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General/Other Trident Rush.....argument over

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Fool, you complain about Trident Rush when Aquaman vs. Zod is an even match. Besides, Tom says lots of things, but he never said that "Trident Rush sucks".

Martian Manhunter beats Zod and many other characters because of overhead teleport.
If MMH OH tele did 15.5 % on block your post would be relevant

I'm sorry zoning MMH doesn't work , I've told u what to do


How much *exactly* does Trident Rush and MB Trident Rush do on block?
I dunno about regular Trident Rush, but I think MB Trident Rush is something like 17% chip. I might be a little off on this, however.


Monster Island Tournaments
You can parry between d1* trident rush. Godlike read but if you know your opponent likes to abuse it might as well take the risk


The designers either designed this to have above average chip a.k.a. just meant to be used as a chip move or forgot to scale it and decided to let it rock. I choose the former since he has this from day 1. I agree that it does too much chip damage though, if they choose to patch it, I wouldn't be surprised if it kept it's above average chip, otherwise I don't see a point in using at all.


"On your Knees!"
*Talking in Raiden's voice in a raspy voice like in the 1995 MK movie* "LISTEN!!!!! stop spamming the trident rush and do combos like any professional does"


So, can we all agree that MB Trident Rush is in need of a slight nerf? Yes? Alrighty!
Stop acting like the move is braindead godlike. obviously it is good but try doing d1 rush against a competent superman and you will get punched in the god damn face.

Tom Brady

So, can we all agree that MB Trident Rush is in need of a slight nerf? Yes? Alrighty!

Rico (after losing to Arma) once came to me and said "In that set, he blocked EVERYTHING!! I couldn't open him up to get damage"..

This happens to Aquaman a lot more then you think. He actually needs the Mb Rush.. 99.999999% of this community lets Aquaman get away with murder, you allow him to do so much bullshit that he really should not be able to do.

99% of this site fights Aquaman in the same way someone would fight Kabal with a low/normal hit box character and sit there as he did F32~NDC over and over and say "OMG THE PRESSURE!! I CANT MOVE!!!"

I am a MOTHERFUCKER in the Aquaman mirror simply because Aquaman players cant use soooooo much of their bullshit that they rely on for damage.

B2 is the BIGGEST crock of shit.. EVERYONE says "that would never hit me offline" yet less then 1% of ppl actually block it on reaction. NO ONE bothers to go into practice mode for hours against shit like this so that they can block it 99%. NOPE... they just keep getting hit by dumb shit and say "OMG.. SO BROKEN"..

When will this place stop crying and start learning?
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AK Black Preon


Rico (after losing to Arma) once came to me and said "In that set, he blocked EVERYTHING!! I couldn't open him up to get damage"..

This happens to Aquaman a lot more then you think. He actually needs the Mb Rush.. 99.999999% of this community lets Aquaman get away with murder, you allow him to do so much bullshit that really isnt even he really should not be able to do.

99% of this site fights Aquaman in the same way someone would fight Kabal with a low/normal hit box character and sit there as he did F32~NDC over and over and say "OMG THE PRESSURE!! I CANT MOVE!!!"

I am a MOTHERFUCKER in the Aquaman mirror simply because Aquaman players cant use soooooo much of their bullshit that they rely on for damage.

When will this place stop crying and start learning?
I get the feeling you'll be making similar posts/threads/responses when MK10 comes out. The consistency is staggering.

Rico after losing to Arma once came to me and said "In that set, he blocked EVERYTHING!! I couldn't open him up to get damage"..

This happens to Aquaman a lot more then you think. He actually needs the Mb Rush.. 99.999999% of this community lets Aquaman get away with murder, you allow him to do so much bullshit that really isnt even he really should not be able to do.

99% of this site fights Aquaman in the same way someone would fight Kabal with a low/normal hit box character and sit there as he did F32~NDC over and over and say "OMG THE PRESSURE!! I CANT MOVE!!!"
I can somewhat see the argument that he needs trident rush and the chip damage, but absolutely nothing will convince me that it should build as much meter as it does.