When is a cross-up not a cross-up? When it's Raven's f3 
Thought I had found a way of making it cross-up in the corner. The age old thought of f23 then f3. The moment of hope came when I got the opponent to bounce behind me rather than in front. Took another 10 minutes of f23 f3 before it happened again. This time I was read though. This time I had a weight on the key (yay PC release) to make the opponent block the other way which would cause it to block the cross-up. Guess what? The move still hit. So, even though f3 will hit the opponent behind/away from you, it still isn't technically a cross-up.
Another possible one is 223, f3. 223 in the corner swaps positions as the opponent stands back up. You need to start the f3 just as they land to make sure you don't get pushed out but not too late otherwise the inputs will reverse and you'll get b3. Need to work out how long to hold the f3 for so it hits them the moment they wake up. As the opponent will start standing directly under you but then end up behind you, it should have a chance of crossing up.

Thought I had found a way of making it cross-up in the corner. The age old thought of f23 then f3. The moment of hope came when I got the opponent to bounce behind me rather than in front. Took another 10 minutes of f23 f3 before it happened again. This time I was read though. This time I had a weight on the key (yay PC release) to make the opponent block the other way which would cause it to block the cross-up. Guess what? The move still hit. So, even though f3 will hit the opponent behind/away from you, it still isn't technically a cross-up.
Another possible one is 223, f3. 223 in the corner swaps positions as the opponent stands back up. You need to start the f3 just as they land to make sure you don't get pushed out but not too late otherwise the inputs will reverse and you'll get b3. Need to work out how long to hold the f3 for so it hits them the moment they wake up. As the opponent will start standing directly under you but then end up behind you, it should have a chance of crossing up.