The wizard of Zod
DISCLAIMER everything mentioning Instant Air Zod Balls (IAZB) was performed by @Relaxedstate since he is known as one of the best players at IAZB. Ok so this is SOME of the stuff I found in like a 30 minute training session.
There is certain heights of IAZB that are just unattainable consistently by any human. All this tech was used using RelaxedStates Lowest and most CONSISTENT IAZBs. Also if it goes under standing Zod ball (SZB) it obviously works on IAZB too.
If any one wants to help me record anything mentioned here hit me up on xbox or just do it yourself I don't care.
Batman-Free dash under IAZB.
Flash-Free dash under IAZB, can Shake through all projectiles, can D3 SZB
Nightwing-Free dash under IAZB (must dash early) Can B3 and ground spark SZB.
MMH-Lol dont even think about any ZB.
Catwoman-Has dodge, can charge B3 dash cancel to go under SZB.
AquaMan-Can FTD on reaction very risky to throw any ZB.
WW-Can dash on reaction if IAZB is done SLIGHTLY high, can D3 under SZB.
Harley-Can charge B3 and dash under IAZB.
Green Lantern-Can B1 even the lowest IAZB this is HUGE for him and changes the matchup dramitcally.
Let me know what you guys think about all this thanks.
There is certain heights of IAZB that are just unattainable consistently by any human. All this tech was used using RelaxedStates Lowest and most CONSISTENT IAZBs. Also if it goes under standing Zod ball (SZB) it obviously works on IAZB too.
If any one wants to help me record anything mentioned here hit me up on xbox or just do it yourself I don't care.
Batman-Free dash under IAZB.
Flash-Free dash under IAZB, can Shake through all projectiles, can D3 SZB
Nightwing-Free dash under IAZB (must dash early) Can B3 and ground spark SZB.
MMH-Lol dont even think about any ZB.
Catwoman-Has dodge, can charge B3 dash cancel to go under SZB.
AquaMan-Can FTD on reaction very risky to throw any ZB.
WW-Can dash on reaction if IAZB is done SLIGHTLY high, can D3 under SZB.
Harley-Can charge B3 and dash under IAZB.
Green Lantern-Can B1 even the lowest IAZB this is HUGE for him and changes the matchup dramitcally.
Let me know what you guys think about all this thanks.