bad player
started this last night since I had to dip out and catch my plane early this morning
@AK Pig Of The Hut @Tom Brady because even when I fail to deliver up to my expectations I get to be entertained by the sheer intensity of these two guys that they carry to every tournament
@GGA 16 Bit @K7L33THA @GGA Slips This KTP podcast thing is kind of a big deal, literally motivated me to go to MLG and then to start travelling again to level up and more importantly enjoy the tournament antics despite not really having the time or money to do so, listen to it every day at work, had a stroke while it was gone, will always support this you guys
@AK/RM GamerBlake @Kitana Prime for bodying me, further fueling the need to train better
@GGA Dizzy @GGA Wafflez @GGA pimpimjim @GGA Fill Pops @Vagrant GGA is just an all around great group of guys to hang out with, unquestionably the best dinner conversationalists in the scene
@GGA Saucy Jack @GGA Jeremiah @Tm_whiteboi @MastererBetty @killanator90 @Noobe for being Doomsday Brethren
@Emperor DMS for not just dropping me off at Wafflehouse to binge on coffee
@AK L0rdoftheFLY - so psyched for this dude. Also he's a fellow Mike, a hero to Skarlet players(check those vids out, UFGT and TFC has MK9 guys) and he plays metalhair nightwing, this dude knows whats up
@AK Smarrgasm Pig beats Rico and then loses to this yellow shirt wearing guy..
@SonicFox5000 for being broken, I demand an itemized list of the number of hours you spend online and in the lab for all the games you placed in at every tournament
@R.E.O. for making it out despite the world's obesity issues
@JTB123 for talking forever with me about Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, Arkham, Resident Evil, and a ton of other great games, oh yeah and Grundy
@AK Glass_Sword- Hollywood Austin still doesn't know who I am, despite seemingly everyone else recognizing me immediately and saying whats up
@Doombawkz- for being 3feet tall? Nah seriously, this guy is legit and should be given liberty to go ham on the forums again, my only complaint was he didn't give us a Blakestyle "MORE VENOM" after that super
@P2W Guy was totally courteous to me when I talked to him, I like his Sinestro tech and I'm certain he's going to keep performing well
@WoundCowboy for being a recurring talking point throughout the tourney, Its gonna be okay Sinestro's broke dude
theres probably alot more I need to add, will get to it later tonight if I can
Anybody who was there and supported by entering please add your shoutouts to the guys you met or got good games with, there are alot of good things to come out of this community for all its divisiveness at times, appreciate them here
@AK Pig Of The Hut @Tom Brady because even when I fail to deliver up to my expectations I get to be entertained by the sheer intensity of these two guys that they carry to every tournament
@GGA 16 Bit @K7L33THA @GGA Slips This KTP podcast thing is kind of a big deal, literally motivated me to go to MLG and then to start travelling again to level up and more importantly enjoy the tournament antics despite not really having the time or money to do so, listen to it every day at work, had a stroke while it was gone, will always support this you guys
@AK/RM GamerBlake @Kitana Prime for bodying me, further fueling the need to train better
@GGA Dizzy @GGA Wafflez @GGA pimpimjim @GGA Fill Pops @Vagrant GGA is just an all around great group of guys to hang out with, unquestionably the best dinner conversationalists in the scene
@GGA Saucy Jack @GGA Jeremiah @Tm_whiteboi @MastererBetty @killanator90 @Noobe for being Doomsday Brethren
@Emperor DMS for not just dropping me off at Wafflehouse to binge on coffee
@AK L0rdoftheFLY - so psyched for this dude. Also he's a fellow Mike, a hero to Skarlet players(check those vids out, UFGT and TFC has MK9 guys) and he plays metalhair nightwing, this dude knows whats up
@AK Smarrgasm Pig beats Rico and then loses to this yellow shirt wearing guy..
@SonicFox5000 for being broken, I demand an itemized list of the number of hours you spend online and in the lab for all the games you placed in at every tournament
@R.E.O. for making it out despite the world's obesity issues

@JTB123 for talking forever with me about Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, Arkham, Resident Evil, and a ton of other great games, oh yeah and Grundy
@AK Glass_Sword- Hollywood Austin still doesn't know who I am, despite seemingly everyone else recognizing me immediately and saying whats up
@Doombawkz- for being 3feet tall? Nah seriously, this guy is legit and should be given liberty to go ham on the forums again, my only complaint was he didn't give us a Blakestyle "MORE VENOM" after that super
@P2W Guy was totally courteous to me when I talked to him, I like his Sinestro tech and I'm certain he's going to keep performing well
@WoundCowboy for being a recurring talking point throughout the tourney, Its gonna be okay Sinestro's broke dude
theres probably alot more I need to add, will get to it later tonight if I can
Anybody who was there and supported by entering please add your shoutouts to the guys you met or got good games with, there are alot of good things to come out of this community for all its divisiveness at times, appreciate them here
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