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For those complaing about MKX.


Scrubby nice guy
yes bitch and moan, these "people" you refer to are judging the game already, not disliking or like the trailer literally saying they won't even play the damn game because of a trailer, that is bitching and moaning sir/mam. am not saying everyone should like it, only pointing out that how negative people get over a gameplay trailer without even playing the game, so why don't you get over it?
Seems like I didnt totaly get what u mean. Thought u meant everybody is supposed to like everything about this trailer. Hard to say it through the internetz but sorry.

Esruck Cype

...or just call me E.C.
The initial "Voice Your Opinion for Injustice" thread for reference.

Hi, I'm E.C. I've been playing fighting games for around 20 years now, with a brief semi-pro period during the Dark Ages. I've played Tekken, SoulCal, DOA, Marvel, SF, BB, GG, and even a lil Smash. I'm a long-time casual MK/NRS fan; I loved the originals up to MK4. Unfortunately, I never got into MK9 or Injustice cuz of real life responsibilities and reports of horrid netplay, but I always watched tourneys because I found the games genuinely entertaining to watch, despite some issues with both games. Both of MKX's trailers have me hyped (as usual) for another NRS game, and I can only hope that the netplay this go-round is good.

So, my question is....

If I get into MKX, is this thread a good gauge of what I have to look forward to on TYM?


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Lol I swear did I walk into a political discussion or did I walk into a Mortal Kombat discussion...

We have some leftys here that embrace and want change we can believe in and then we got some right wingers here that fully want no change.

I can understand some are not happy with stage interactions, or they weren't fond of how two or three new characters looked, sure I get your issues. Unfortunately it hasn't been about how the new characters looked dumb or whatnot. No it has been "But its not MK, Why are they changing so much"

Sorry, to break it to you folks, but NRS makes every MK game different, even the original is vastly different form MK2. They have ensured that the franchise has stayed fresh since 1992, no the 3d style games were not great games, but hell back when those games came out every 2D FG was transitioning to a 3D plane, even SF did this nonsense, because for some reason Tekken and VF convinced developers nobody wants to play 2D FGs anymore.

Many of you that have complaining and being negative basically are requesting MK become CoD for FGs, sorry but that title belongs to Capcom (I'm not saying SF isn't a good game, but look how little it has changed since part 4 came out). CoD was at one time the FPS you go to for a great online experience, competitive gaming, and awesome SP content and now look at it. Every year its the same shit and barely a different toilet. Their sales in every iteration decline more and more with every new game. Its not even made by one developer its made by 3 different developers ensuring there is a new game every year. The game has grown so stale that its now imitating the games they aren't.

At least every two years now NRS puts out a new FG and they don't 100% copy and paste the previous into another version. I'm quite happy they didn't decide to just follow the formula that so called works. They provide us with a FG experience that isn't SF and Tekken, they bring us something different each time and they showed that from MK9 and IGAU they are making greater strides in taking what they learned from their last game and building upon it.

I grew up playing these games since the very original was in the arcades. It holds an extreme amount of nostalgia and yes I'm old now at 32 and I have come to only enjoy what I know and what is comfortable. I may be set in my ways, but when it comes to gaming I want more innovation, I want more newer experiences, and I want to see where the series goes.


That's about right.
Is it wrong I wanted a sequel and not a reboot?

NRS knows how to do both sequels and reboots of their franchise:

MK -> MK II | Original and Sequel

MK3 -> UMK3 -> MKT | Reboot and updates

MK4 -> MKG | Reboot and update (here things went sour because they decided to skip on the sequel)

MKDA -> MKD -> MKA | Here we got in fact a trilogy series.

MKvDC ! Spinoff

MK9 | Reboot (a long awaited and much needed one)

MKX | Reboot (WHY???)
MKX is not a reboot. Just because it has a different mechanic doesn't justify the title of a reboot. I think Boon said its kind of like a sequel/prequel thing to MK9..so its not a reboot.


MKX is not a reboot. Just because it has a different mechanic doesn't justify the title of a reboot. I think Boon said its kind of like a sequel/prequel thing to MK9..so its not a reboot.
This. Boon said it kinda continues the mk9 story but kinda doesnt. We'll see


Nut Breaker
That's not really a solution to the problem's I have with MK10. I don't want to go back to player 1 advantage, no hit trades, and the input bug. Just because I don't like aspects of MK10 doesn't mean I'm not willing to try it first.


The initial "Voice Your Opinion for Injustice" thread for reference.

Hi, I'm E.C. I've been playing fighting games for around 20 years now, with a brief semi-pro period during the Dark Ages. I've played Tekken, SoulCal, DOA, Marvel, SF, BB, GG, and even a lil Smash. I'm a long-time casual MK/NRS fan; I loved the originals up to MK4. Unfortunately, I never got into MK9 or Injustice cuz of real life responsibilities and reports of horrid netplay, but I always watched tourneys because I found the games genuinely entertaining to watch, despite some issues with both games. Both of MKX's trailers have me hyped (as usual) for another NRS game, and I can only hope that the netplay this go-round is good.

So, my question is....

If I get into MKX, is this thread a good gauge of what I have to look forward to on TYM?
Yes. We think the sky is falling over pretty much anything. And we REALLY get edgy right before a major.

But it's passion and youth. We have lots of smart, loud, quirky and funny people that I wouldn't want to leave no matter how the game turns out.

And the character forums here stay pretty calm and composed if you don't like our antics lol :)


Goro Lives 
MKX is not a reboot. Just because it has a different mechanic doesn't justify the title of a reboot. I think Boon said its kind of like a sequel/prequel thing to MK9..so its not a reboot.
I'm not talking about reboot in terms of story but in terms of gameplay mechanics. All the examples cited fit that criteria, and MKX seems to do so as well.


bye felicia
There's a pretty big divide between the people who are just turned off because they don't like it and the people who are losing their shit because its not mk9.5 or because nrs didn't completely disregard injustice they way they did.

One of those groups will dissipate with time and gameplay footage, the other will dog this game until release day when they buy it and still bitch anyway.


Noob Saibot
Preordered last week.

Does this even need to exist. We all know these people who bitch about it will buy the game.

I am happy with changes. It is exciting to see what NRS will bring to the table and not the same copy paste shit that comes out from other companies.


That's about right.
I'm not talking about reboot in terms of story but in terms of gameplay mechanics. All the examples cited fit that criteria, and MKX seems to do so as well.
So, you wanted MKX to play exactly like MK9? You should of known that wasn't going to happen. Every fighting game adds something new to each installment. SF threw out focus attacks, now red focus. It's not a big deal.


1 2 3 drink
I don't see a big problem with blockable interactables. They are a risk/reward attack or movement, just like throwing a special out. I could see the tournament players using them rarely and strategically.

Subzero throwing his own iceclone, NOT COMPETITIVE! Seems unfair advantage and only for the casual! :DOGE


Goro Lives 
So, you wanted MKX to play exactly like MK9? You should of known that wasn't going to happen. Every fighting game adds something new to each installment. SF threw out focus attacks, now red focus. It's not a big deal.
No, not by a long shot.

It's funny you bring SFIV into conversation since it is exactly the opposite of what MKX seems to be. Every iteration of SFIV keeps the core game mechanics and engine while adding new elements carefully and slowly that compliment said mechanics. MKX looks to be a repeat of what happened between MK II and MK3: a completely new game.

I'm talking about having a series: think Vampire Hunter, SF Zero/Alpha, SFIII, old VS series. Games series with installments that felt connected to each other, yet brought new elements to maintain a fresh and exciting experience.


To be honest, I was wanting MK9.5. This game will always be close to my heart because it is the first fighter that I tried to play competitively. Although I was unsuccessful at the highest level, the traveling, leveling up, excitement and enjoyment that I had playing at a high level cannot be beat.

I could not get into injustice, however, it was not really due to gameplay mechanics besides the constant 50/50 stuff. It was related to the characters. I've never been a huge fan of comics or the DC universe. I'm one of the "casual" DC guys that loves the new Batman films but knows nothing of the original character concepts and back story.

MK2 was the first one I played ever, and MK9 holds a similar spot in my heart because they were firsts, taking my virginity at the competitive level and being the first MK that I could remember attempting fatalities on. Nothing can replace MK in my world because it's straight up too cool.

All that being said, I think this game will be wonderful. I will personally have a difficult time adjusting because I haven't played much injustice and the interactable meta will be fairly new to me at a high level. The stages look ridiculously awesome. The old school but yet redone forest looks great, and the waves crashing against that port of the dead is a ridiculously cool concept. I hate the Sadira looking character because she looks like a KI copy/paste, but just like MK9, I hated Johnny at first so that may become my main.

It also blows my mind about how some people think that the game can't be competitive from 5 seconds of gameplay. Not to mention these same people you havd never heard of before on the competitive scene. Quite frankly, most of us have no right to determine what makes a game competitive because we don't win any fight money when it matters. It would be different if you were one of the best such as REO, but when you haven't won anything, nobody really cares about your competitive opinion. This is something I have had to personally deal with and learn from and one of the reasons I didn't offer up much for injustice besides a few day 1 Grundy tech videos. I left because I had nothing of value to bring and didn't really understand the game in its entirety. Not to mention I really didn't care to learn the game either. The hate should be on on hold. If you like MK, you will like the game no matter what.