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Guide KILLER FROST - Living Combo Archive/Discussion (Archived)


So I was playing a match the other day, and finished my opponent's first lifebar with b1. The opponent entered crumple state, and the second round started with us being extremely close together. I haven't been able to replicate it, but has anyone else had that happen? It would be huge to not have to get in against certain characters in round 2.

This happens to me on Lobo sometimes when i finish the round with a hook charge while the enemy is juggled. The opponent falls down where he's supposed but lobo doesn't take a step backwards like he should.


Mid Tier
hi guys, new to the Killer Frost.

I've been working on these combos and having a little trouble.

MB Reset: F3, u3, u3, f113xxslide, f1xxMB freeze, j2, 2 39%

I got this down but can only hit the MB freeze like 20% of the time, is there a trick to it??

It just seems to wiff alot, and then sometimes hit, I also find F112 better to do because it never misses where as f113 seems inconsistent character to character.

Any help or tips would be great.

I'm really enjoying this character.


This mean you don't like me?
Jimmy, you use Frost now?! Congratulations you've made a great choice! Feel free to seek assistance from thine brethren and have fun! I've got some reaaaally dirty stuff I could run through if ever you'd wish, and I think you'd make a splendid addition to the Frost brotherhood :D

However, you continue to duck me. Your GA has eluded me. Explain.


Mid Tier
Jimmy, you use Frost now?! Congratulations you've made a great choice! Feel free to seek assistance from thine brethren and have fun! I've got some reaaaally dirty stuff I could run through if ever you'd wish, and I think you'd make a splendid addition to the Frost brotherhood :D

However, you continue to duck me. Your GA has eluded me. Explain.
Lol, I'm usually busy during the week, we will throw down soon though, Yes I'm full on the Frost train now, she will be my second character, probably only gonna play the 2, she covers my bad match ups pretty well. And she's pretty fuckin fun to play as well!!!

Figured every other Kitana main uses her, I myswell too lol.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Lol, I'm usually busy during the week, we will throw down soon though, Yes I'm full on the Frost train now, she will be my second character, probably only gonna play the 2, she covers my bad match ups pretty well. And she's pretty fuckin fun to play as well!!!

Figured every other Kitana main uses her, I myswell too lol.



TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I've been messing with some air dash setups after I keep the meterless vortex going with a J3 into slide. What do you guys think about mixing in some air dash setups every now and then? I only do it off a J3 into slide, then end the meterless combo in slide and it spaces you well enough to get a jump towards air dash combo regardless if they tech roll or not. I think Runway might have made a thread about air dash setups before, but I am not sure if something like this was covered....more or less a slight wrinkle in the meterless vortex.

xKhaoTik RunwayMafia Konqrr ApocaLips Rickyraws
I don't like airdash setups after slide because your opponent controls whether or not it crosses up by tech rolling.

If I go for these, I usually end in non-BM freeze. You can control whether the airdash will cross up by airdashing higher or lower, which is more ambiguous. But I think the meterless vortex is stronger, and I only go for these if I accidentally go for the metered vortex when I don't have a bar.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Yes, a while back I posted some set ups after a MB freeze into NJ2 into an air dash. The set ups in your video are good and I do them on occasion. Let's be real...when a Killer Frost gets momentum and is landing her shit, mixing up into air dash/jump set ups will catch A LOT of people off guard, even people experienced in playing against KF.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I don't like airdash setups after slide because your opponent controls whether or not it crosses up by tech rolling.

If I go for these, I usually end in non-BM freeze. You can control whether the airdash will cross up by airdashing higher or lower, which is more ambiguous. But I think the meterless vortex is stronger, and I only go for these if I accidentally go for the metered vortex when I don't have a bar.
Yeah that is true about the cross up on the tech roll. The only way to make sure it hits on both cases is to jump forward and dash. If the slide knockdown was un-techable you could control the side you ended up on no problem. I was thinking this would just be more or less something to add in not as an ambiguous cross-up type setup but more to just try to keep pressure on in the meterless vortex because if you keep your air dash low everything happens pretty quickly. You would just have to be worried about what wake-ups would be worth risking it against.


This mean you don't like me?
I've been messing with some air dash setups after I keep the meterless vortex going with a J3 into slide. What do you guys think about mixing in some air dash setups every now and then? I only do it off a J3 into slide, then end the meterless combo in slide and it spaces you well enough to get a jump towards air dash combo regardless if they tech roll or not. I think Runway might have made a thread about air dash setups before, but I am not sure if something like this was covered....more or less a slight wrinkle in the meterless vortex.

xKhaoTik RunwayMafia Konqrr ApocaLips Rickyraws
I think this is an excellent set up to pepper into your gameplay. There's less restriction on your opponent in terms of getting out of it, sure,(tech roll should they choose to) but if you sprinkle it into your arsenal, you can seriously mind fornicate them.

Would this be a set up that works primarily more effectively on stationary wakeups/ characters with specific wakeup qualities?For example, Superman's wake up I can fly can see him avoid a great many set ups from Frost and otherwise, however due to it being unsafe it isn't anything to write home about. If an opponent like Batgirl KNOWS or READS you're gonna do it, the input for teleport remains the same, no? Characters like Wonder Woman and MMH get screwed over by the meterless vortex due to their main wakeup option being a) input dependent and b) jump-over-able, so I see this set up only doing wonders to them, pun forcefully intended. So yeah, I think this is great, but as you said, primarily to add a 'wrinkle' to your already established gameplay. The can roll and potentially put us in a bad way if we do it frequently enough to give them ideas.

It's funny, I actually stumbled across the vid 15 minutes after you uploaded it as I shuffled onto thine channel in an attempt to see if you had uploaded any more sets with various players post patch.

Alas, I was left wanting. ;_;


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I've been messing with some air dash setups after I keep the meterless vortex going with a J3 into slide. What do you guys think about mixing in some air dash setups every now and then? I only do it off a J3 into slide, then end the meterless combo in slide and it spaces you well enough to get a jump towards air dash combo regardless if they tech roll or not. I think Runway might have made a thread about air dash setups before, but I am not sure if something like this was covered....more or less a slight wrinkle in the meterless vortex.


xKhaoTik RunwayMafia Konqrr ApocaLips Rickyraws
I actually used this online last night and it netted me a win ^_^ I'm sure a better player would have blocked it though lol


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
ApocaLips. Do you think you can update the damage and edit any combos in your thread to bring things pretty much up to date? I want to make this thread the main combo discussion thread and I am going to un-sticky the current one in favor of this one. I think it would be better to have someone who is active in the KF community to have access to edit the thread.

Sound alright?
ApocaLips. Do you think you can update the damage and edit any combos in your thread to bring things pretty much up to date? I want to make this thread the main combo discussion thread and I am going to un-sticky the current one in favor of this one. I think it would be better to have someone who is active in the KF community to have access to edit the thread.

Sound alright?
Sounds good, just list them in one post for me please.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Sounds good, just list them in one post for me please.
I am not really max BNB guy to be honest. So a lot of these combos I don't really even use that often or know about. I basically have my own situational BNB's I use that probably aren't max but they get the job done. I am not sure how up to date your OP is, but I just got to thinking that the Ninj thread was SUPER outdated.

I would just go off the list you already have started in the OP and maybe add stuff that you might have thought of that isn't already in the list if you can. If not, once it is done we can collaborate and edit/add anything that we think should be in there.
I am not really max BNB guy to be honest. So a lot of these combos I don't really even use that often or know about. I basically have my own situational BNB's I use that probably aren't max but they get the job done. I am not sure how up to date your OP is, but I just got to thinking that the Ninj thread was SUPER outdated.
Oh, ok. The OP is up to date then, aside from a few very tight max damage combos that I wouldn't recommend using anyway.

Also, the stickied thread is outdated as of like day 2 lol. Holy hell.
I am not really max BNB guy to be honest. So a lot of these combos I don't really even use that often or know about. I basically have my own situational BNB's I use that probably aren't max but they get the job done. I am not sure how up to date your OP is, but I just got to thinking that the Ninj thread was SUPER outdated.

I would just go off the list you already have started in the OP and maybe add stuff that you might have thought of that isn't already in the list if you can. If not, once it is done we can collaborate and edit/add anything that we think should be in there.
I misread, I thought you were asking me to add your combos - I glazed over an "any" and read it as "my."

While we're at it, do you think the parry guide could use a facelift? Now that we know what strings are relevant, we could probably streamline it.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I misread, I thought you were asking me to add your combos - I glazed over an "any" and read it as "my."
Yeah, no worries I knew what you were thinking after your last response. I actually tried to get cute and merge a bunch of posts after August in the other thread into this one and close that other one, but I totally messed stuff up and just got it pretty much fixed in the last 10 minutes lol. I might still close the other one. Not sure yet.
Small format update. Changes:

- Made f112~slide the default in each list. That's realistically the version you're going to see the most and the version you should shoot for when learning KF's combos.

- Added execution tips section. Everything listed here in its default form is perfectly consistent - you should be able to land them pretty much every time with practice. The tips will keep your consistency near 100%. The tips also include variations that exist solely to make execution easier and serve no other beneficial purpose. You should wean yourself off those combos in time.

- Added a corner section. Double u3 whiffs, f113 is the vortex ender.

- Stylistic changes that make the combos easier to read.