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Most/Longest You've Ever Played a Game In One Sitting

Glass Sword

I played the shit out of Halo 2 online. Most likely 12 hours.
I blitzed FF13 when it came out for like 15 hours non stop eating in front of the tv. I got to Grand Pulse then did not finish the game until 6 months later. That game had issues. I was just like it has to get better and kept playing.
I played through ff10 (almost) in one day. Like 18 hours. I even won the blitz ball tournament in Luca. You have to have Jecht shot btw.
any ff 7 -10 I played til 3 in the morning and woke up at 10 just to start playing the game again. its more than 10 years ago a good final fantasy came out, so emo about that.


Administrator and Community Engineer
When I was addicted to Gears of War 1, I used to play from like when I woke up to 1-2 in the morning, usually Pubs and Clan matches. I played a fair amount like that for all Gears but not long term.

Same goes for WoW. 12 hours plus.
I did this exact same thing with Counter-Strike, except adding league matches to the pub and clan scrimmages. It was unhealthy, haha

This was back in the days of GamesNET, TheCLQ, Gamespy client, #findscrim , PunkBuster, Roger Wilco, and clan IRC channels.


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
If we are not counting food breaks. Played 3 days straight of warcraft 3 leaked beta beating the game and topping beta ladder before I slept. I do not recommend it at all. Ever. To anyone. Your mind seriously melts.
Wow that is awesome. Also WC3 is my all time favorite game... I count the days untill WC4... lol one day soon


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
During free days when MKA was being played, I would probably play from whenever I got up until I went to bed at like 2-3 in the morning, so a good 12-14 hours on a regular basis. Only reason I learned so much of that game lol.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I have to say, Unreal Tournament was heck of addictive too. I don't remember how many hours of that game I played concurrently, but it was way too many.

M-M-Monster Kill!!!!

AK Harold

Wow that is awesome. Also WC3 is my all time favorite game... I count the days untill WC4... lol one day soon
Yeah the campaign was awesome with TFT too. It is a shame the game itself developed such a boring and unfun meta because of the hero system. To date though probably my favorite RTS campaign is RoC and TFT


Filled with determination
yeah man she sucks lol i got her to a jedi and i made a mistake of putting her on the group to attack the sith base on dxun with mandalore and handmaiden and now am pretty much stuck at that point trying to beat it :(
That sucks some of the stuff with Kreia near the endgame is probably some of the best stuff in Star Wars. Again ending screws it unfortunately.

AK Harold

if we allowed 4 hour naps AND eating. . . I think it was 7 days I honestly forget the cycle. When my brother and I were doing WoW classic for grand marshall.


I'm a literal Sloth
WoW at least 20+ hours in one sitting. Diablo 2 LoD 16 hours. Mk9, At least 10+ with @zaf


Worship Only What You Bleed
I couldn't tell you the exact length of time but two of my buddies and I have had just ridiculously long sessions of Diablo II and Ragnarok Online back in the day.


A spaceman
I went over to a friends to play Borderlands 2 and me and him ended up playing for at least 10 hours with a pizza and beer runs in between. We ended up easily beating the game on Normal, than True Vault Hunter mode. After that we started farming for loot non-stop!


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
A few summers back i was playing 6-8 hours a day with some friends trying to get the Gears 1 "Seriously" achievement..thats 3 weeks of my life/sleep i wont get back...twas worth it..