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"Cheap Grubber"
I'm currently uploading my first video and first Hearthstone video to YouTube.

I'm not the best and I didn't really edit it or anything, but I will edit the link in this post when it's done for anyone who cares to see banana powered Water Elemental! ;)


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I did. I made a spin on quite a few of them, though Chakk doesn't run handlock or miracle so I couldn't abuse him with my druid one.
He learned to fear Jaraxxus though.


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Pretty sweet its coming out in July. I hear its being speculated it comes out July 15th with would be perfect for some post-evo play.

Random story that leeroy avatar reminded me of. I used to play with a guy that played with several members in PALS FOR LIFE, the guild that made that video. His main was a resto druid on that server. I don't think he was ever in that guild, but did premade BGs with them.

If @Sultani or @rotanadan ever see this thread, it was Ackron (Sam)

I love reminiscing about WoW, lol
Reactions: Jer


"Cheap Grubber"
Pretty sweet its coming out in July. I hear its being speculated it comes out July 15th with would be perfect for some post-evo play.

Random story that leeroy avatar reminded me of. I used to play with a guy that played with several members in PALS FOR LIFE, the guild that made that video. His main was a resto druid on that server. I don't think he was ever in that guild, but did premade BGs with them.

If @Sultani or @rotanadan ever see this thread, it was Ackron (Sam)

I love reminiscing about WoW, lol
Curse of Naxx? Yeah, hopefully it's July 15th. Looking forward to it!

Some good memories of WoW for sure.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
There's 5 wings/sections of the Curse of Naxx adventure.
The first wing is free to all forever.
The last four you need to buy, with either in-game gold or real money.
Oh... I just want the swords, but I'm a sucker and will drop money on the other wings.
I mean balls... You should see how much I've spent on packs and LoL


"Cheap Grubber"
Oh... I just want the swords, but I'm a sucker and will drop money on the other wings.
I mean balls... You should see how much I've spent on packs and LoL
I've bought some packs, not many... probably like 30 total. I only have one legendary - Ragnaros.

I'm gonna buy all of Naxx for sure.

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
I have like 3, I used to have more.
Cairns, rag, jaraxxus,
You have more than that doomie :mad: lol.

I really need to get some new cards. I don't even know what I want to do though as far as decks go. All the deck ideas that I like are super expensive though and I have really bad luck with booster packs.

The last two days I have literally only played vs hand lock, miracle rogue and control warrior it seems like.

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
anyone have any good budget decks? I don't have any legendaries at the moment and really don't feel like buying 30 packs. I have most of the good rares. I spent all my dust on a zeus shaman deck and a murloc deck.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
anyone have any good budget decks? I don't have any legendaries at the moment and really don't feel like buying 30 packs. I have most of the good rares.
Any specific class? I have quite a few (most of my decks can run without any legends barring my lock deck)