Anyone else hear about that rumor with DS2? Rumor has it, Hidetaka Miyazak implemented a secret "ghost" NPC either with or without Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura's knowledge. Apparently this NPC is extremely rare and will randomly appear in walls, behind bushes, and in dark places around the world. When you spot him, you're supposed to quit and relog immediately to initiate a cut scene. Then there's this long drawn out story line where he basically watches and "haunts" you subtly throughout the game. If you go idle/afk too long while hollow, he will start damaging you in some way until you start moving again.
Now, I have no sources unfortunately. I was told verbally through "someone who knows someone", so take this with an incredibly small grain of salt. However, even the thought of something secretive and ominous like this makes me so hype! Like I said though, I didn't believe him when he told me, but after thinking about it for awhile, shit would be so fucking cool... and creepy.