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Injustice Custom DLCs/Mods Thread. First post always updated

Yea I saw it awhile back. I'm talking about editing damage values to each individual move, editing properties such as overhead, low, knockdown type, block and hit stun, etc.

The coalesced.ini being decrypted was nice, it points to each characters .mko file having these moves in each characters CHAR package.

I just need to decrypt the file, it's for sure in the MKScriptBinary file as the header contains the .mko
Well you have the right Idea. However, The values you want to change are actually in the TweakVaars {There is one for every caharacter & stage & it's contained in the MKScriptBinary} What you're looking @ is actually the MoveSets List {This is what's showed when you go to the Move List in the Pause menu} You'll need to open up Both the Char Package and the corresponding mkscript in HxD look in the MKScript about half way down and it'll be in there somewhere. Unfortunately without a bms script to extract all the tables from the mkscript it's going to be very tedious to find them and it's just a matter of trial & error to locate the beginning of the tweakvars in each MKScript. You'll need to find a section in the mkscript that looks like it contains float values, copy a 16 - 32-Byte Hex String from the MKscript then search in the char package for that string.

When you do find it you'll need to map it out to find out what each Float correlates to. The tweakvars is broken down into 4-Byte Floats, each float does something different. Some may seem like they don't do anything , But they do.

Once it's found you can start changing the Values. An easy way to find the Tweakvars is to change the values to 77 77 77 77 {Hex} this float is an extremely High value and it'll be easier to notice in game. You'll have to try every single move for the character to see what the float affects. I usually replace 128-Byte's @ a time to find the tweakvars. If the Game crashes after changing the value's you're more than likely in one of the Data Tables and the values are not floats. just replace with previous value and move forward.

Also some characters will have a SuperMove Script Binary that will allow you to adjust various parts of the supermove.

You can NOT change the button sequence for anything, only the values for a move. Here's a Pic of Solomon Grundy's Earth2 costume Tweakvars :

The Highlighted portion is the start of his TweakVars. It should look similar for the rest of the Characters in the Game. I hope this helps you out :)

You can veiw some of my videos of My Sub-Scorpion v2.0 Mod for MKKE to see some of what can be changed in the TweakVars here :



When's DragonBall?
Red Hood Deathstroke skin and Kyle Rayner GL skin on PS4 is all I want...I'll pay $100 to somebody who figures that out for me


Well you have the right Idea. However, The values you want to change are actually in the TweakVaars {There is one for every caharacter & stage & it's contained in the MKScriptBinary} What you're looking @ is actually the MoveSets List {This is what's showed when you go to the Move List in the Pause menu} You'll need to open up Both the Char Package and the corresponding mkscript in HxD look in the MKScript about half way down and it'll be in there somewhere. Unfortunately without a bms script to extract all the tables from the mkscript it's going to be very tedious to find them and it's just a matter of trial & error to locate the beginning of the tweakvars in each MKScript. You'll need to find a section in the mkscript that looks like it contains float values, copy a 16 - 32-Byte Hex String from the MKscript then search in the char package for that string.

When you do find it you'll need to map it out to find out what each Float correlates to. The tweakvars is broken down into 4-Byte Floats, each float does something different. Some may seem like they don't do anything , But they do.

Once it's found you can start changing the Values. An easy way to find the Tweakvars is to change the values to 77 77 77 77 {Hex} this float is an extremely High value and it'll be easier to notice in game. You'll have to try every single move for the character to see what the float affects. I usually replace 128-Byte's @ a time to find the tweakvars. If the Game crashes after changing the value's you're more than likely in one of the Data Tables and the values are not floats. just replace with previous value and move forward.

Also some characters will have a SuperMove Script Binary that will allow you to adjust various parts of the supermove.

You can NOT change the button sequence for anything, only the values for a move. Here's a Pic of Solomon Grundy's Earth2 costume Tweakvars :

The Highlighted portion is the start of his TweakVars. It should look similar for the rest of the Characters in the Game. I hope this helps you out :)

You can veiw some of my videos of My Sub-Scorpion v2.0 Mod for MKKE to see some of what can be changed in the TweakVars here :

Wow dude! thanks so much. This will help me A LOT. You are doing some great work man, keep it up!

I will definitely keep you posted on my findings.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.

How's it going :) I'll be releasing some mods soon. Here are pics of the remaining Playable NPC's in the game I still have some work to do to complete them so I'll release them sometime this weekend :

Gorgeous work pulling those out man. I'd definitely say make a run at snagging Deadshot and Parasite out of Strykers. If you come up with a mod that allows me to edit in game models and then reinsert them things are going to get awesome. At that point I could essentially mod any model with new parts and polygons and dump them back into the game with coats or whatever.

Looking forward to seeing your stuff.
<3 this thread.

Undecided on what to go for first. Things I am brainstorming ways to attempt:
  • Nightwing into Daredevil
  • Nightwing into Gambit
  • Green Lantern into other Lanterns
  • Isis into Dexstarr
  • Bane into Duffman (lucha alt mod)
  • Sinestro alt corp alts
  • Superman into Plutonian alt
  • Shazam into Thor alt
  • Deathstroke into Kamen Rider alts
  • Killer Frost into Frost
  • Doomsday into Strong Guy (containment suit lalt mod)
  • Green Lantern into The Ray (Red Son alt mod)
  • Zod into Cable (Movie alt mod)

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Undecided on what to go for first. Things I am brainstorming ways to attempt:
  • Nightwing into Daredevil
  • Nightwing into Gambit
  • Green Lantern into other Lanterns
  • Isis into Dexstarr
  • Bane into Duffman (lucha alt mod)
  • Sinestro alt corp alts
  • Superman into Plutonian alt
  • Shazam into Thor alt
  • Deathstroke into Kamen Rider alts
  • Killer Frost into Frost
  • Doomsday into Strong Guy (containment suit lalt mod)
  • Green Lantern into The Ray (Red Son alt mod)
  • Zod into Cable (Movie alt mod)
i like the way you think


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
ah geez...my 360's hard drive is dying now. This may be the only IGAU action I see soon. I was playing classic mode and it suddenly said "cant read disc, remove and clean"" and then dumped me to the home screen :(

Oh well, at least I can make alts.
Gorgeous work pulling those out man. I'd definitely say make a run at snagging Deadshot and Parasite out of Strykers. If you come up with a mod that allows me to edit in game models and then reinsert them things are going to get awesome. At that point I could essentially mod any model with new parts and polygons and dump them back into the game with coats or whatever.

Looking forward to seeing your stuff.
Thanks for that :)

Well I can definitely do internal mesh swaps with some of the characters that have another character in their super Move I.E. raven into Demon or Trigon. It's just Hex editing the corresponding meshes so that they're swapped in place of the main Character.

As far as the NPC's go I converted every single NPC in the game that has a standalone package {these are the files in the asset folder with the suffix NPC_} However only 8 of those are playable, the rest don't even move.

I'm pretty sure tho that once someone creates an unpacker/repacker for the coalesced files I can do much more. I can convert the DLC characters to allow alt costumes From their Main costume for sure {This I have already confirmed}.

And I might be able to figure out a way to do moveset swaps as well. I saw a lot of interesting stuff in the Coalesced.ini that leads me to beleive I can exploit it to force new movesets for @ lest some of the characters {I would use the Base Male as a test cause he only has a Punch and Kick.} If that works then I could probably add something to the Arkham Asylum NPC's so we can play with them.{Killer Croc, Riddler, Etc..} This is probably a pipe dream But it'll be one of the 1st things I look into.

And as far as the rest of the NPC's go that you see in different stages, I'll look into if I can do an ini mesh swap with those. I really don't like ini swaps cause they force you to pick a specific character & stage in order for them to work, but they do look kool. Other than that method I don't see a way of making those characters playable. They don't have movesets nor separate packages. they are contained inside the stage they show up in. And there is no way to export meshes from a stage and import onto a character. @ least not that I know of. We've been trying to do this on MKKE for awhile now. I know that you can export the mesh to 3DsMax and then export from there to UDK save as .SkeletalMesh but, adding it back to a Char package is where we have a problem. I'm no 3D artist or Modeler so I haven't really tried it myself. And the only tool we have that can swap out files is HowardC's MKKE File Injector so the skeletelMesh needs to be the same file size or smaller for it to work {Which means we can only alter the vertices slightly as that'll keep the file size the same.}
IGAU UE (PC) Costume Unlocker {By UncleFestor}

Okay here you go :

DownLoad Link : IGAU UE (PC) Costume Unlocker {By UncleFestor}

Installation Instructions :

1.) UnRar
2.) Copy the 2 ZodPatch files to your Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition\DiscContentPCG\DLC\ZodPatch\PCG\USAssets folder overwriting the existing file.

I included a Backup of the original (.bak) incase you want to revert the changes

Costumes Unlocked :

Batman Beyond
New 52 Green Lantern
Knightfall Bane
Arkham City Harley Quinn
Lockdown Superman

I'm also going to implement this into my NPC Character Pack so keep the Backup I've included with this as you'll need it.

I've also unlocked Boss Superman as an Alt Costume for superman But I don't see a single difference between him and Regime Superman. So I don't really see a point in releasing him. I looked @ his diff and he's the same. I don't know why the PS3 version looks different.
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Here's a video of my DLC Costume for Solomon Grundy and My H.O.J mod both W.I.P.

It also shows that there is no Texture Sharing in between the DLC Costume and the Default Earth 2 Costume. This video is with SweetFX enabled

Thanks to wyruzzah for the tips on the SweetFX, I had to use a different method for my PC but it still helped me out :)


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Successful test!
I got the PC edition even though its tight on cash and I tested the save format advice.

Odd thing is that I had also added a new logo over Sinestro's old one for the white lantern symbol yet it still shows the old logo's design. This makes me think that the Specular map that I didn't change on the file may have something to do with that so logo changes and such may take some work. Anyone got any other ideas why only the color changes but not the editted symbol?

Also how do I set this up once Im done so that I can just drag and drop it into the DLC folder to use as a new alt outfit instead of dragging it into the Assets folder to replace my original? wyruzzah


Looks like I only editted the one _Diff map and that I'll need to edit some other maps as well. Just the specular map you think?
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The Specular Map only controls Light reflection {Color of Shineyness when Light hits an object} To change the Look of the Emblem You'll need to edit it in the Diff, NormHQA, & maybe the PMSK}

As far as creating a DLC Costume Here's my Guide on how to do it Properly :

Go to the DLC Folder and create a new one name it whatever you want I used UncleFestor for my test :

Go to your new folder and Place your DLC File in there. then create 2 files :


There is no need to encrypt them. Inside each file you add the entries like you would if they were the .eni files. And that's it they load fine. You can also use the name of the Char Package for the folder & File names I.E. SolomonGrundy_T.

Here's what entries should be inside each file for a DLC Costume :
NOTE : You will Nedd NotePad++ to Create & Edit these Properly
File : UncleFestor__DCFGame.eng :
{Place the Folowing entries inside}

CHAR_SolomonGrundy_T=TEST  {Costume Name}

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                               Gallery Mode
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

CharBio_SolomonGrundy_T="Mod By UncleFestor "
CharStats_SolomonGrundy_T="Super-human speed, strength and stamina\nInvulnerability\nZomBie\nMod By UncleFestor"

File : UncleFestor__PCG-DCFGame.ini :

[Place the following entries inside}

CHAR_SolomonGrundy_T=SO {This is the Announcer Name}

Now I highly recommend that we as modders use our names for the DLC Folders & Files I.E UncleFestor. This way when we release a new mod we can just update our own files and release it alongside our mods. this will keep all our Mods contained in a single folder with our own eng & ini file updated with our latest mods. It'll keep the amount of folders that the game has to search through to a minimum and make it easier for users to apply the mods and keep track of them.

And here is a list of the Keys for all the Characters :
And here is my Guides on How to Create a DLC Costume For MKKE the steps are the same for IGAU you'll need @HowardC's MKKE Generic Renamer 3.1 for it to work properly and just clone them as Alt Costumes :



Guys, i wanna add bio to my The Joker (UNCLE BINGO) im not american or english man, can somebody check spelling for me? here is short biography (it cant be longer cause text would not appear in game) >>>

The Joker was the chosen alias of Jack Napier or also Uncle Bingo, a hood whose appearance was radically and

permanently altered by chemicals. He became Batman's first, and greatest foe, and the two shared a secret past that made them

greater enemies than either first realized.
IGAU UE (PC) NPC Character Pack & Costume Unlocker {By UncleFestor}

This mod will add the Following NPC's to your Game :


It also incorporates my previous Costume Unlocker.

If you have Downloaded my Previous unlocker delete the following 2 files and restore the backups I included with that release :


Installation Instructions for this Mod :

1.)Unrar Contents to your IGAU DLC Folder I.E. Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition\DiscContentPCG\DLC
2.)Enjoy :)

DownLoad Link : IGAU UE (PC) NPC Character Pack & Costume Unlocker {By UncleFestor}
I have a question, is it possible to make a new 52 Hal Jordan skin that makes his left half a blue lantern? that way he can still look ok with the green constructs. For reference.


I have a question, is it possible to make a new 52 Hal Jordan skin that makes his left half a blue lantern? that way he can still look ok with the green constructs. For reference.
Yeah it can be easily done.. and blue constructs can be recolored by Color Picker. BTW: We can make any lantern from him (Red, Yellow, Black, White, Violet..etc. etc.) :)


randomdude: U wanted Cold Captain skin?!.. I think we can use The Arrow dlc skin to make proper Cold Captain, but his weapon will be still bow (..and he use frozen arrows.. so normal arrow can be definetly change to cold one too :))
Yeah it can be easily done.. and blue constructs can be recolored by Color Picker. BTW: We can make any lantern from him (Red, Yellow, Black, White, Violet..etc. etc.) :)
Any... Lanterns? Red would be awesome, i thought it wasn't possible.
randomdude: U wanted Cold Captain skin?!.. I think we can use The Arrow dlc skin to make proper Cold Captain, but his weapon will be still bow :)
Hell yeah i'd only use ice arrows then.