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What's Your Favorite Horror Movie(s)?

Hey, all.
Didn't see one of these and wanted to make one in hopes of discussing Horror Movies and Movies in general.

I go by Hound for a reason;
I just can't get enough of Werewolf Movies.
My favorites being: "An American Werewolf In London", "An American Werewolf In Paris",
"Silver Bullet", "Ginger Snaps"(The First and the Third), and Many more.

When I was a Kid I enjoyed the frightened feeling i'd get when watching "Stephen Kings IT".
I Guess that, and "Puppet Master", contributed to my small phobia of Doll-Clowns..
Ya' know, the ones that have that Stupid smile and those creepy eyes. Like the one in Poltergeist.

Are there any other Horror-loving MK Players here?
Post Some of your favorite Horror Movies and let's share/discuss!



my personal all time favorite....

THE THING (1982)

I'm pretty pissed off that The Thing is being remade again because the Kurt Russell version is PERFECT. There is nothing they can possibly do to make that film any better.

Metalwolf, have you seen Dog Soldiers? I haven't seen a lot of werewolf movies besides some of the obvious ones (werewolf in london), but I remember thinking Dog Soldiers was pretty good. Mind you I haven't seen it since it was first released to DVD years ago...


I like to think I'm good.
I like the Final Destination, the suspense of how each of them get killed off.
I really liked Trick 'r Treat, it's not the most know, but it's really freaky.

Not really much else I can list at this point. I just became a horror movie fan recently, so I still got a lot to watch.

Ironically, I haven't watched a nightmare on elm street before.
Great, another re-make of a classic. Can't wait! ~Sarcasm OFF~
"The Thing" is a great movie, great classic. Been a while since I last watched it. Gonna have to sometime soon.

And Yes, watched that the other night. Love it.
I was actually referred to as looking like the werewolves in that movie, as far as height goes.(I'm not as tall as people think. At least not to me.)
Alot of people disagree, But I think it deserves a top 10 with all the classics.

Ah, Final Destination. :) They do have good story-lines/Plots.
As far as Trick-'R-Treat goes...I thought it was a decent, yet above standard horror movie.
The horror movies now-a-days are more focused on breast-size than quality of the film.
I highly recommend you watching the ORIGINAL Nightmare on Elm street's with Robert Englund.
And welcome to the Club. ;)

Didn't expect this much this fast. Goin' good!


the closest thing to that genre I watch would be the 28 days/weeks

In my childhood I've seen Poltergeist, Stephen King's IT, Childs Play, Puppet Master, Basket Case, The Children etc. I've heard Event Horizon is scary as fk but never watched it.
the closest thing to that genre I watch would be the 28 days/weeks

In my childhood I've seen Poltergeist, Stephen King's IT, Childs Play, Puppet Master, Basket Case, The Children etc. I've heard Event Horizon is scary as fk but never watched it.
28 Days and weeks were fun to watch. :)
Never heard of Event Horizon..I'll go check that out right now.
Child's Play is always hilarious to watch. I don't exactly know why though.

Oh, Is your avatar specifically for Freddy or just a coincidence? :p
On the topic of werewolfs, have you seen "the wolfman"? If its age doesn't deterr you then i can recommend it.

A personal favorite among old "horror" movies is the invisible man, i love the scene where the main character comes skipping down a road singing a song whilst following an annoying screaming woman. Fantastic.
I forgot to mention Wolfman! :doh:
Yes I remember watching that when I was young. Lon Chaney JR. :)
I can actually say that I don't remember watching Invisible Man, i'm disappointed in myself..
Got to go check alot of movies tonight.

Getting a really good response with this.


Nightmare on Elm Street 1,3, & New Nightmare
The Thing
Halloween 1& 2
Friday the 13th
Hellraiser 1-3
Puppet Master 1-3
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 & 2
Christine (Seein the car come back to life gives me goosebumps)
The Howling
An American Werewolf in London (just watched last night)



Black Christmas (1974)

IMO this is the first true slasher film and one of THE BEST

Halloween (1978)

The Grandaddy of slashers

When a stranger calls (1979)

Jill, this is sergeant Sacker. Listen to me. We've traced the call... it's coming from inside the house. Now a squad car's coming over there right now, just get out of that house!
That infamous scene is guaranteed to make a grown man shit himself!

The Tenant (1976)

Amazing film by the amazing pedophile Roman Polanski. This film is so bizarre and has elements of Black Comedy in it. IMO A great satire on society in general.

Repulsion (1965)

Another Brilliant Roman Polanski Gem. Great film about sexual repression and mental illness. Very intense psychological horror.

The Texas Chainsaw Maccacre (1974)

The grandaddy of grindhouse celluloid trashterpiece!

Last House On The left (1972)

Brilliant and disturbing grindhouse trash

À l'intérieur (2007)

One of the best French horror flicks of the french New Wave horror invasion

The Thing (1982)

One of the few remakes that surpasses the original by a long stretch

Alien (1979)

The best sci fi horror of all time IMO

Dead Alive (1992)

Kiwi gore-fest from the great peter jackson

Suspiria (1977)

From the horror maestro Dario Argento. Amazing cinematography and truly eerie storylien and atmosphere makes this an all time italian classic

Deep Red (1975)

The best giallo flick hands down.

The Beyond (1981)

From the godfather of gore Lucio Fulci. Disgusting and bizzare flick with horrible dialog and ridiculous overdubbing.

The House By The Cemetery (1981)

Another Lucio Fulci gem that will have you scratching your head as you try to make sense of what you saw

Cemetary Man (1994)

till this day I still dont know why I like this film or what the hell its about LOL. It;s one of those WTF movies.

Begotten (1990)

Not exactly horror, its more along the lines of exploitation and arthouse. With that said,this is one disturbing film. Best watched high on mind altering substances. Heres the plot:
God disembowels himself with a straight razor. The spirit-like Mother Earth emerges, venturing into a bleak, barren landscape. Twitching and cowering, the Son Of Earth is set upon by faceless cannibals.
Santa Sangre (1989)

Vile, appalling, immoral would be the best words to describe this film.

Thats about it. those are just a few of my favorites, if I continue naming more, I'd take until christmas lol.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
LOL Jaws! The movie that made all the kids fear the beach! Great film.
yea man, my older sister showed me this movie when i was like 3 or 4 years old and SCARED THE HOLY FUCKING SHIT OUT OF ME lmao

Its not your traditional kind of horror movie, but goddamn it was scary when you were younger. :D
Did not expect this big of an outcome. This turned out to be a great Idea after all! :)

God's Lonely Man: I appreciate the time and effort you put into that post. Really Great stuff man!
Thanks for reminding me about Black Christmas, Alien(s), and When a Stranger Calls! Great movies, Great experience.
Tim: Nice!
TWZTID: Man! So many memories.

Thank you all for sharing! :)


Dead Alive is fuckin AWESOME!!
I kick ass for the LORD!!!

Jaws is a masterpiece. The second is a great too.


Sig Maker
This might be an off the wall kind of horror movie, but I recently watched it like 5 days ago and it's pretty powerful stuff; I'm still spooked by that shit.

Anyway, the movie is called "Death of a Ghost Hunter" and man that shit is spine-tingling. The movie has this documentary-esque style but conveys its spooky message pretty powerfully IMO.

My favorite horror movies though are:

Blade 1 and 2 - Blade was just a badass character and had a badass personality. Wesley Snipes pulled off the part perfectly. And is it me or does Blade look really close to Raven from Tekken? The third Blade movie was ass just in case anyone's wondering.

Final Destination Movies - C'mon, some of the deaths are ridiculous lol.

Halloween - Myers FTW
FD Series, cept for 4. It sucked.

Scream Series.

Jeepers Creepers 1. 2 Sucked.

The Mist.

Paranormal Activity 1 was decent, 2 was blah.

Insidious - Amazing first half, hilarious second half (NOT in a good way.)

A Nightamare on Elm Street - <3 Freddy.
Mr. Rougelike: Yes! I agree 1000%.

xminiM1: Nice to finally see Scream, And Jeepers Creepers on a list. :) love them.
Paranomal Activity(1 and 2) were good. Nice Suspense build-up.
The Mist, Sorry But that ending was terrible. Kill ya kid's, kill ya wife, kill ya friend, then..HEY WE ARE HERE TO SAVE YOU.

King: One word, Blade's-Badass. No doubt about it.
Atleast he didn't look like he did in demolition man, that would have been a joke. :p


This is getting gooooood! ;)

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
In The Mouth of Madness
Dead Alive aka brain dead (Was done by Peter Jackson)
They Live
Hellraiser 1 and 2
Feast 1,2 and 3 - Great fucking movies IMHO

So many more, I hope to get some good suggestions from this thread.

Edit: Mist was good and the ending was the shit great damn ending. Lot different then the audio novella but much better I thought.