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Injustice VITA Frame Rate Issues w/ certain stages


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Possibly warning to PS Vita owners looking to purchase Injustice: Gods Among Us for their hand-held. It appears that the game, on certain reported stages i.e. Gotham City, Wayne Manor, there are frame drops when playing the game. This means it'll appear that the game is slightly lagging when playing. Pig of the Hut mentions some of his concerns with the game, followed by many other comments giving similar complaints. ~ STORMS

"Just pick Martian Manhunter on Gotham and Wayne Manor, Do OH teleport and watch the frames go bye-bye on hit. I've only tried these two stages but this is absolutely annoying, it's not even like a few or couple. This product isn't for a person who is trying to practice other characters or learn.

I'm pretty annoyed so far with first impressions." ~ AK Pig of the Hut

NOTE: Issue seems to deal with certain stages, otherwise no issues being reported so far*


missiles are coming
With every developer under the sun saying how easy it is to develope for ps4, if there's any issues with injustice on that platform we know it's only NRS to blame.

Vita I undertsand being difficult to hold 60fps, but when all these companies are saying they shaved years off the dev cycle with ps4 and can run 60fps in 1080p... Best step your game up NRS


"Heaven Will Fall!"
With every developer under the sun saying how easy it is to develope for ps4, if there's any issues with injustice on that platform we know it's only NRS to blame.

Vita I undertsand being difficult to hold 60fps, but when all these companies are saying they shaved years off the dev cycle with ps4 and can run 60fps in 1080p... Best step your game up NRS
Xbone drops down to 16 fps playing dead rising 3 and the ps4 drops mad frames trying to play the new CoD so it seems like frame dropping is still here to stay with next-gen as well.


Get over here!
This has been a gripe of mine playing on stick in Injustice. I don't have a throw hot key on my stick because of the way I set my buttons. The thing especially annoying about the vita version is that when I try to throw, my thumb hits the analog stick and stance switches lol.
Dude i hear ya... i either hit the right stick, get a standing normal or get a throw...its like playing roulette lol


Xbone drops down to 16 fps playing dead rising 3 and the ps4 drops mad frames trying to play the new CoD so it seems like frame dropping is still here to stay with next-gen as well.
It's almost as if the new generation of consoles have the specs of a low-end PC ;)
Damn, I was really hoping to pick the vita up just for IGAU, I guess I'm just going to have to pass on this and to think it looked so promising in the promo but it was just that a promo. So sad


Get over here!
hecterrific colt

Any chance of bringing these issues up with the developer in hopes of getting a fix? Specifically the extensive frame rate issues and the throws not being mappable to a single button


Get over here!
I was honestly going to purchase my friends Vita JUST for this game. So glad I didn't.
Not ready to quit on it yet. Hoping for a patch/fix from the dev that nrs hired. Mk9 vita was really good so I know it can be done, just hope they care enough...


I'm fearing that this may be hardware limitations and may not be something they can fix...
They may attribute it to hardware, but it isn't. See: DOA5+, Uncharted, MGSHD please.

It may be due to constraints on the hardware due to lack of optimization. But that's just laziness on Armature...


This isn't surprising. My game grinds to a halt on PS3 when I use zod trait on fortress. It's the nature of devs being super lazy when porting versions to other platforms.


Get over here!
Just sent this email to armature studios:


I just purchased Injustice for Vita.

I am an avid tournament player for NRS games and there were a few concerns that the injustice tournament community have regarding the Vita port.

The frame rate seems to be very inconsistent. It seems to drop frames quite often (worse on some stages than others and worse for certain characters than others as well) the game is certainly not delivering the consistent 60fps that we are used to from the console versions. As a tournament player frame rate consistantcy is absolutely imperative because we break down moves to individual frames in order to know what beats what, what is safe etc (which is why the game lists frame data in the move list)

If the game cannot maintain its 60fps the frame data becomes meaningless and useless.

Also another concern is that throws cannot be mapped to a single button. Making throws be the 1+3 buttons pressed together is a big problem because often you just get a naked 1 or 3 normal move. Throws should be one button for consistency (even having meter burn also be throw would be 1000 times easier IMO)

I want to bring these items to your attention because there are already threads on the competitive injustice forums and this is a major issue and will cost you sales.

I already purchased the game but I am struggling to be happy with it based on these rather major issues with the core gameplay.

I did already download the 1.01 patch which did slightly seem to help the frame rate but it is still far from consistent.

I hope you will consider addressing these issues in a future patch




The game is still playable on a competetive level, just avoid vertain stages espescially fortess solitude. Atlantis is one I recommend staying on, there are some more good ones but i cant think of them from the top of my head. Maybe Wayne manor, idk.