I'll take that like as a yes.
Mind you, this is a work in progress, and the entire basis of it is swarming with Warsong to boost up minions like Frothing Beserker. This deck is just one huge combo to be done whenever you can manage. Makes good value out of the spiderlings, but just know you won't be playing much into the late game aside from dishing out one big attack. You can change the deck to better suit other needs, but this is just what I've got (and its not bad)
Inner Rage x2
Execute x2
Whirlwind x2
Fiery War Axe x2
Rampage x2
Slam x2
Armorsmith x2
Cruel Taskmaster x2
Haunted Creeper x2
Wild Pyromancer x2
Acolyte of pain x2
Frothing Beserker x2
Harvest Golem x2
Warsong Commander x2
Senjin Shieldmaster x2
This is the most budget deck I could make that will provide a good starting ground for building up while still having its own power. If done right, you can OTK an opponent and, worst come to, you'll be able to clear the entire field and force their removals out early.