Can't go wrong with Magnum P.I. as inspiration for anything!I have been using Ric Magnum (video game handle) since 1997. I use it for every game and any create-a-character that I make in games. Back in 1997 WWF Warzone came out for PS1. I was creating a character and could not think of a cool name for said character. I stumbled across an old Magnum P.I. poster with Tom Selleck on it. And it hit me: Magnum is a fucking awesome word and would be an even more awesome last name for a character. It's not a word easily forgotten. Then I had to come up with a first name. I settled on Ric just because it seemed to go with Magnum fairly well. Plus, I could switch it to Dic if I wanted too (which I often times do), which brings up all kinds of uncomfortable sexual conotations lol. So it was done. The name was created and fit well with the image of my create a character on WWF Warzone. After that it just stuck. I used the handle in every game. It is a memorable name and has withstood the test of time lol. Ric Magnum, Dic Magnum, SlickDicMagnum and Richard M. Magnum have all been used as my video game aliases and will continue to be used until I die.