Lookin good Gil.!I like the use of dash cancel gunshots as an ender to maintain pressure. I've been using that a bit as well. Effectiveness is variable depending on the MU and their wakeup options (looks like your sparing partners respect the hell out of you on wakeup lol, didn't see many!).
I would agree with Qwark in that you should utilize your life leads better by zoning in some matchups, and just rely on zoning a little more in general; this is something I've been working on alot more through mind games with the gun and setting down teeth to limit the options of my opponents, as well as keep building meter. Any character that doesn't have a good projectile to lean on can just get lamed out by teeth and gun shots pretty effectively. Qwark mentioned GL, which is certainly the case, and don't forget to lay down preemptive teeth in the Bane MU. If he isn't at level 3, you can lay down teeth and just block when he's charging and he'll eat them, or if they are placed earlier, shoot him on his way in and the teeth will hit him without armor if they catch him on his way in. Just little things. You're playing the MUs well otherwise! I think you're sparing partners need to d2 you more. Alot of them seem to let you jump all over them, and alot of the cast can fend off those close j2's with d2 pretty easy. Maybe don't tell them that though...

Another little thing I've bee doing that works pretty well. Basically every Doomsday in the history of Doomsdays follows up MB Venom with d1 xx earth shaker. I've started using an option select parry after I block the Venom so I either block the d1 if I time it bad, or parry if I time it correctly. This get's beat by the jump splash, but it can recover fast enough on occasion because of how long splash sits in the air. Something to think about, though admittedly not the best option once they've seen it once or twice. Aside from that, I do love watching you parry his Venom. Reminds me of that sper hype footage you had a while back!
Also, I'M TELLING YOUUUU, when you are landing the big corner combo, use MID TEETH instead of regular teeth after the j2!!! I swear to you, the longer delay til explosion makes the timing a hundred times easier. I saw you drop it a few times, not that I don't on occasion still, but this helps a ton!!!
Overall, your conversions are on point (I agree with you over Qwark here, it's all about doing what you land most consistently) and your gameplay is really solid. You guys have any tournaments coming up down there any time soon?