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For those complaing about MKX.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Damn bro, people can't be upset about the gameplay of mkx or they disown their "fandom"? Personally I'm not too thrilled about the marvel super jumps all over the place, but at the end of the day I'm going to buy the game, because MK is my fighting game of choice. I think MK9 was something good to build off of, but the new game is taking things in a new direction again. Perhaps its the curse of the series to be inconsistent with each iteration.
The super jumps are interactable jumps.

My issue is that these guys play MK9, started on MK9, and don't really touch much else if at all...and when the next game doesn't appear to be exactly what they want (which is MK9 part deux), they are up in arms over it because it's not the same. Anything not close to MK9 is "not MK enough" for them.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Who's complaining? The game looks FUCKING SICK! And I can't wait to play it. Now I'll be serious about saving up to get an Xbox Juan for this game and for Halo. I'm hoping that 360 controllers/sticks will be compatible with Juan.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Correct me if i'm wrong but didn't 80% of you bitch and moan when an MK character made it into Injustice?
It's because people didn't want to see guest characters in Injustice. Especially after with MK9, where people also didn't really want to see guest characters.

That right there has nothing to do with the complaints about MK "looking like a re-skinned Injustice". And it's humorous to see this when MK9 has so much in common with MKDC, a game just about everyone here pretty much dislikes...yet it's lapped up like the finest of milk in a bowl.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
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I don't get why people like you get mad at people like me who don't want an MK game to feel like Injustice. Correct me if i'm wrong but didn't 80% of you bitch and moan when an MK character made it into Injustice?

Interactables effect the meta far more than a character slot; but now that the shoe is on the other foot you all have amnesia though, lol get out of here.

P.S. I actually like Injustice, a lot. Just can't see myself getting into it competitively.
Have you played MKX?

didnt think so.

Just because a game has a similar feature doesnt mean its the exact same game. Does Injustice feel like SF because its b2b?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
i don't dislike the game play trailer...but to me it looks like Injustice with MK characters ! Now to injustice fan's that's great ! But for MK fans like myself who have played it since the mid 1990's..it's kind of a downer .
I've played it since the early 90s. It's not a downer to me.


1. Mortal Kombat has changed so much in design, the original design of the games back then is museum material.

2. It's not about what it "feels like". It's about something else...what they are actually doing. Injustice, while it plays 100% different, looked a lot like MK9 without a block button at the very beginning. MK9, while playing extremely different, looked like MKDC in 2D. If you haven't realized it by now, these games are a series of progressions and the team learning from mistakes. Instead of being upset over this similarity to Injustice, look at everything Injustice about it and how much it has changed, and how much of that change is directly from the feedback of the players. AKA us.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
Have you played MKX?

didnt think so.

Just because a game has a similar feature doesnt mean its the exact same game. Does Injustice feel like SF because its b2b?
Putting interactables in this game makes it feel like injustice to people who haven't played the game... Point out to me where I said it's the same game.


Administrator and Community Engineer
If there's one thing that's consistent about Ed Boon, it's that he never makes the same game twice.

Why people expected otherwise, I don't know.. But this is what I expected. Let's go.

If you were holding on to the idea of the next MK being MK9 Part 2, it's time to abandon it; this is a new game and a new day. Embrace it!


Scorpion looks good. I mean.... There's all that scorpion and subzero action I like.

I didn't bond to the new people. And I don't care about the story. I'm still excited..just not about any particular aspect of the game or character yet. There's time to get there though lol you guys are a little too worried too soon.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
It's because people didn't want to see guest characters in Injustice. Especially after with MK9, where people also didn't really want to see guest characters.

That right there has nothing to do with the complaints about MK "looking like a re-skinned Injustice". And it's humorous to see this when MK9 has so much in common with MKDC, a game just about everyone here pretty much dislikes...yet it's lapped up like the finest of milk in a bowl.
You're probably right, but all I can remember comments about how scorpion "Doesn't belong in the game". Whether or not it was solely because he's a guest character is up to speculation as far as I'm concerned.

He forgets people bitched about MK character in IGAU because the game was B2 Block with MK teleports, Lol.
When scorpion was announced people were complaining, that was before they even knew he had a teleport and was broke af. What...


It's because people didn't want to see guest characters in Injustice. Especially after with MK9, where people also didn't really want to see guest characters.

That right there has nothing to do with the complaints about MK "looking like a re-skinned Injustice". And it's humorous to see this when MK9 has so much in common with MKDC, a game just about everyone here pretty much dislikes...yet it's lapped up like the finest of milk in a bowl.
I wish they would've kept the free falling concept from MK vs. DC. I liked that, lol. I actually liked the whole game except the rage thing in fights. I don't care much about gore, as long as the game's fun, and it was imo. So was Injustice and MK9, so I'm a loner and an outcast from this site, lol.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Nice screen cap, cuts his fuckin face off, HOLY SHIT BALLS!!!

You've gotta seen my face when Scorp pull sub down to break his neck and spine at the same time, i was like Channel's face "WTF that shit looks hella painfull"

It was those reactions just like in the MTV series Ridiculousness when someomes fucks up hard at nut shot or something really painfull


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
You said make it feel like injustice, then proceeded to say you could never get into injustice so..how would you know?
I said "I like Injustice" as well, meaning i've played it, and because I know how it plays I said I "can't see myself getting into it competitively."

All i'm trying to say is that from a person who's been waiting several months for a new and innovative game, it feels like i've been slapped with Mk cross Injustice. But you're right, I haven't played the game and my opinion doesn't mean anything until then.

I will say that i've done nothing but complain about the game since the gameplay trailer and that's not fair to the game or NRS. Here's what I liked about the game based on the trailer.

1. Stages look extremely cool
2. Special animations are sick
3. Basic Attacks feel like actual punches/kicks you'd see irl.
4. New characters mean new move sets and combo creativity.

Am I over-reacting? Sure. Could this be a great game? Absolutely. But based solely off the gameplay trailer it's not what I expected from an MK game and the majority of that is due to the interactables.

TLDR: Game borrowing interactables makes it feel like Injustice. Game will probably still be great, a lot of us are over-reacting with "OMG dis duh bes game!!" or "This sux where MK, boon Y UdoDis?"


I said "I like Injustice" as well, meaning i've played it, and because I know how it plays I said I "can't see myself getting into it competitively."

All i'm trying to say is that from a person who's been waiting several months for a new and innovative game, it feels like i've been slapped with Mk cross Injustice. But you're right, I haven't played the game and my opinion doesn't mean anything until then.

I will say that i've done nothing but complain about the game since the gameplay trailer and that's not fair to the game or NRS. Here's what I liked about the game based on the trailer.

1. Stages look extremely cool
2. Special animations are sick
3. Basic Attacks feel like actual punches/kicks you'd see irl.
4. New characters mean new move sets and combo creativity.

Am I over-reacting? Sure. Could this be a great game? Absolutely. But based solely off the gameplay trailer it's not what I expected from an MK game and the majority of that is due to the interactables.

TLDR: Game borrowing interactables makes it feel like Injustice. Game will probably still be great, a lot of us are over-reacting with "OMG dis duh bes game!!" or "This sux where MK, boon Y UdoDis?"
Once again, MK has had interactable objects way before Injustice was a thing. Not to mention, one similarity doesn't make a game the same. That's like saying UFC is the same as MK because you can punch people in both games.