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MKX to take over tournaments nationwide.


Yes, MKX does look good. But I don't think I'll like it like MK9, smh @ stamina meter and the 'run' feature.

I don't like balanced fighters because I believe in tier lists. For instance, MK9. It'd be boring if all of them were factually in the same realm of chance of winning against each-other via 5-5 matchups. It's fun when there's broken characters and shittier characters. Makes the game last longer. Idc if my favorite character is trash in the game, I'll just pick someone top tier that I happen to like or just use a bottom tier. Think people dislike unbalanced fighting games cause their favorite character was lacking tools or whatever.

In mk9 I used 8 characters mainly: Kano/KungLao/Jax/Reptile/Ermac/Scorpion/QuanChi/Cage

Never liked Kano in a game before (playing wise, but always liked him as a character), same with Cage/Jax/KL. But It's not cause Cage/Jax/KL are top tier, just like how they played. Scorpion/Kano/QuanChi were shit tier but liked them as well. Depends on how they are in the game, not the tier placement.
I think the tier lists and discussions are fun and interesting(as long as there aren't 100000x of them lol) but a fighting game where pretty much every character can win... I think that's just awesome. It means you really have to learn each matchup and be very knowledgable with and vs the whole cast, you can't just counterpick.

I mean don't you think you're going to see a lot more dedicated players to a game that's properly balanced and not just 4-5 characters in every top 8 because they body everyone? That seems boring to me man.

I do love it when someone places real well with a character believed to be shit-tier though :)


I'll be frank.

Hell no. SF will always have more entrants than MK. Except MAYBE the first two tournaments and that's just because it's a new game.
Marvel is on its way out so there's a possibility that MK will have higher entrants in the first few months but Marvel will sustain while MK gets less and less entrants. MK players are very online-oriented and a lot don't come out to events. Not only that, but outside of the MK world patches are looked down upon. A lot of people drop NRS games when their characters get nerfed and they refuse to adapt. I would love MK to be the most entered game, but it won't happen. Plus, SF and Marvel have huge scenes overseas, while MK is mainly an american game. I'm not being a pessimistic just telling it how it is.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
I'll be frank.

Hell no. SF will always have more entrants than MK. Except MAYBE the first two tournaments and that's just because it's a new game.
Marvel is on its way out so there's a possibility that MK will have higher entrants in the first few months but Marvel will sustain while MK gets less and less entrants. MK players are very online-oriented and a lot don't come out to events. Not only that, but outside of the MK world patches are looked down upon. A lot of people drop NRS games when their characters get nerfed and they refuse to adapt. I would love MK to be the most entered game, but it won't happen. Plus, SF and Marvel have huge scenes overseas, while MK is mainly an american game. I'm not being a pessimistic just telling it how it is.
so how you say it is, is set in stone? that with what i listed it can't change? this realistic point of view really pisses me off in general, if you would love for MKX to be on top then try everything you can to do so, things dont just happen, it will never just always be SF on top until the end of time, eventually it will fall as well. if NRS puts that feature into MKX i would bet money they could be huge numbers in all tournaments. capcom players have the advantage of sponsors and huge base audience playing a competitive fighting game. but its all about the marketing my man. watch, i'l save this quote for one day dont worry :)


so how you say it is, is set in stone? that with what i listed it can't change? this realistic point of view really pisses me off in general, if you would love for MKX to be on top then try everything you can to do so, things dont just happen, it will never just always be SF on top until the end of time, eventually it will fall as well. if NRS puts that feature into MKX i would bet money they could be huge numbers in all tournaments. capcom players have the advantage of sponsors and huge base audience playing a competitive fighting game. but its all about the marketing my man. watch, i'l save this quote for one day dont worry :)
No, it really will be SF on top always. Why aren't you listening?? You can't just ignore facts and just hope for change illogically.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
No, it really will be SF on top always. Why aren't you listening?? You can't just ignore facts and just hope for change illogically.
lol what is illogical? if anything you fail to have a grasp the only constant, which is change. it will not be SF on top always, always means forever and it won't be on top forever.


lol what is illogical? if anything you fail to have a grasp the only constant, which is change. it will not be SF on top always, always means forever and it won't be on top forever.
You failed to counter any of my points or even acknowledge them. Concrete reasons on why NRS games will not trump SF games. A big reason being the constant patching early on and the lack of international players.

And yes I know EVENTUALLY the game could be overthrown, but if SF dies the FGC dies for the most part.


You failed to counter any of my points or even acknowledge them. Concrete reasons on why NRS games will not trump SF games. A big reason being the constant patching early on and the lack of international players.

And yes I know EVENTUALLY the game could be overthrown, but if SF dies the FGC dies for the most part.
While i'm not sure if NRS can overthrow, or even compete with, SF, I don't think constant patching is exactly the issue.

FG communities have this major aversion to patches given that in the old days you played in an arcade, and if you didn't fucking like something you got better or quit. Still, with that in mind, there's entire genre's of games with competitive scene's based around fairly frequent pathcing(lol comes to mind). Personally I hate overly frequent patches, but it does have tremendous casual appeal, and I do think that fixing stupid mistakes is worth it, if done quick. The thing NRS never really got down was "when do we react right the hell now, and when do we just let it go?". It seemed like they overreacted early on in MK9's life, and then under reacted later, but to be honest i'd rather they try than just let things sit (which probably would've driven away competitive and casual players alike).

For them right now it's going to mostly be about finding a balance to keep the casual's interested and coming back (is my character good now? How's this new guy?), without totally pissing off the competitive community. Monthly balance patches would likely be too much barring extreme issues(which they should do everything to avoid) so maybe more like every 4-6. The big trick is making patches that don't rewrite the entire meta, so even when they occur, it doesn't feel like all the time you've spent learning X or Y didn't just get flushed down the drain.

And even if i'm totally wrong, I still think the bigger issue is getting casuals to stay. SF has a competitive legacy that helps sell the game and keep players. MK's lifespan hasn't ever grown competitively to the level of SF, so they still need to help it expand. Helping to hype tournaments, easing the transition to casual to intermediate, and allowing players to help with prize pools(compendium like DLC maybe? Although that's extremely difficult when you're multiplatform. In fact that's a tremendous issue with patching in general) could help grow and keep the playerbase, so long as the balance/gameplay isn't a mess.


While i'm not sure if NRS can overthrow, or even compete with, SF, I don't think constant patching is exactly the issue.

FG communities have this major aversion to patches given that in the old days you played in an arcade, and if you didn't fucking like something you got better or quit. Still, with that in mind, there's entire genre's of games with competitive scene's based around fairly frequent pathcing(lol comes to mind). Personally I hate overly frequent patches, but it does have tremendous casual appeal, and I do think that fixing stupid mistakes is worth it, if done quick. The thing NRS never really got down was "when do we react right the hell now, and when do we just let it go?". It seemed like they overreacted early on in MK9's life, and then under reacted later, but to be honest i'd rather they try than just let things sit (which probably would've driven away competitive and casual players alike).

For them right now it's going to mostly be about finding a balance to keep the casual's interested and coming back (is my character good now? How's this new guy?), without totally pissing off the competitive community. Monthly balance patches would likely be too much barring extreme issues(which they should do everything to avoid) so maybe more like every 4-6. The big trick is making patches that don't rewrite the entire meta, so even when they occur, it doesn't feel like all the time you've spent learning X or Y didn't just get flushed down the drain.

And even if i'm totally wrong, I still think the bigger issue is getting casuals to stay. SF has a competitive legacy that helps sell the game and keep players. MK's lifespan hasn't ever grown competitively to the level of SF, so they still need to help it expand. Helping to hype tournaments, easing the transition to casual to intermediate, and allowing players to help with prize pools(compendium like DLC maybe? Although that's extremely difficult when you're multiplatform. In fact that's a tremendous issue with patching in general) could help grow and keep the playerbase, so long as the balance/gameplay isn't a mess.
I know personally most of the reason our community stops playing the game is patching. I don't mind it, and most of the time its needed, but it's definitely a big problem the capcom community has with the NRS games.

Vulcan Hades

The number of people that stop playing because of patches is greatly inferior to the number of people who would drop the game if it wasn't patched.

That said, I agree MK will always be far behind Capcom games unless they somehow manage to get people overseas interested in MK. It can't be the number 1 game if there's no international interest/comp. It's just impossible.

Also the new Smash will probably have a much bigger community and following than MKX. Doesn't mean there's no hope though. Marvel players are bored and they see no future in MvC3. So MKX will still be a top 3 or top 4 game at tournaments like EVO. We just have to keep supporting it to make sure it stays a top 3 game for more than a year or two.
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A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
MK is played internationally, you have the Greeks, English, Chileans, Angolans, Irish, Canadians, some Aussies, the Dutch, some Scandinavians, and some in the Middle East.

We just are bad at coordinating ourselves all as one.

Obviously USA is biggest, but tournament players outside of the USA could probably match the USAs numbers

Vulcan Hades

MK is played internationally, you have the Greeks, English, Chileans, Angolans, Irish, Canadians, some Aussies, the Dutch, some Scandinavians, and some in the Middle East.

We just are bad at coordinating ourselves all as one.

Obviously USA is biggest, but tournament players outside of the USA could probably match the USAs numbers
Yeah only problem is every country is playing in their own little corner. So even if the game is played internationally there's still no real and serious international comp. And asians not playing it is kind of a big deal lol. They are the FGC master race with fighting game genes after all.
MK is played internationally, you have the Greeks, English, Chileans, Angolans, Irish, Canadians, some Aussies, the Dutch, some Scandinavians, and some in the Middle East.

We just are bad at coordinating ourselves all as one.

Obviously USA is biggest, but tournament players outside of the USA could probably match the USAs numbers
The issue is we don't really have tournaments that bring us together.


That's about right.
Loading up MKX and seeing tournament dates and links to streams could be huge. MKX will have huge numbers during the first few tournaments, but it will dwindle down. Advertising tournaments could potentially boost numbers for awhile longer. Lets not pretend MK doesn't sell a ridiculous amount for a fighting game. All things are possible.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Realistically I do see what @JDM is saying @Zyphox . We can't just overthrow SF4 because its the foundation of the FGC and it has waaay too big of an international following.

Think back to a few years ago when MvC3 came out though.

It was when SF4 was still HOT but no latest patch or update had come on for a while. Because the excitement was so high for the game's release it actually took the pimp time slot as the last shown game in some tournaments and this created tons of MvC diehards in the USA that keep the scene thriving.

This is the direction MKX could go. Around the time it comes out it'd be a year that UltraSF4 was released, and with no indication of further SF4 updates anytime soon I think its a prime time for a new hot game to take the spotlight because MvC3 is on a downslope too thanks to no support from Capcom for years.

It has to thrive in the USA first THEN itll spread. We cant just hope Japan will play it like crazy because that literally is impossible at this point.


Realistically I do see what @JDM is saying @Zyphox . We can't just overthrow SF4 because its the foundation of the FGC and it has waaay too big of an international following.

Think back to a few years ago when MvC3 came out though.

It was when SF4 was still HOT but no latest patch or update had come on for a while. Because the excitement was so high for the game's release it actually took the pimp time slot as the last shown game in some tournaments and this created tons of MvC diehards in the USA that keep the scene thriving.

This is the direction MKX could go. Around the time it comes out it'd be a year that UltraSF4 was released, and with no indication of further SF4 updates anytime soon I think its a prime time for a new hot game to take the spotlight because MvC3 is on a downslope too thanks to no support from Capcom for years.

It has to thrive in the USA first THEN itll spread. We cant just hope Japan will play it like crazy because that literally is impossible at this point.
That and SF V is probably only a couple years off itself.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
The reason for the Numbers at SCR is probably because you have people entering their Main Game. Whether it is SF, SC, MVC, Anime Game etc. And they decide to enter other games cause they don't mind spending the extra 10 to have fun. So its like if im someone with a real job and i went to a tournament i would pay the extra ten to fuck around and Play Marvel. Just for the shits. *I used to play Marvel so i actually know how to play the game* I would also Enter other side tournaments. The thing about MLG is the games are set. And if you don't play those 3 games as your main game then you will probably not go to MLG. A good example of a Person that does this is Chemist 4 Hire. When he goes to tournaments although his Main game is Street Fighter he will still enter Injustice since he knows how to play the game and cause an extra ten bucks doesn't really matter that much to him.

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
I think it's possible between the returning MK guys and the open-minded Injustice players to compete with Capcom games, but I'm not too sure about surpassing it. MKX will definitely be played by Capcom players initially, but they'll likely drop the game like they did MK9/Injustice after six or so months. Hopefully the game is good enough that they won't drop it, and if so, I'm sure MKX will have good numbers in tournaments.
If I'm not mistaken, didn't Mortal Kombat outsell Street Fighter by a mile?

So yeah, it's just a matter of getting a larger percentage of Mortal Kombat players to take a deeper interest in the game. And NRS seems to be doing this quite well.

* EDIT *

So, from all the information I could find searching, yes, Mortal Kombat (2011) significantly outsold Street Fighter IV (2009).
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King of the Bill
The hype on this game is going to take over the scene and it would be nice to see those capcom players give mkx a chance.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
First and foremost it has to be a good competitive game at some level. If it is then people won't drop it after a few months when the new game aura has worn off. If you want to match games like SF at a tournament level then you need to match or surpass the competitive quality of the game.
Secondly it has to be enjoyable to spectate. (MK has a bad stigma of stiff/goofy animations). If people are interested in watching it then it helps the game get bigger as TO's will want to run games people will watch.

If these two points aren't met than anything else you do is redundant.


"More stealthful than the night"
Elder God
MK:X has huge potential worldwide, Injustice was more of a niche' audience, if MK9 brought as many players out worldwide as it did then MK:X has even more of a chance for numbers.

I know the UK is going to go in hard, I have absolutely no doubt the rest of Europe will too, Greece, Poland, France, Russia, Netherlands etc.

Getting more numbers than other games isn't as important as just having people play in general, IMO.