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Kombat Tomb Podcast - Ep. 40 with Zyphox

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Current results don't matter. We are talking about a character played at the highest level vs people who know how to fight him, this is not yet the case, specially with any of the matches where those characters lost. Hell, you've made top8s with Ares, doesn't mean the character is anything close to viable.

ofc with a favorable bracket any character can squeeze into top 8s with how small this community's majors are, but i don't see DD being a viable pick to win anything significant when he loses to most of the top tier, and still does not really have the advantage vs any others

Simply put, there is no reason to play DD over any other character if your goal is to win.
Ares is viable, thats the secret

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
I can beat anyone at anytime with ares, its my fault he hasn't won a major (personal performance problems). And the communities. Even I get to hold that. This game is actually that balanced.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
@GGA Slips

I loved Prometheus wtf


U guys suck

Mulholland DR is a top movie deal w it
I've stated this before, but Mulholland Drive is a great test to see if someone is a douche bag. That movie is like what the Zodiac killer did when he made those puzzles. Just threw some random crap together and challenged the public to crack the code he put together even though there was no code to begin with. To this day people think there actually is a code and the Zodiac killer is just some kind of genius and that we just don't know. (Rebello)

Mulholland Drive is the same way. Director just threw some random crap in the movie, made it look abstract and artsy and people swear it has meaning and is beyond sophistication.

Reality is that its just a bunch of crap. Not even the director knows wtf is going on when asked about it in interveiws.

So when someone tells me they think Mulholland Drive is some great masterpiece I know they are jus trying to make themselves look smart and are just being a douche. All of you saying that movie is good are douchbags. I see you people. I see you all.
The Directors cut of Aliens is horrible. It is cool to see them as deleted scenes but they totally ruin the pacing of the movie. I can't remember off the top of my head but I think in the studio cut the first act ends at around the 30 min mark. In the directors cut the 1st act ends at like the 50 minute mark. Way too long to get to the 2nd act for that kind of movie in my opinion.
4. If you were watching a live National Geographic trek through the jungle, ocean, forest in which a (insert your own mythical creature) was discovered alive, what mythical creature would you love to see found?

5. Name three creature characters from TV or movies that you would like to have as your real life friend, mentor, etc. The category of creature character includes any make-believe character from any movie from Short-Circuit to Gremlins, from Godzilla to The Never-Ending Story.
4. Megalodon.

5. That little guy from "Flight of the Navigator."


Joker waiting room
The Directors cut of Aliens is horrible. It is cool to see them as deleted scenes but they totally ruin the pacing of the movie. I can't remember off the top of my head but I think in the studio cut the first act ends at around the 30 min mark. In the directors cut the 1st act ends at like the 50 minute mark. Way too long to get to the 2nd act for that kind of movie in my opinion.
IDK, I never saw the original aliens, just the directors cut. Seemed pretty good to me, I just wish there was more gore action.

Groove Heaven

I've stated this before, but Mulholland Drive is a great test to see if someone is a douche bag. That movie is like what the Zodiac killer did when he made those puzzles. Just threw some random crap together and challenged the public to crack the code he put together even though there was no code to begin with. To this day people think there actually is a code and the Zodiac killer is just some kind of genius and that we just don't know. (Rebello)

Mulholland Drive is the same way. Director just threw some random crap in the movie, made it look abstract and artsy and people swear it has meaning and is beyond sophistication.

Reality is that its just a bunch of crap. Not even the director knows wtf is going on when asked about it in interveiws.

So when someone tells me they think Mulholland Drive is some great masterpiece I know they are jus trying to make themselves look smart and are just being a douche. All of you saying that movie is good are douchbags. I see you people. I see you all.
Great movies don't need a coherent plot or theme to be great, though.

Art is open to interpretation beyond what the creator may or may not have intended. Plot is not 100% of what movies are judged on critically. Say what you will about Mulholland Drive telling an actual story or not, that production in that movie is amazing, the writing is good, and it has a lot of insane ideas floating around. We're also talking about a movie that has garnered an extreme level of acclaim from critics and has like scholarly articles written about it and shit.
I've stated this before, but Mulholland Drive is a great test to see if someone is a douche bag.
So when someone tells me they think Mulholland Drive is some great masterpiece I know they are jus trying to make themselves look smart and are just being a douche. All of you saying that movie is good are douchbags. I see you people. I see you all.
This coming from the clown who doesn't even know what he likes. I was watching gossip girl the other day (kind of long story but not really) and Leighton Meester was on screen and Slips was like "Wow who's that? She could maybe be a 10 if I saw her tits." Then the very next day he walked by and she was on screen again and I was like "so you think this girl is a 10?" He was like "What? I said that? She isn't even that hot."

First of all he is crazy, and second of all he is crazy. Do NOT trust this guys opinion because it keeps changing. He doesn't even know what he likes. Probably 2 years from now he is going to forget he saw Mulholland Drive and watch it stoned and be like "This is the best movie ever! and your a Douche if you don't like it."

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
This coming from the clown who doesn't even know what he likes. I was watching gossip girl the other day (kind of long story but not really) and Leighton Meester was on screen and Slips was like "Wow who's that? She could maybe be a 10 if I saw her tits." Then the very next day he walked by and she was on screen again and I was like "so you think this girl is a 10?" He was like "What? I said that? She isn't even that hot."

First of all he is crazy, and second of all he is crazy. Do NOT trust this guys opinion because it keeps changing. He doesn't even know what he likes. Probably 2 years from now he is going to forget he saw Mulholland Drive and watch it stoned and be like "This is the best movie ever! and your a Douche if you don't like it."


This coming from the clown who doesn't even know what he likes. I was watching gossip girl the other day (kind of long story but not really) and Leighton Meester was on screen and Slips was like "Wow who's that? She could maybe be a 10 if I saw her tits." Then the very next day he walked by and she was on screen again and I was like "so you think this girl is a 10?" He was like "What? I said that? She isn't even that hot."

First of all he is crazy, and second of all he is crazy. Do NOT trust this guys opinion because it keeps changing. He doesn't even know what he likes. Probably 2 years from now he is going to forget he saw Mulholland Drive and watch it stoned and be like "This is the best movie ever! and your a Douche if you don't like it."
LMAO. Leighton Meester is a 10 though.