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For those complaing about MKX.


Infinite Meter Kombos
The super jumps are interactable jumps.

My issue is that these guys play MK9, started on MK9, and don't really touch much else if at all...and when the next game doesn't appear to be exactly what they want (which is MK9 part deux), they are up in arms over it because it's not the same. Anything not close to MK9 is "not MK enough" for them.
It's because people who started on mk9 are noobs to the series and don't yet realize that every mk game is different.


I for one, am pleased we get to have all new characters with NO "Ninja' clones (save for Scorpion & Sub-Zero). I DO however want to s at least some of the Outworld race again ie.. the Shokan, Reptiles and Centaur. I think with the new engine we would finally have proper 4-armed character that works ;)

I did notice that we are apparently getting Interactables like Injustice and I hope they are balanced this time around.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
People seem to forget NRS doesn't have any other established IPs yet to sustain their studio like Capcom, where they can make a MK9 updated edition and still make revenue.

And I honestly think some people are stupid, you have to innovate one way or another, even if the mechanic turns out to be garbage, to make sales. It's a risk you have to take.

And how much can you do with a fucking FIGHTING GAME, for it to not feel stale, this isn't a sandbox, RPG, Shooter, etc.

You either:

A) Embrace new mechanics/features
B) Embrace new characters/design

If it turns out to be shit, than,well that's the nature of innovating and progrssion.

In short.

STFU till it's released.

I think I overall understand and agree with your comment, but specifically, you can't compare "NRS" to "Capcom" as NRS isn't a publisher like Capcom, it is simply a Dev team. Games like the Batman Arkham series, or the up coming LoTR game, "help" to "support" NRS and MK because they are all under the WB Games umbrella.

You can compare WB Games to Capcom, but not one studio to an entire publishing house.


Its not that I would mind blocking them or anything, I just find them fundamentally flawed and very scrubby, especially the ones being used for mobility. Take that bug lady vs the mad max blaster fight for example, You can clearly tell the blaster has slow as hell normals, and is relatively sluggish overall, but he managed to get bug lady in a corner, and what does she do? Uses the stage and gets a free pass by jumping the hell out of there to midscreen. That right there is idiotic, if you get cornered there shouldn't be an easy way out. I guess some people enjoy that braindead type of game play where you don't have to actually think to win a fight, since theres a gimmick that always saves you. I personally dislike gimmicky fighting games like this where you can lose a fight to a moron using gimmicks and throwing stuff at you from across the screen. I just had different expectations for MKX, especially seeing as how MK9 was taken semi seriously in the tournament scene. This game looks too casual for my tastes, I will enjoy it casually to see all the stupidity in it and the fatalities but thats about it. How anyone can take this as a serious tournament worthy game is beyond me.

so i have to think about them trying to escape the corner... and if they do try to escape the corner i can attempt to punish based on a read. you mean if i am a zoner i can place myself on the left side because i know the corner can escape the corner?


Meta saltmine
"Game is not serious because it has things to learn and understand beyond reach of normals and frame data" crowd never fails to amuse me.

In the same manner, it's funny how nobody calls devs out on making game-changing stage positions (which any interactible actually is) called "corners", but people start screaming if other ones are introduced in addition to them, even if way less powerful and game-changing.

But I guess you can get away with murder as long as it's "traditional", amirite? ;)


Holy crap, can we please stop the crying?

Seriously. The game isn't out, not a single one of us has played it or has any idea how good the game feels, etc.

@THTB is right, so many people were not around for the old 2d MK days, the 3d Era(which I purposely avoided), and only started with MKDC or MK9. You haven't lived through seeing your beloved game changed SO DRASTICALLY that it doesn't even resemble the same game! To see only a small progression like this is not something for us to flip out over. Think about how players lost their crap when MK was a 2D game in MK4 and turned into Tekken with MK Skins in MKDA!

So far this game resembles a mix of MK4/MK9 and Injustice to me. I'm not going to pass judgement on it until I play it, and I think the smart thing for everyone to do is to enjoy what we get to see from now until release and reserve judgement until after we have put a significant amount of time into the game to understand it's feel, flow, mechanics and characters.


Oh, my days !
Holy crap, can we please stop the crying?

so many people were not around for the old 2d MK days,

the 3d Era(which I purposely avoided), and only started with MKDC or MK9. Y

ou haven't lived through seeing your beloved game changed SO DRASTICALLY that it doesn't even resemble the same game!

These 3 points exactly !


.....So, because they try to be innovative (and nobody can argue that they're not trying to be), they apparently haven't found out what works and what doesn't? That theory was proved wrong when MK9 came out and so many loved it. They know what works, they just want to expand. It's called innovation. They didn't stop with telephones because cell phones were innovative. They didn't stop with box tvs, because flat screens seemed better. They didn't stop with original flavored oreos because Cookie Dough oreos are awesome.

Innovation is a key feature of any business and/or idea....including fighting games and Mortal Kombat.

Why have I never heard of these Oreos??!! must... buy....



Goro Lives 
Is it wrong I wanted a sequel and not a reboot?

NRS knows how to do both sequels and reboots of their franchise:

MK -> MK II | Original and Sequel

MK3 -> UMK3 -> MKT | Reboot and updates

MK4 -> MKG | Reboot and update (here things went sour because they decided to skip on the sequel)

MKDA -> MKD -> MKA | Here we got in fact a trilogy series.

MKvDC ! Spinoff

MK9 | Reboot (a long awaited and much needed one)

MKX | Reboot (WHY???)

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I didn't realize the walk speeds in Inj were fast, didn't realize they had a run feature, didn't know they had a block button, and I especially didn't know you could block interactables with said block button. But I mean hey, it's just like Injustice with MK skins, am I right?
It's almost like they asked themselves, "How can we make Injustice with MK characters........only good?" :DOGE
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So....Scorpion's X Ray looks really cool.
yea and it looks like he "supermans" himself forward for the xray NOT his mk9 xray which would hit you in the back of the head (mad fast I feel like his MK9 xray was like 2 frames lol... not complaining just noticing how differnt it is in regards to foward/teleport)

Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
If there's one thing that's consistent about Ed Boon, it's that he never makes the same game twice.

Why people expected otherwise, I don't know.. But this is what I expected. Let's go.

If you were holding on to the idea of the next MK being MK9 Part 2, it's time to abandon it; this is a new game and a new day. Embrace it!
If only people would pay as much attention as they appear to.


haha immediately after the reveal, i had to remove/delete some twitter friends. niggaz be mad insufferable and can't appreciate something new cause it's not 100000% what THEY wanted.


Scrubby nice guy
i just want to say something to those who are complaining about MKX.


for those of you still left stick around MKX looks hella fun and the new characters look awesome. don't let the few negative people on this site who bitch and moan about shit they don't even understand and assume and make judgments about something they have yet to play bring your hype level down. if they don't like MKX there is still MK9 or Injustice they could play.
Bitch and moan? Are everybody supposed to like whatever NRS shits out? People like some aspects of the trailer and some dislike them. Get over it.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Bitch and moan? Are everybody supposed to like whatever NRS shits out? People like some aspects of the trailer and some dislike them. Get over it.
yes bitch and moan, these "people" you refer to are judging the game already, not disliking or like the trailer literally saying they won't even play the damn game because of a trailer, that is bitching and moaning sir/mam. am not saying everyone should like it, only pointing out that how negative people get over a gameplay trailer without even playing the game, so why don't you get over it?


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Stfu, this site is made for community discussion, not circle jerking. Im loving MKX but you gotta stop acting like a prick.
might i ask who are you talking to? you didn't quote anyone and i don't want to assume your talking to me.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Take that bug lady vs the mad max blaster fight for example, You can clearly tell the blaster has slow as hell normals, and is relatively sluggish overall, but he managed to get bug lady in a corner, and what does she do? Uses the stage and gets a free pass by jumping the hell out of there to midscreen. That right there is idiotic, if you get cornered there shouldn't be an easy way out.
This is a good observation but I don't agree with the conclusion because you don't what master blaster can do to blow up situations like these. Maybe he's not even reliant on corner pressure. We don't even know if that stage jumps will remain as they are or the properties of it.