cards


Scrub God Lord
Finally made a Zoo deck, so fucking good l0l
this is beyond retarded, a 5 drop with 5/7 and with charge.
This is so brain dead
this is like using bane...........smh


"Cheap Grubber"
Bleh, my decks are kind of ass.

Anyway, the Plague Quarter is out on the Asia server, so.. it will be streamed by players now.


Finally made a Zoo deck, so fucking good l0l
this is beyond retarded, a 5 drop with 5/7 and with charge.
This is so brain dead
this is like using bane...........smh
its not really braindead..... zoo is a pretty hard deck to play at the highest level.

the doomguard gets rid of 2 other cards, which in most tcg is a pretty steep cost.
you are never really suppose to play him at turn 5 unless you curved out perfectly and you only discard one card and it will be an irrelevant card for the next few turns.
its better off saving him for when he doesnt discard.


Blind justice....
yea hunter usually beats the mages in play right now.
with the right traps and the right plays hunter does super well against ramp druid too.
used to use a lot of hunter last season: misdirection and freezing is annoying for them.
then when they do get a minion to stick to the board, you always have hunters mark

for people struggling against zoo you can try priest, control warrior, shaman and handlock
for priest it is all about pyro combos and drawing a lot of cards out of the cleric to get the answers you need
handlock you mulligan for hellfire and moltens and its pretty free
shaman used to be solid for zoo but i am not sure what it is like now since the spiders and eggs being added to zoo. same with warrior.
havent got to play a lot of shaman and control warrior with the new zoo, but it is priests and handlocks that give me trouble when i run it

i usually run handlock right now and i have no real problems. its super solid right now. but if i start to see a lot of hunters then i wont use handlock.
oh , also for zoo..... the deck that dizzy posted can be really good against it.... well from what i remember last season. if you get hounds and explosive you have a good chance but just like shaman/warrior... i am not sure what the mu is like now with the new cards
Actually aggro hunter vs Ramp Druid is like 50/50 in general. If you get all the right cards (on right order) then he's free but other then that its a flip of the coin or in his favor (turn 1 yeti or turn 2 druid of the claw and you're pretty much screwed).

Handlock is very solid, thou its almost free to aggro hunter. :) ZOO is now also very solid with eggs, so is agrro Rogue. Thou people still play Miracle, dunno why i always thought this deck is like "take a chance" vs any other deck. If you dont draw Gadget you're screwed in 80% of matches.

Should really push for legend one of the seasons the card back is to slick not to have.
Really nothing special man, i have it and i used it only like for few days, months back. Now, for me, it's a waste of time.


Actually aggro hunter vs Ramp Druid is like 50/50 in general. If you get all the right cards (on right order) then he's free but other then that its a flip of the coin or in his favor (turn 1 yeti or turn 2 druid of the claw and you're pretty much screwed).

Handlock is very solid, thou its almost free to aggro hunter. :) ZOO is now also very solid with eggs, so is agrro Rogue. Thou people still play Miracle, dunno why i always thought this deck is like "take a chance" vs any other deck. If you dont draw Gadget you're screwed in 80% of matches.

Really nothing special man, i have it and i used it only like for few days, months back. Now, for me, it's a waste of time.
turn 1 yeti or turn 2 yeti / druid of the claw is beaten by a freezing trap
then they used up innervate and the coin


Blind justice....
turn 1 yeti or turn 2 yeti / druid of the claw is beaten by a freezing trap
then they used up innervate and the coin
Not really if he plays turn 1 yeti and see you play turn 2 trap its obvious he gonna just test it with hero power first. Since its not gonna trigger, he will know for sure its a freezing trap and just wait / play another little minion and attack with him.
It's not like you can play anything significant on turn 3 (bow or deadly shot [if you have it even] at best, both leave you at disadvantage)

And sure there are possibilities but vs a good Ramp Druid who knows the match up its 50/50 at best.

Or hunters mark + stone tusk/arcane which is still your advantage overall
GL on using your 1 of 1 or 2 hunters mark on Yeti vs a Ramp Druid which obviusly runs 2x Ancient of Wars (and druid of the claws) and other big creatures. I've played this MU dunno how many time (but like x00) with many legend rank players it's 50/50 at best. Just to be clear i only play aggro Hunter or Tempo Rogue.
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