After reading everyone's comments I must say that Ive seen good points from both sides. We shouldn't crucify people for not liking what they see so far. To be honest, I was expecting a MK 9.5 but that doesn't mean that I expected it to be like MK9. I have nothing against the fact that they've gone a new direction with it, it's just that the way they took it isn't to my liking. It's not even the character thing to me but more of just looking at the gameplay and seeing that injustice had more influence on it than MK9. If I loved/played injustice seriously, that would be a good thing but I don't. I think the game *LOOKS* awesome.No doubt about that. I like the x-rays and fatalities but they always look cool before the game comes and will get old pretty quick once we see them a million times. Im not going to say that this will be a bad game. Injustice wasn't a bad game. I've seen a few people say this in this thread and I will say it too. *AS OF NOW* this just don't look like a game that I would play competitively. I was concerned because I looked forward to the MK10 while being open to any change they would make. Injustice came out, I bought it, played it for a bit, tried to get into it, but just didn't love it. With MK10 resembling Injustice so far it looks like I'm gonna do the same thing with this game. That is what concerned me. Not the fact that they've done something new altogether and not that characters won't be returning from the previous one. It just reminds me too much of something I couldn't get into. Im only speaking for myself here. And I agree that change is definitely good but I'm not going to submit to if I feel that there are more things that I don't like about it. This is only how I feel about it now from what I've seen so far. I may feel completely different once I play it for a while and if I don't, it will just sit up on the shelf to collect dust until my friends come over.Just like injustice.