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Kombat Tomb Podcast - Ep. 40 with Zyphox


I just watched Ghostbusters again on Netflix today... I forgot how awesome that movie is. It saddens me that Egon (Harold Ramis) just passed away this week.



Sorry guys, I couldn't help myself... Some good moments from Ghostbusters...All the good ones are from the first movie though...
The staff thing, Thank you for calling me one of the best players :D but this will no longer be an issue.

Also, it was kombat network that streamed TFC where K7 said it was "flawless". I think its the signal in the venue cause it was the same venue as NEC. Arturo has only streamed DTN in new york.

I also forgot what else I was suppose to clear up in the thread, please refresh my memory. I'm only 36 minutes in, Great show so far and can't wait to finish it!


The staff thing, Thank you for calling me one of the best players :D but this will no longer be an issue.

Also, it was kombat network that streamed TFC where K7 said it was "flawless". I think its the signal in the venue cause it was the same venue as NEC. Arturo has only streamed DTN in new york.

I also forgot what else I was suppose to clear up in the thread, please refresh my memory. I'm only 36 minutes in, Great show so far and can't wait to finish it!
Make sure to finish it, they make a request of you near the end.
As for viking, he plays online with alot of us, he plays with me, rico, smar, and a few other online players that are familiar to the tournament scene.

He also does live in new york, and he is going to final round!! as long as he can find a room


Glad you guys brought up the term "utility character".

you really can't label alot of character as shit or straight up unviable in this game cause they randomly win a good amount of MUs despite having shit MUs of their own
the shitters are:

imo none of these characters win any important MUs and don't hard counter anyone, while also losing a good amount of their MUs

@GGA 16 Bit saying DD is in the top15 discussion is a blow up, we will talk about this at SCR man. This character has problems

As for GL. You can at least space the B13 to where there is no gap to backdash. But i agree he is a bill on some other fronts

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Glad you guys brought up the term "utility character".

you really can't label alot of character as shit or straight up unviable in this game cause they randomly win a good amount of MUs despite having shit MUs of their own
the shitters are:

imo none of these characters win any important MUs and don't hard counter anyone, while also losing a good amount of their MUs

@GGA 16 Bit saying DD is in the top15 discussion is a blow up, we will talk about this at SCR man. This character has problems

As for GL. You can at least space the B13 to where there is no gap to backdash. But i agree he is a bill on some other fronts
Play whiteboi


about the Jim chat

i play Flash, my name is James, and even i hate that fucking chant

shit is worse than the smoke chat. Real creative guys


xbl-OBS trustinme
K7,u are on blast for not liking magnum p.i
@GGA 16 Bit u sir are promoted for preferring the first terminator over judgement day.

great show as always guys,I truly enjoyed myself.

Oh yeah and lol at 'big bob' getting burnt at the stake in the hills have eyes remake.its still weird to think that that's buffalo bill from silence of the lambs.


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
@GGA Jeremiah

I am using this thread to thank you for showing me the Aliens directors cut. It showed me that a directors cut can actually be significantly worse than the theatrical release

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
At the heart of all things, there are two kinds of people in this world:

- Those that watch "Arrow"

- And those that don't watch "Arrow"


Old Member
"McNutty" was hilarious. I'd prob main Columbo. My father would learn all his combos and be the first 60 year old to win an FG tourney. 16 Bit makes an interesting point about T2, I don't think it's a traditional kids movie (no shit), one of my first toys ever, was a gigantic foot long Arnold cyborg with half his face blown off exposing the metal and red eye. Came with a gun, made noise, it was awesome. Wish I still had it . . . my parents had no problems getting this for me. Makes you wonder. But I mean the SAW series has action figures. I don't think jigsaw is necessarily for the youth.That donation drive thing is as good as done. I'm not losing. Sorry buds. Unless FGC donor wants his voice heard. Dudes got Reno Racks bankroll.
Five more random questions for KTP to discuss!
(I posted my first set of questions on the youtube site because my membership to this forum hadn't gone through)

1. If an all-powerful genie appeared to you and offered you a chance to experience any way of dying, promising that no matter how violent or disfiguring the death that he will restore you to four 100%, which of the 1001 ways of dying would you choose to experience?

2. Which group do you believe to be more responsible for advancement in science and technology, the idly rich/the merely curious (those without profit on their mind) or the “I’m doing this to get paid/necessity is the mother of all invention” group?

3. Say you were building something and you ordered all of the necessary materials for it. But when you started to build that you found that you ordered more than what was actually needed (such as, you bought 10 screws but you only need 5 for stability). Would it be more of a waste to throw away materials that you have bought or more of the waste to do more physical work than is required?

4. If you were watching a live National Geographic trek through the jungle, ocean, forest in which a (insert your own mythical creature) was discovered alive, what mythical creature would you love to see found?

5. Name three creature characters from TV or movies that you would like to have as your real life friend, mentor, etc. The category of creature character includes any make-believe character from any movie from Short-Circuit to Gremlins, from Godzilla to The Never-Ending Story.
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This mean you don't like me?
@GGA Slips @GGA 16 Bit @K7L33THA

You son of a bitch, mark my words, I'm suing KTP.

Minding my own business, making my way down town, listening to KTP before going to work. BIG MISTAKE.

Boss:"So Ricky, I want the reports on my desk by the morning. Also can you....are you okay?"

Ricyraws:*giggle* sure, sure sir....*snicker* what...whatever you n-need.

Boss:"Good. So I-
Rickyraws: (ZAAAAAAAHD. I THOUGHT I TAUGHT YOU THE MATCH UP! I'm sorry BRAAAAAAANT! Darth Arma, get KDZ on the show, lie to him DAAAAAAAAAARTH. Aaaaaaaaquaman"

Random strangers were looking at me like I was some weirdo with no control over his facial expression. While this is nothing new, I'd rather have this be on my terms. To quote Wafflez (it was wafflez right?) See you in court, bitch!

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
it doesn't matter. Its about tools and MUs

When you are free to Aquaman, Flash, Superman WW, Frost ect and don't really win any important MUs how can you be labeled viable?

i guess we'll see
I guess making numerous top 8s make you unviable? Ive seen him beat lets see........... Aquaman, Flash, Superman, WW, Frost and even that nigga ect in majors. This character needs to be buffed into the ground. I mean he is unwinnable with, holy god why did NRS create such a bad character. This is an outrage.


I guess making numerous top 8s make you unviable? Ive seen him beat lets see........... Aquaman, Flash, Superman, WW, Frost and even that nigga ect in majors. This character needs to be buffed into the ground. I mean he is unwinnable with, holy god why did NRS create such a bad character. This is an outrage.
Current results don't matter. We are talking about a character played at the highest level vs people who know how to fight him, this is not yet the case, specially with any of the matches where those characters lost. Hell, you've made top8s with Ares, doesn't mean the character is anything close to viable.

ofc with a favorable bracket any character can squeeze into top 8s with how small this community's majors are, but i don't see DD being a viable pick to win anything significant when he loses to most of the top tier, and still does not really have the advantage vs any others

Simply put, there is no reason to play DD over any other character if your goal is to win.


Joker waiting room
Current results don't matter. We are talking about a character played at the highest level vs people who know how to fight him, this is not yet the case, specially with any of the matches where those characters lost. Hell, you've made top8s with Ares, doesn't mean the character is anything close to viable.

ofc with a favorable bracket any character can squeeze into top 8s with how small this community's majors are, but i don't see DD being a viable pick to win anything significant when he loses to most of the top tier, and still does not really have the advantage vs any others

Simply put, there is no reason to play DD over any other character if your goal is to win.
Except Noobe is the one playing the character at the highest lvl, Noobe is the one with years of FG experience and Noobe is the one with the results.

There's also no reason to play anyone but Aquaman, MMH and Zod if you want your best chance of winning.

Ask the florida scene what they think of him.