I wish GA had a real 50/50.
I wish GA had lows at all.
I wish d1 xx arrow, my super powerful 3% string wasn't pokeable.
I wish GA had an airdash/instant air dash/dive move that otgs/amazingly fast and useful backdash/fast advancing normals (compare Sups F2 to GA's F2).
I wish GA had a 6 frame poke that led to full combo without Frozen Arrow that's totally interruptable by jumps/MB B3/D1s.
I wish GA my J1 actually landed on crouching opponents and didn't have a tiny micro hitbox.
I wish GA had pressure that actually dealt damage, wasn't totally pokeable and had actual mix ups.
I wish GA had a projectile that left you plus a billion on block, that tracked the opponent, leave them full screen and also dealt 15% damage or whatever it is it deals.
I wish GA didn't have to wait half an hour to load an arrow in hopes of maybe landing a projectile that Sups gets for free, twice as much damage and much more advantage out of it.
I wish GA had Sups corner damage without stage gimmicks that people can wake up out of.
And I also wish there wasn't a campaign for the last year to try and convince us how GA was broken beyond belief, causing unnecessary nerf after nerf, and the responsible people to just delete the videos (and I quote "can we stop pretending this character isn't good because it has a 44% unclashable
super") or not log in since September 2013.
I still love him though, would play GA 1000x times more than Superman.