I'm hanging in there man, you?
I've been thinking about it honestly... I never got into injustice like I did MK9, but I did enjoy my time with it. Maybe if I can dig out some games to trade in. But the problem is that I can pick up the PS4 version OR the PS Vita one... What characters/stages are the ones to avoid? I've heard Martian Manhunter sucks on Vita.
I'm good as well
Just got married a little over a month ago!
I never got into injustice like I did mk either. Mk will always be my game. I play a decent deathstroke and an ok green lantern though. Only issue with the ps4 version is that so few people have ps4 (oh wait same as vita lol)
Mmhs teleport is the main laggiest move I've come across. During some other characters long combos (example gls b13, trait, b13 rocket, mb, 223 lift, mb) toward the end of the combo sometimes there will be a couple of frames of lag, but it seems only on certain stages (wayne manor, gotham, the one with the flying drones mainly)
The ps4 version is probably the best version to get assuming you find other decent guys on here to play it with but vita is always sweet because its portable and the game is 20 bucks (or more if you get it used) less