Jobbers are mouthpieces for gods.
This thread isn't for flaming or calling anyone out. It's just to gauge my (Noobe's) experience with Doomsday against other good players that use their respective characters. To keep track and get some healthy competition brewing without any talking, just score keeping. Also to talk about Matchups. So Feel free to discuss here. If you have any question for Noobe feel free to tag and ask him.
This thread will be updated with videos and brief summary of the matchup by Noobe in the near future. (Note: twitch didn't save Noobe video's)
Also please tag who you think is the best with their respective characters, so Noobe can challenge them. Or if you wish to challenge him yourself feel free to do so.
SCORE: 7-17 Theo (NOTE: It was under lag.)
VIDEO: Coming soon.
SUMMARY: Coming soon
SCORE: 7-17 Theo (NOTE: It was under lag.)
VIDEO: Coming soon.
SUMMARY: Coming soon
PLAYER: My_G_rocks
SCORE: 2-0 noobe
SUMMARY: Coming soon
SCORE: 2-0 noobe
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