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For those complaing about MKX.

If you haven't realized it by now, these games are a series of progressions and the team learning from mistakes.
They've had since 1992 to learn which according to my calculations is over 2 decades. If they haven't figured out what works and what doesn't work in a fighting game theres something seriously wrong with the studio. I understand that they want to be unique but I don't appreciate how unconventional and flamboyantthey are about it. I think they had the right idea between 1993-1996, don't know what happened after that. I'm still gonna buy it because it's MK and I'm a nostalgia sucker, but I will play it and treat it as it is, casual mindless fun with little substance.


They've had since 1992 to learn which according to my calculations is over 2 decades. If they haven't figured out what works and what doesn't work in a fighting game theres something seriously wrong with the studio. I understand that they want to be unique but I don't appreciate how unconventional and flamboyantthey are about it. I think they had the right idea between 1993-1996, don't know what happened after that. I'm still gonna buy it because it's MK and I'm a nostalgia sucker, but I will play it and treat it as it is, casual mindless fun with little substance.
.....So, because they try to be innovative (and nobody can argue that they're not trying to be), they apparently haven't found out what works and what doesn't? That theory was proved wrong when MK9 came out and so many loved it. They know what works, they just want to expand. It's called innovation. They didn't stop with telephones because cell phones were innovative. They didn't stop with box tvs, because flat screens seemed better. They didn't stop with original flavored oreos because Cookie Dough oreos are awesome.

Innovation is a key feature of any business and/or idea....including fighting games and Mortal Kombat.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
They've had since 1992 to learn which according to my calculations is over 2 decades. If they haven't figured out what works and what doesn't work in a fighting game theres something seriously wrong with the studio. I understand that they want to be unique but I don't appreciate how unconventional and flamboyantthey are about it. I think they had the right idea between 1993-1996, don't know what happened after that. I'm still gonna buy it because it's MK and I'm a nostalgia sucker, but I will play it and treat it as it is, casual mindless fun with little substance.
It's not a matter of what does and doesn't work in a fighting game.

NRS games have a ton of elements that actually almost never appear in any other fighting game. Not because they just don't work, but because they are so unconventional and unexplored outside of them using it. On top of this, NRS was notorious for not designing their games around the idea that they should be balanced for the hardcore. They may have been around for over 20 years, but they have only recently begun to balance for the people who play the games in tournaments, essentially starting over. For the first 2 serious attempts, NRS hasn't exactly been on a bad path. In fact, since MKDC, NRS's games have been cleaning up pretty well.

Flamboyance and unconventionality are a staple of the series. It is always over the top, it is always unpredictable, it is always full of experiments. That won't ever go away, and if you think MKX will be a change, you are already on a wrong foot about the game.


but I will play it and treat it as it is, casual mindless fun with little substance.

A. You don't fucking know how little substance their is BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT YET
C. Barely any of you guys on this site have played games competitively for that long or in a wide variety of games
D. Right idea between 92-96? You mean the time where they only had one game that could be close to being considered good for competition only after a couple of bans on characters and infinities?


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
Once again, MK has had interactable objects way before Injustice was a thing. Not to mention, one similarity doesn't make a game the same. That's like saying UFC is the same as MK because you can punch people in both games.
Trademarks of injstice i.m.o
-Dc Characters
-Stage transitions

Trademarks of MK i.m.o
-Ninjas and otherworld warriors
-Fatalities, blood/gore
-Block Button

The Mk series abandoned interactables, Injustice made them a staple. Mk picking them back up would be the equivalent of the next injustice throwing in fatalities or a block button i.m.o

Derailing thread, p.m me if you want to continue

A. You don't fucking know how little substance their is BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT YET
C. Barely any of you guys on this site have played games competitively for that long or in a wide variety of games
D. Right idea between 92-96? You mean the time where they only had one game that could be close to being considered good for competition only after a couple of bans on characters and infinities?
A. I don't "fucking" know but I do "fucking" know I saw ninjas swinging off trees like monkeys, corpses being thrown, barrels etc. That doesn't exactly scream competitive or serious to me.
B. No there isn't, but there are formulas and or common things that makes them more "traditional"
C. Yea I get, You've seen the world and know it all, good for you champ! I'm not going to mention any other games I play or compare MK to said games, I can smell the bait and see what you're trying to do here
D. Yes, they did have the right idea, and I standby that statement. Not going to get into other games or petty sub topics about infinites. Compared to the abominations they have produced after MK1-UMK3 , Remember the whole 3d era? then the 2.5d garbage MK9 yes, they did damn well have the right idea.


Trademarks of injstice i.m.o
-Dc Characters
-Stage transitions

Trademarks of MK i.m.o
-Ninjas and otherworld warriors
-Fatalities, blood/gore
-Block Button

The Mk series abandoned interactables, Injustice made them a staple. Mk picking them back up would be the equivalent of the next injustice throwing in fatalities or a block button i.m.o

Derailing thread, p.m me if you want to continue
I'm sorry, and I don't say this much, but your opinion's wrong. The fact that MK had it first means it was an MK thing before Injustice. Whether they dropped it for awhile isn't the point. The point is they had it first. I'm not even saying it's an MK thing either. To think that fighting games don't take core elements from other fighting games though is absurd and stupid for anybody to think that one game is the same because of one such feature. Once again, just because you can finish people off in Samurai Showdown Sen, doesn't mean it's the same as MK with their fatalities.



A. You don't fucking know how little substance their is BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT YET
C. Barely any of you guys on this site have played games competitively for that long or in a wide variety of games
D. Right idea between 92-96? You mean the time where they only had one game that could be close to being considered good for competition only after a couple of bans on characters and infinities?
You're an idiot.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.

A. You don't fucking know how little substance their is BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT YET
C. Barely any of you guys on this site have played games competitively for that long or in a wide variety of games
D. Right idea between 92-96? You mean the time where they only had one game that could be close to being considered good for competition only after a couple of bans on characters and infinities?
Loving these truth bombs. ;)


Im comfortable and vote to switch our entity from the "MK community" to the "Injustice Community" :p

I was disappointed but can wait and see what its like. I just sincerely hope corner escapes etc are fully punishable on reaction. I never liked the get out of corner free idea, the corner is supposed to be a huge part of footsies in fighters.

There is also something wrong about sub zero swinging on a tree branch but i can deal with that lol.

Most interested in seeing more gameplay and hopefully some more familiar faces.

Last minute edit: Deep inside I was hoping for a MK 9.5 as zyphox put it, allowing two very different franchise to exist and thrive, If the game is too much like IGAU then we may see a large transition leaving IGAU to suffer a similar fate to MK9.


I only work in black,sometimes in very dark grey.
Ah, as soon as I saw that gameplay trailer I knew TYM would be on blast today.

Tell you what: I'm a nobody here, but I've been a Street Fighter player for a long time. Never liked Mortal Kombat and the only NRS game I've seriously played is Injustice. And I'm HYPED after watching that trailer. The game looks awesome, the characters looks awesome, the X-Rays looks fucking awesome... I'm going to get my copy for PS4 as soon as it goes out.

And I never liked Mortal Kombat. Until this very day.


Ah, as soon as I saw that gameplay trailer I knew TYM would be on blast today.

Tell you what: I'm a nobody here, but I've been a Street Fighter player for a long time. Never liked Mortal Kombat and the only NRS game I've seriously played is Injustice. And I'm HYPED after watching that trailer. The game looks awesome, the characters looks awesome, the X-Rays looks fucking awesome... I'm going to get my copy for PS4 as soon as it goes out.

And I never liked Mortal Kombat. Until this very day.
Dude let's train on ps4 together. This game looks freaking see ick


Philanthropist & Asshole
Ah, as soon as I saw that gameplay trailer I knew TYM would be on blast today.

Tell you what: I'm a nobody here, but I've been a Street Fighter player for a long time. Never liked Mortal Kombat and the only NRS game I've seriously played is Injustice. And I'm HYPED after watching that trailer. The game looks awesome, the characters looks awesome, the X-Rays looks fucking awesome... I'm going to get my copy for PS4 as soon as it goes out.

And I never liked Mortal Kombat. Until this very day.
Welcome aboard!


There it is...
I just really hope they have dash cancelling.

You would have thought they would realise the reason that injustice was so shit was the blocking mechanics.

A lot of MK players tried injustice and hated it for that exact reason, so it would be incredibly dumb for them to then implement it in MKX

I'll still play it either way cause it looks good but they should have kept stage intractables the fuck away, and hopefully if theres no dash cancelling the run function will make it slightly less shit. You can't argue, lack of dash cancelling completely dumbs down footsie options. Thats why injustice looked so clunky and shit even at the highest level.


Ah, as soon as I saw that gameplay trailer I knew TYM would be on blast today.

Tell you what: I'm a nobody here, but I've been a Street Fighter player for a long time. Never liked Mortal Kombat and the only NRS game I've seriously played is Injustice. And I'm HYPED after watching that trailer. The game looks awesome, the characters looks awesome, the X-Rays looks fucking awesome... I'm going to get my copy for PS4 as soon as it goes out.

And I never liked Mortal Kombat. Until this very day.
No more PS3? But...I thought...we'd train together :( Kidding I'm getting a PS4 in september. Too many games I don't wanna miss especially the inFamous series


A. I don't "fucking" know but I do "fucking" know I saw ninjas swinging off trees like monkeys, corpses being thrown, barrels etc. That doesn't exactly scream competitive or serious to me.
B. No there isn't, but there are formulas and or common things that makes them more "traditional"
C. Yea I get, You've seen the world and know it all, good for you champ! I'm not going to mention any other games I play or compare MK to said games, I can smell the bait and see what you're trying to do here
D. Yes, they did have the right idea, and I standby that statement. Not going to get into other games or petty sub topics about infinites. Compared to the abominations they have produced after MK1-UMK3 , Remember the whole 3d era? then the 2.5d garbage MK9 yes, they did damn well have the right idea.
I don't see a big problem with blockable interactables. They are a risk/reward attack or movement, just like throwing a special out. I could see the tournament players using them rarely and strategically.



I Don't get this thread. Why you being Dramatic over a gameplay trailer and why do you care what people say about the trailer

MK X Isn't out
Last edited:


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
This is what happens when you are not truly a fighting game fan or a true fan of the series.
This is not true at all. I see this a lot on Sherdog when A poster doesn't agree with B poster. "You're not a true MMA fan if you don't like this or see what I see."

There are players that didn't like MK3 and stuck with MK2. Or love MK3 and didn't get into MK9.

Or players that love SSF2/3rdstrike but not AE. Does that make them any less of a fan of fighting games or the game? Not at all. I've played MK since 92, I've seen all the changes and your 100% about NRS doing something different from each game. So I am use to it. I've played every MK game. But there are some I definitely didn't like, or didn't get into from the others. Does that make someone not a true MK fan/fighting fan? No different than a Muscle car lover not liking certain Gen Mustangs or an Aliens fan not liking Alien Resurrection.

I was down for a bit watching the gameplay. But that's because I still had the MK9 nostalgia stuck in my head. After watching the trailer over and over again, I'm really hype for MKX like I was yesterday. Love the new look and style. I will buy this on day one and save my judgment when I play the game.


king of the underground
.....So, because they try to be innovative (and nobody can argue that they're not trying to be), they apparently haven't found out what works and what doesn't? That theory was proved wrong when MK9 came out and so many loved it. They know what works, they just want to expand. It's called innovation. They didn't stop with telephones because cell phones were innovative. They didn't stop with box tvs, because flat screens seemed better. They didn't stop with original flavored oreos because Cookie Dough oreos are awesome.

Innovation is a key feature of any business and/or idea....including fighting games and Mortal Kombat.
cookie dough oreos? What? Sounds fantastic!


smoke reset bot
ive been anticipating MKX since it was rumored several months ago, and im a pretty big fan of the series overall. but after watching that trailer, I feel like NRS changed a little too much. i'll go ahead and it, I want MK9.5
I don't see a big problem with blockable interactables. They are a risk/reward attack or movement, just like throwing a special out. I could see the tournament players using them rarely and strategically.

Its not that I would mind blocking them or anything, I just find them fundamentally flawed and very scrubby, especially the ones being used for mobility. Take that bug lady vs the mad max blaster fight for example, You can clearly tell the blaster has slow as hell normals, and is relatively sluggish overall, but he managed to get bug lady in a corner, and what does she do? Uses the stage and gets a free pass by jumping the hell out of there to midscreen. That right there is idiotic, if you get cornered there shouldn't be an easy way out. I guess some people enjoy that braindead type of game play where you don't have to actually think to win a fight, since theres a gimmick that always saves you. I personally dislike gimmicky fighting games like this where you can lose a fight to a moron using gimmicks and throwing stuff at you from across the screen. I just had different expectations for MKX, especially seeing as how MK9 was taken semi seriously in the tournament scene. This game looks too casual for my tastes, I will enjoy it casually to see all the stupidity in it and the fatalities but thats about it. How anyone can take this as a serious tournament worthy game is beyond me.


Oh, my days !
This game is not for kids

Man scorp will be so enjoyable in this game
WOW !! You caight the last frame, right ?? Nice!!
I really enjoyed the fatalities in this one. The stages and "goth" look as well.
But I have to ask you... Isn't this Shao Kahn voice getting old ?