Man this is kinda late but I wanna give some shoutouts not too many but a few
AK Reno_Racks dude you were beyond awesome you housed a bunch of players and even took us out after we grinder down to top 8. Yomi is going to be super godlike the thrones we a godlike was mad fun thank you for the hospitality the drinks and the AMAZING WINGS!!!!
AK elitegoomba thanks for lugging me KDZ and Viking around it was great hanging out with you bro!
HomeLee1121 great meeting you we gotta get games next time your batman looks sick! Thanks for being mad cool dude.
AK Harold it was awesome meeting you I definitely want to run it back good stuff making top 8 dude that was sick. Hope to play you soon.
AK Trepound380 yo it was good seeing you again tre. It's always great playing you even when we're both tipsy haha.
AK SaltFace good seeing you again dude it was awesome finally playing you I need that salty run back though haha.
AK Glass_Sword good seeing you again you white wine drinker you haha great games dude your raven is great and I'm looking forward to playing you again.
AK cyusstrike awesome meeting you dude sorry your match with dizzy was super delayed but thank you for your infinite patience. Hope to see you soon dude.
AK/RM GamerBlake great meeting you. We had some awesome sets at Reno place hope to play you soon and see you soon dude and thank you for the hype this weekend.
Digit great seeing you again bro I wish we hung out more but this weekend was nuts. We definitely need to hang out next time.
Syknis it was great to meat you and thank you for that beating with aquaman your style is awesome dude. Looking forward to see you play and play against you soon.
@MKChameleon thanks for teaming up with me. Your Zod is definitely one of the greatest in this game. Hope you can make it out to more events soon.
FOREVER KING great seeing you again. Dude thank you for teaming up with my scrub ass lol It was great to drink with you dude I had a blast when you rushed down KDZ and Rico with shit talk haha. Hope to see you soon bro.
@PerfectLegend thanks for coming out Carl and clutching it out with doomsday in the team tournament and thanks for Teaming up with us dude . It was good seeing you again.
Zyphox good seeing you as always and thank you for teaming with me manito! It was crazy we had all those dominicans in one spot.
Noobe Yo little buddy that Florida doomsday was in there. Brining that new tech into top 3. Great seeing you and bullshitting all weekend with you.
@White Boi dude I love and hate you haha nice to finally meet you and thank you for splitting my head open with that doomsday great games and I hope to see you soon dude.
deg222 yo Deg get outta here bro!!! Glad I finally met the legend. Good games dude . Your zatanna is super scary.
Kitana Prime good seeing you again man. It was great times even that late night diner run. Thank you for all the help this past weekend and for all the laughs that DMS manicure though haha. See you soon my brother.
Emperor DMS even though this was your first tournament running things you did great and I'm proud of you dude and hope you run things at other tournaments as well. You held down the stream which was awesome and kept it together even during tough times. Hope to see you soon dude.
DarthArma this weekend was rough for us but thank you For road tripping down to final round it's always fun being stuck in a van for 15 hours with you.
flipkev dude thank you for everything you did this past weekend you helped out so much and I'm glad you came into the Injustice community you're nothing but a positive force for us you basically made the team tournament happen in your room thank you so much and it was Great road tripping with you as well.
KDZ stop keeping your team alive in the team tournament

I wanted to win great times again brother glad we got to road trip again.
Shock thank you for a great time and thank you for making final round possible. You go above and beyond to help us all out. Even though this past weekend was super hectic include the flat tire on the way back you were still great thank you for everything shock.
If I forgot people I'm sorry and I hope to see you all soon.