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Kombat Tomb Podcast - Ep. 40 with Zyphox


Scary Bat
Put it this way, when I was younger we had some shelves with our movies on them, mainly Laser-discs or VHS tapes. Terminator 1 and 2 were within my reach, all four Alien movies were on "the grown-up" shelf that was out of my reach... until I got on my brother's shoulders and grabbed them all when they were out one day.

One made me think how awesome it would be to have a kick-ass robot friend and the other made me have nightmares of aliens popping out of my chest.

Incidentally the first time I saw Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels I didn't understand what the fuck was going on but it was awesome.


Dojo Trainee
About the whole green lantern b1,3 thing... I mean I'm an average green lantern player and I was playing dab in a ranked match (bear in mind I live In New Zealand so he was doing it in lag!) This was a couple of months back and he was back dashing my b1,3 every single time. Now this just made me think what the fuck can green lantern do now? Seriously once every one reaches this point of back dash punishing that move all gls will have to change their game drastically. I think gl in the end will turn out to be a bill of goods. At the end of the day throwing that string at people forcing them to block it and worry about the follow up (rocket power, mg or lm) is a crucial part of gls game and although his jump attacks are sick his b1,3 is what makes gl good. I suppose it is in a way like super man losing his f23 pressure except the fact that gls mobility is limited and his need to throw b1s out is essential in getting in close. Just my 2 cents anyway good show as usual and slips yet again with his awesome theories and debates I'd love to have a conversation with this guy about theories and shit

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
About the whole green lantern b1,3 thing... I mean I'm an average green lantern player and I was playing dab in a ranked match (bear in mind I live In New Zealand so he was doing it in lag!) This was a couple of months back and he was back dashing my b1,3 every single time. Now this just made me think what the fuck can green lantern do now? Seriously once every one reaches this point of back dash punishing that move all gls will have to change their game drastically. I think gl in the end will turn out to be a bill of goods. At the end of the day throwing that string at people forcing them to block it and worry about the follow up (rocket power, mg or lm) is a crucial part of gls game and although his jump attacks are sick his b1,3 is what makes gl good. I suppose it is in a way like super man losing his f23 pressure except the fact that gls mobility is limited and his need to throw b1s out is essential in getting in close. Just my 2 cents anyway good show as usual and slips yet again with his awesome theories and debates I'd love to have a conversation with this guy about theories and shit
I'm pretty sure b12 is not backdashable so you can do that to make them respect it. If you are feeling a little more yolo that day you can b1 lift.


Emperor of the Moon
Man this was a good episode. So much to say about this one.

@GGA Slips and @GGA 16 Bit you always considered me rational and the debate arbitrator. So I need to weigh in on the alien life one. I agree with @GGA Slips 100%. There is zero evidence that life other than similar to our own can exist. It may be possible but we may not have seen a lot but we (well scientists, I'm not smart enough to figure this shit out) have a very solid understanding of physics and chemistry. No other make up of chemicals but what we use can be anywhere near as complex. Also there are other environments vastly different than what we live in right here on Earth and no other type of life has ever been discovered. It is not certain but it is very likely that life outside of Earth will at least have the same chemistry.

Calling T2 a kids movie is a bit extreme but I get the point. Still I think it is a better movie than T1. Sarah Connor is such an interesting character in the second movie. She goes from the young waitress damsel in distress to a bad ass with weapon stock piles and secret contacts in Mexico prepared for judgement day. Sarah Connor goes from the awkward girl that can't handle a few busy tables at a local diner to kicking down a man's door with an AK-47 ready to kill him in front of his family to save the human race. That alone makes it a cooler movie.

@Zyphox Flash mains think alike. My answer to the detective I'd main in a tv detective fighting game was Bunk from The Wire. He has the coolest lines of the show "I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick." You may be on blast for not having seen Ghostbusters and Star Wars but Slips and 16bit are on blast for not having seen The Wire. They got me into The Shield now they need to watch The Wire. Omar Little may be one of the top 10 coolest characters ever on tv. "Lesson learned Bird, you come at the king you best not miss."

@AK Glass_Sword any time someone does a goat noise near you at Final Round just respond with Tooooooooooop EEEEEEEEEEiiiiiight at Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiinter Brawl and they'll have to hold that.
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Dojo Trainee
b1~MB minigun.
That is an option you can use for the opponent To respect but seriously gl needs to knockdown his opponents and use his oki game. B1 mg doesn't really lead to anything and with this game being so momentum based if they block it then There goes all your pressure and they're pushed away as well so against characters such as raven and sinestro this basically isn't even worthwhile


Jump and shoot.
That is an option you can use for the opponent To respect but seriously gl needs to knockdown his opponents and use his oki game. B1 mg doesn't really lead to anything and with this game being so momentum based if they block it then There goes all your pressure and they're pushed away as well so against characters such as raven and sinestro this basically isn't even worthwhile
Well, you made it sound like GL players have no options but it's there.


Dojo Trainee
Well, you made it sound like GL players have no options but it's there.
Yeah I know it's there but it's not really worthwhile in my opinion. Gl has more options than I probably know of or use myself I'm just to much of a scrub to use them myself


I Got Guiled
Man this was a good episode. So much to say about this one.

@GGA Slips and @GGA 16 Bit you always considered me rational and the debate arbitrator. So I need to weigh in on the alien life one. I agree with @GGA Slips 100%. There is zero evidence that life other than similar to our own can exist. It may be possible but we may not have seen a lot but we (well scientists, I'm not smart enough to figure this shit out) have a very solid understanding of physics and chemistry. No other make up of chemicals but what we use can be anywhere near as complex. Also there are other environments vastly different than what we live in right here on Earth and no other type of life has ever been discovered. It is not certain but it is very likely that life outside of Earth will at least have the same chemistry.

The molecular composition of life is not complex. Many of the simple building block organic compounds such as amino acids, carbohydrates and nucleotide bases that are used to make proteins, lipids and DNA can be found in space. When meteors and comets crashed into Earth millions of years ago, they brought these molecules with them. For example the Murchison meteorite. What seems so special about Earth is that water can exist in all three phases. The liquid state is especially important because it acts as a solvent for the cells that allow all these building blocks to come together and undergo many chemical reactions. All life is just a bunch of chemical reactions that intake energy for replication.
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U guys suck
Mulholland DR is a top movie deal w it
In fighting games Slips never gets outplayed, or the other person never made a good read. You have to hear "NONE OF THIS SHOULD BE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!" This is much like his taste in movies. If a movie is way smarter than him he doesn't like it and resents it.

I'd say Aliens = Alien, they are simply two different genres within the same awesome movie franchise; Alien is more of a suspense/thriller/survival horror type of movie, whereas Aliens is an awesome action movie.
Here is my theory on the first 2 Alien movies. The first 50 views of each movie Aliens is a better movie. After you have seen them 50 times, Alien slowly becomes the better movie. Much like the food that I cook for Slips, slow cooking really tastes good. Or much like arguing about which supermodel is hotter, you really can't lose either way.

Also, how I felt about Avatar.
Avatar falls under a new movement in top directors in Hollywood, and that is to preach first and tell a good story second, or not at all. They feel like the message they have to say is so important that quality doesn't matter as much. An example would be George Lucas changing the famous Greedo shot scene. Back in the 70's in was cool to have a character with nuance and depth, but apparently not so nowadays. That is how I felt while watching Avatar. So much so that during the movie I was rooting for the "villain."

Is Goat Austin PPJ's greatest contribution to the MKC?
Isn't it the NRS Community now?

Sarah Connor goes from the awkward girl that can't handle a few busy tables at a local diner to kicking down a man's door with an AK-47 ready to kill him
Umm Jim... Let's be reasonable here. She is using a Colt AR-15. Sarah Connor uses American not Russian!

I've got a fair bit of NW experience, and I seem to be able to do it. Not 100% but near enough.
I've been running casuals with Slips NW lately. I will try and level up and see if I can do it.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
On a side note, Zyphox I like your voice, and I think you would be a pretty good commentator for Injustice.
thank you my subscribers on youtube say the same thing :) on KTP i was hella raspy though from my voice being gone from WB, and being a smoker hehe.