Trust me, I'm a doctor
Backdash doesn't avoid the grab, also bow spin loses to double punch.Bane
What I said before still stands but the match is pretty damn bad, it's in banes favor by far. GA needs a favorable stage to win this match IMO. Hall of justice, gotham street and fortress of solitude are probably the best.
The thing with this match is it's similar to the lex (minus the projectiles) match but you have no way to stop him from getting armor. On top of that bane can get in a lot easier than lex can. His forward and back dash are both very good. He also has an extremely long and fast low that gives him good advantage to close the distance.
Arrows really don't do much in this match at all. In a lot of cases if I used arrows they took too long to recover to stop his armored charge move with a MB b3. That leads to good chip and bane in your face with venom. Level 3 venom blows through armor too so if he's in with that it's game over.
On wake up vs bane bow spin will work well against his 50/50 but can be baited obviously, it is his best wake up options vs bane though imo. Back dash will escape his low started but loses to the overhead. I need to test if back dash avoids the grab, I'm assuming it does.
If you run into bane I would do my best to get a favorable stage or counter pick.
Also if we meaty b.23 you on wake-up, the 3 will hit you out of backdash.