I love you and everything Zig, and i get that these aren't final or anything, but i can't agree with a lot of your numbers here. But, just so its known; I do not struggle against AM or Frost. Raven is a bitch, but doable. I'm not really sure who else was in question here, cause i'm not going to go through 11 pages of dick riding/elitism.
PS Blindman evo was so 2013
PS POTH Idk if you play any Shazams frequently, and i expect nothing more out of you than any other player here cause lbsh you're just a dude who likes to play fg's and happens to be good at fg's, not some super saiyan mentor to TYM, like everyone makes you out to be. But I also don't see why you have to have a say in EVERY single thing that comes across this forum. If the Shazams want to talk, why not let them talk? Why must you constantly be telling someone they are lesser than you in some way, shape, or form?
PS Brady I didn't read your posts cause they were too far into the aforementioned dickriding area of the thread.
uhhhhhhhhhh that's all.
I don't think AM is a problem and neither do alot of other people, Brady came in here saying that we lose to AM but Honestly I've played some great AM's and alot of experience of all sorts of AM styles, I think it's positive and I'll be changing the numbers over some time and soon enough it'll be finished.
Frost I can't say is too easy, It's not a solid loss but I don't think it's all down to player skill when you have things like her Zoning game is decent which Shazam has a bad thing for.
There's alot of trash i warn you not to enter that realm friend!
Also fixed your spelling error on Saiyan
Pigs good no doubt, knows alot of stuff no doubt, but When he comes in spouting about the tournament players are the only players we should consult then he gets 0 respect personally, especially when he clearly doesn't Know enough about this character to be doing that, those guys are pretty good in some respects, but winning tournaments doesn't make charts, and it doesn't mean they're the best, It just means simply they made it to a tournament and won, and not always against the toughest of pools.
In any case saying that I should discuss with the high level players and that he is in all threads is straight up contradictorary because if he'd hung around Shazam a bit he'd see my work.