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Most/Longest You've Ever Played a Game In One Sitting


when i played a lot of Dawn of War (RTS game), I remember playing some team battles that went on for a good 2 or 3 hours.

RTS games like FG games require you to be doing something all the time. Imagine playing a Fighting game and one round lasting 2-3 hours....its very intense and draining.
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Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
Not as hardcore as some of the people here but I remember when I was like 11, life was pretty much waking up, playing Resident Evil 4 and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, eating, shitting, and sleeping.

Most likely a 12-hour gaming session per day.


There it is...
Played through metal gear solid sons of liberty in one sitting must have taken me like 21 hours at least (i was young)

Cod: Mw2 i played like 28days though, i clocked like 18 hours on a lot of days during summer i got really sad.


All in on Johnny Football
The night Skyrim came out I decided to go to the midnight release, thinking I would just play for a couple hours then go to sleep. I played for 11 hours straight. That is probably the most but I have played others like Cod 4 and MW2 for hours on end too.


Administrator and Community Engineer
when i played a lot of Dawn of War (RTS game), I remember playing some team battles that went on for a good 2 or 3 hours.

RTS games like FG games require you to be doing something all the time. Imagine playing a Fighting game and one round lasting 2-3 hours....its very intense and draining.
Final Fantasy XI was notorious for this. It'd take like 3 hours to even make it through the instance, them you fight the boss for 2 hours and he has a 1/4 chance of dropping the item you're fighting him to get. If someone screws up a kite or he doesn't drop it then you start all over again and try your luck with the 1/4 odds.

Brutal, haha


It had a story? Damn, lol.

Avalanche is a truly awesome game. Silver surfer on a rocket? Hell yeah!
LOL I meant the OP's story about 1080 Avalanche.

I'm pretty sure the story IN 1080 Avalanche was something like:



Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Around the time the first Gears of War came out, I did not yet have a 360. So 2 days before Thanksgiving, me and my bro went to my friends house to play some GoW. He lived in his Mom's basement so it was essentially like a little apartment, which is amazing when you're 16. He had shag like carpet and the entire basement was just incredibly chill and comfortable. We sat on his couch with little fur blankets and just went in on the game, taking turns playing online. We really only took breaks to go get food, but brought it back to his house and ate while playing. Before we knew it, his Mom came down and said "So... are you guys going to go home for Thanksgiving?". We had been playing for 3 days straight with no sleep, only breaking for bathroom and eating. Our eyes were bloodshot and we were drained, but we were still addicted and kept playing. We just played until our parents called us to come home since all the food was about done. It was such a fun experience but haven't really done a 3 dayer like that since.

Came close with Halo 2 and UMK3, but it was never more than 24 hours. We just had the perfect setup and space when we played GoW. His Mom never bothered us and we didn't have anything to do but play.


Where's TJ Combo?
AE one time from 8pm to 5am.
I would play longer if I had players willing to play me long sets on KI. So far vagrant is being dodging me lol...


Noob Saibot
Gears of War I would play for 9-10 hours straight.

Played Killer Instinct for 13 hours straight.

When PS4 came out I played BF4 for 8 hours straight.

Good times.


AE one time from 8pm to 5am.
I would play longer if I had players willing to play me long sets on KI. So far vagrant is being dodging me lol...
When have I ever dodged you? I haven't gotten a friend request or message from you at all unless I missed it.
I'm off at 530PM CT. We can play then as long as you want.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Mortal Kombat 2: My uncle and I, 11 hours, with bathroom breaks.
Dragon Force: my uncle played 17 hours straight, going on bathroom breaks when I reminded him..


Ah the memories...

any ff 7 -10 I played til 3 in the morning and woke up at 10 just to start playing the game again. its more than 10 years ago a good final fantasy came out, so emo about that.
Dood, you haven't even played the best ones yet (well, you might have and didn't mention it but hey)! FF6 is hands down the BEST in the series. Characters, gameplay, overall story, Kefka (grrrrrr); it shits the runny shits all over those emo bitches Cloud and Squall. Also, find a copy (it shouldn't be hard now) of FF2 with the original Japanese AI difficulty. Talk about melting your brain! Love the avatar BTW. 3rd Birthday would have been a game of the year contender if they hadn't fucked up our beloved characters. :mad:

MMOs are notoriousy bad for inducing many sleepless nights. I'm sure they're designed that way. The worst for me was this one grind session early on in the life of EQOA (Everquest on the ps2). 15 straight hours of pressing buttons on autopilot. There was no brain left to turn to mush :D That was also how I discovered my "Epic Grind Survival Diet": Barqs Root Beer and lemon tarts. If the taste doesn't getcha, the instantaneous sugar rush will :p

Longest FG grind I ever had was when @Aidan came over and we played MK9. We're sitting there merrily playing along, some laughs were had, some rages were spent (by me :() when suddenly, I happen to look up. I look over at Aidan and go: "Dood! Do you realise that we've been playing non-stop for 9 straight hours?" The weirdest part about that was, up until then our hands weren't hurting or backs from sitting in the same spot that long or anything. Sure enough though, as soon as I said that, everything started hurting and I think we lasted another half hour or so before we called it quits.

There's probably more times, but for some odd reason I can't recall them ;)
Ah the memories...

Dood, you haven't even played the best ones yet (well, you might have and didn't mention it but hey)! FF6 is hands down the BEST in the series. Characters, gameplay, overall story, Kefka (grrrrrr); it shits the runny shits all over those emo bitches Cloud and Squall. Also, find a copy (it shouldn't be hard now) of FF2 with the original Japanese AI difficulty. Talk about melting your brain! Love the avatar BTW. 3rd Birthday would have been a game of the year contender if they hadn't fucked up our beloved characters. :mad:

MMOs are notoriousy bad for inducing many sleepless nights. I'm sure they're designed that way. The worst for me was this one grind session early on in the life of EQOA (Everquest on the ps2). 15 straight hours of pressing buttons on autopilot. There was no brain left to turn to mush :D That was also how I discovered my "Epic Grind Survival Diet": Barqs Root Beer and lemon tarts. If the taste doesn't getcha, the instantaneous sugar rush will :p

Longest FG grind I ever had was when @Aidan came over and we played MK9. We're sitting there merrily playing along, some laughs were had, some rages were spent (by me :() when suddenly, I happen to look up. I look over at Aidan and go: "Dood! Do you realise that we've been playing non-stop for 9 straight hours?" The weirdest part about that was, up until then our hands weren't hurting or backs from sitting in the same spot that long or anything. Sure enough though, as soon as I said that, everything started hurting and I think we lasted another half hour or so before we called it quits.

There's probably more times, but for some odd reason I can't recall them ;)
actually I have played 6. FF 1, 2 and 5 are the only ones I haven't played. Its just that I played 7 and 8 first so they have a special place in my heart and at the time their graphics were mindblowing. ff7 was actually the first rpg I ever played and ff8 could live up to the hype. FF 6 is great but I played it after 7-10 and imo to have ff6 or the older ones as your favorite you must have played them before the newer ones.

A lot of people flame me for this but ff 8 is my favorite, love the story, guardian forces, junction system, graphics, characters and I wish I had a gunblade. For some reason FF8 is a game I can play as many times as I want without getting bored, which is why it is my favorite.

3rd birthday had so much potential, parasite eve is one of the most underrated series and I am kinda emo about it ending that way. We need a remake of parasite eve 1 and 2...


Filthy Casual
I'm 33 and have been playing video games since the Atari 2600. I emphatically do NOT want to know how much time I've spent playing video games in one sitting.


actually I have played 6. FF 1, 2 and 5 are the only ones I haven't played. Its just that I played 7 and 8 first so they have a special place in my heart and at the time their graphics were mindblowing. ff7 was actually the first rpg I ever played and ff8 could live up to the hype. FF 6 is great but I played it after 7-10 and imo to have ff6 or the older ones as your favorite you must have played them before the newer ones.

A lot of people flame me for this but ff 8 is my favorite, love the story, guardian forces, junction system, graphics, characters and I wish I had a gunblade. For some reason FF8 is a game I can play as many times as I want without getting bored, which is why it is my favorite.

3rd birthday had so much potential, parasite eve is one of the most underrated series and I am kinda emo about it ending that way. We need a remake of parasite eve 1 and 2...
Yeah, that could have something to do with it. I dunno though, I still remember the rage over Kefka poisoning that town. And Sephiroth was such a pretty girl that even him wasting Aeris just didn't up the badass factor for me.

8 is my fave too! I'm big strategy guy. Games like FF Tactics, Ogre Battle, Disgaea, Front Mission and Civilization are the games I go to first. I loved the junction system and the cards (until I couldn't stop spreading the Random rule :mad:). I used to sit at the beginning of the game playing cards for hours and I would leave Balamb for the first time with like 3k hp for my main team thanks to card conversions and getting I think it was Cure 3 spells right away :D

Only two things really pissed me off about 3rd Birthday: the characterizations and the fact that it was a PSP game. There was soo much going on in that game that it really would have benefitted from a console release and the extra shoulder buttons. If Squeenix agreed to do a proper port to PS3, even if they didn't touch any of the characterizations, I'd still buy it happily. Sooo much wasted potential with that game.
Yeah, that could have something to do with it. I dunno though, I still remember the rage over Kefka poisoning that town. And Sephiroth was such a pretty girl that even him wasting Aeris just didn't up the badass factor for me.

8 is my fave too! I'm big strategy guy. Games like FF Tactics, Ogre Battle, Disgaea, Front Mission and Civilization are the games I go to first. I loved the junction system and the cards (until I couldn't stop spreading the Random rule :mad:). I used to sit at the beginning of the game playing cards for hours and I would leave Balamb for the first time with like 3k hp for my main team thanks to card conversions and getting I think it was Cure 3 spells right away :D

Only two things really pissed me off about 3rd Birthday: the characterizations and the fact that it was a PSP game. There was soo much going on in that game that it really would have benefitted from a console release and the extra shoulder buttons. If Squeenix agreed to do a proper port to PS3, even if they didn't touch any of the characterizations, I'd still buy it happily. Sooo much wasted potential with that game.
yeah forgot to mention the cardgame, that was really fun. they should put that in ff 15.

btw doesnt ff15 main character look like mix of cloud and squall?


yeah forgot to mention the cardgame, that was really fun. they should put that in ff 15.

btw doesnt ff15 main character look like mix of cloud and squall?
No surprise there they starred in the two biggest-selling FFs. I'll admit I liked Squall at first but after 100+ hours of gameplay and the moron doesn't get a clue....

SquareEnix generally likes their mini games and side quests for player time sinks. It's a guarantee that something will be in 15. Just what I'm afraid to guess ;)
Only thing that comes to mind is Mass Effect 3 for about 18 hours straight. Although I have played somewhere in the teens of hours at once in MK9.


~18h online poker on 6 tables. Ahh, college times. At the end I started to think I could transform my cards if I betted more. It didn't went well at the end :p


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I played this religiously for 6 years:

I'll never play another MMO ever again.
The pre-WoW Asian mmos were such a grind fest. I still played them like crazy as a kid though. RO was so shitty thinking about it.

Things you can do:
1. grind for levels, the only break being to try and aggro a huge mob to bots to kill them
2. Dick around in prontera normally spending 5 hours trying to find a good deal at vendors
3. Afk with a chat room open


King of the Jobbers 2015
The pre-WoW Asian mmos were such a grind fest. I still played them like crazy as a kid though. RO was so shitty thinking about it.

Things you can do:
1. grind for levels, the only break being to try and aggro a huge mob to bots to kill them
2. Dick around in prontera normally spending 5 hours trying to find a good deal at vendors
3. Afk with a chat room open
Yes and yes.

Drop rates were ridiculous. But for whatever reason I was there every day e_e


RO was awesome at that time - cartoon chicks at every corner were nice assets for gameplay ;] But, as every MMO it was all about farming and it's dull in long run IMO.
But what was fun was this whole PvP fight for castles or something like that IIRC.