Something I was talking about on the podcast last night was Aquaman's ability to beat Raven's wake ups after F2 1+3 by using an early high jump in 3.
Why not use MB B3 dash cancel or Water Shield dash cancel?
1. The MB B3 dash cancel costs 1 bar of meter. If the Raven player gets up and does nothing, they can react to the dash cancel and then you die. Also, they can get away by back dashing and it makes it hard to close space because the MB B3 dash cancel is not instant.
2. Water Shield like the MB B3 dash cancel can be reacted to should the Raven player wake up and just block. Then can punish you as you cancel with a backwards or forwards dash and then you die.
The early, high jump 3 forces the Raven player to guess rather than react..
1. They can MB B3/F3 you out of it but not on reaction.To actually get the attack out in time you hit you, they have to do it as a guess right as they wake up. This can be baited by doing nothing and punishing the whiffed MB attack.
2. The Raven player can also back dash but this can be baited and punished with FTD(VERY risky because they can just block and punish) or you can forward dash and catch her out of her back dash with B12.
3. The Raven player can always just get up and block the jump 3 which grants Aquaman a B12~MB Trident Rush on block. Your standard Aquman combo takes one bar of meter, but even though you are using a second bar for the Mb Trident Rush, you will still have only used one bar of meter. Between the damage inflicted on the combo that got the knockdown and the chip on the jump 3 into the B12~MB Trident Rush, you will have gained exactly one bar of meter.
So, in review...
J3 is a win for Aquaman if they wake up attack or get up and block the J3 into B12~MB Trident Rush. Even if they always get up and block, blocking J3 into MB Trident Rush forces them to attempt to get out of the situation by back dashing or MB B3/F3. Both of those options can be baited and punished.