Didn't like it.
The constant "make up to break up" thing going on with Gwen and Peter just weighed over the entire movie.
They built up through two movies the stuff going on with Richard Parker and when they show what it is it was just meh.
Max Dillion was great if not a bit like "FEEL SORRY FOR HIM, DO YOU FEEL SORRY FOR HIM YET?". Once he actually became Electro it felt like a waste of a potentially great character/story as he played second fiddle to Harry.
Why did the people at Oscorp stop looking for Gwen after she was searching for Max? If it was SUCH a big deal then, even if she quit Oscorp, they should still be looking for her. But no, next scene is here being fine going for her College interview.
Spider-Man kills Electro, Spider-man doesn't kill.
Gwen's death was less about Peter making a mistake that he could learn from but killing her through his careless web slinging and more that he just didn't make it in time which ruins a great character arc for Peter.
Really with that Gwen speech, really?
That kid easily slips past officers and even outruns one, OK.
Rhyno is a waste.
This movie was more about setting up future events than letting the movie be its own thing. It sets up: The Sinister Six, Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, Green Goblin, Smythe, potentially The Spot if what I noticed happens.
Got some nitpicky stuff I won't go into.
I do like Garfield as Spidey but not Peter, the reverse happened with Tobey. Also, if anyone lambasts Tobey for crying and praises Garfield in this then they're hypocrits as he teared up for, like, a third of the movie.
Harry was amazingly well done.
Peter/Gwen had a lot of chemistry, just didn't like the story surrounding them.
The Aunt May stuff was great with the whole "you're my Child".
Action/effects were great except the slow down/Spider-sense at times.