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Deciphering Boon's tweets: Injustice 2 to come before MK10?; Next MK not till 2017?

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
well you want a quality game dont you? lol i'd prefer a game only needing ONE patch in it's first year rather than 7 or 8 because it was rushed straight out the gate.
i dont care about balance enough to wait another 2 years for a game lol plus it shouldnt/wouldnt take an additional 2 years for that, they got close to injustice with 6 months of support

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
what you say about 343 is true, but bungie has had destiny in development ever since the release of halo 2 i believe. idk about mocap and cgi and all of that, but they were atleast storyboarding it a loooooong time ago. it was said on one of the very first interviews about the game.
Eh, maybe it's one of those projects they keep touching on the sides while working on Halo because they've had those since pre-Halo 1.


i dont care about balance enough to wait another 2 years for a game lol plus it shouldnt/wouldnt take an additional 2 years for that, they got close to injustice with 6 months of support
which is the same thing that pushed a lot of players away, if you're not a part of the community and the game is constantly changing it becomes hard to keep up.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
which is the same thing that pushed a lot of players away, if you're not a part of the community and the game is constantly changing it becomes hard to keep up.
which s why they should wait a few months and just do 1 big patch like they did eventually with igau just balance the game better initially and hold off on patching every month

Vulcan Hades

If there is an IGAU2, I somehow doubt it will be next gen. But MK10 will be and I wouldn't be surprised to see it a lot sooner than 2017.

I think IGAU2 will come first but use the same old engine. Then they'll announce MK10 for next gen.

I personally hope it's not MKvsDC. I don't think the universes should merge ever again. MKvsKI and DCvsMarvel would be so much better.


They should get some better testers (or maybe just more?) that way we don't have the stupid shit getting through the cracks come time for release.

I know not every bug, glitch, broken shit or whatever can be found before releasing a game, but there's nothing wrong with trying to squash as many as possible before releasing the game.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Everyone keeps claiming Ed Boon is this widely known troll. What has he said in the past (besides april 1st trolls) that were known to be "troll" statements? Genuinely curious here, lol.

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
idk 2017 is a specific year. seems kinda odd that he would cite that year over any other. either way, ed is a troll and we all know this. how did injustice do vs mk9 as far as sales? everyone has to realize, it's about the money before anything. if injustice is marketable to a bigger audience, then that would be the best route to go.

regardless, we need to be happy we're actually getting something :D
MK9 4.5 Million, Injustice 2 million.


Play Monster Hunter!
MK10 in 2015
Injustice 2 in 2017

It's takes them 2 years to make a game, and they will alternate to avoid causing burn out on either franchise. They have talked about this a million times already in interviews leading up to Injustice.

The only thing that might throw a wrench in the loop is if they make a non fighting game, which Boon has talked a lot about wanting to do, especially a MK SM2.

The only chance we might see anymore Injustice content before 2017 is either some random pity DLC, or some kind of Injustice 1.5 with a few new characters and balance tweaks, as a way to keep the competitive scene alive so it doesn't die as soon as MK10 comes out, like what happened with MK9. However, I really doubt they would waste time and resources on that.


MK9 4.5 Million, Injustice 2 million.
Where did you get those figures from? The last "official" figures I can find for MK9 are from Ed Boon's twitter (always a bastion of reliability) where he stated that MK9's sales figures were closer to 4 million than the "over 3 million" quoted in an article. This would put MK9's sales figures at 3.5m+. I haven't been able to find any solid data on Injustice sales outside of the first month in the US (424k copies) and nothing on worldwide sales.

Vulcan Hades

Actually it wouldn't be that surprising to see both MK10 and IGAU2 come out soon. They will likely outsource IGAU2 and so NRS will focus on MK10 next gen.


The point is, where did the 4.5m/2m figures come from?
Have you checked VGchartz? I'm not saying that IS the source, but it might give the numbers. I can't check while at work 'cause the site is blocked for being an "informational/gaming" website. -_-