He was - Block Inf rememberI remember when the game first came out everyone thought Cyborg was the only S+ tier character in the game lmao.
Injustice: Trolls Among Us lol welp may my latest offering breath some life back into the Borg community, he's not just a zoner.
If cyborg does die then NW community calls first dibs on his grapple hook, dashes or jump speed!!
He needs everythingHonestly, I would've rather dealt with one of the toughest matchups for NW, against sinestro, being potentially worse than seeing you guys lose the pushblock traps. I felt as if he needed those in his strategy.
Me and Relaxedstate post...occasionallyThe Cyborg forum died a long time ago
YO THAT PUSHBLOCK SETUP LMAOInjustice: Trolls Among Us lol welp may my latest offering breath some life back into the Borg community, he's not just a zoner.
i hope they put Cyborg 2.0 from the comics in Inj 2Cyborg has not died- he has merely been upgraded.