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General/Other Rain Hard to use online, when there's lag about..


I Will Kill You For Sport.
Hi im really enjoying Rain, his gameplay, the way he works and his combo's
but i was just wondering is anybody finding Rain's combo stupid hard to work or land even if there's the most little bit of lagg?

Like i have played a few games now and games were i do not have any lagg and i manage to get a chance to pull off a combo i manage it really well. But some games were there is lagg, even just tiny tiny stupid little lagg it completley stuffs me up.. :(

it is most likely just me and i need to work around this but i was just wondering if anybody else feels the same way? if not then say also because be nice to know other peoples opinions on how i could work around this? except practice online as much as possible lol ^_^


Weather Man
Theres really nothing to be done about it. Lag is just something that we have to deal with from time to time. I managed to pull off Rains 51% uppercut combo online but it wasn't easy by any means. Just try to find a match with less lag and practice your combos. Really all you can do.

Raiden, Kano and Kung Lao are lag tier. Play them, online.
He asked about rain.


I Will Kill You For Sport.
Yeh true, ill just have to try and work through it.

and do you mean play with those characters? or play against them? because if you mean played against them then its a lose the moment lag comes played a kung lao player earlier
felt as if he wasnt lagging and my going was doing the robot or something lol

also as well im not interested in playing with raiden, kano or kung lao.

Raiden is same shit different day kind of player i feel when i play against people that use him.
Kano im just not interested in him what so ever dislike his gameplay with a pation
and Kung Lao to many people use him.

I like to play character that arent getting used 24/7 so hopefully the hype with Rain will die down soon because wouldnt mind using him as one of my mains :)


Having problems as well.
My inputs would drop or it wouldnt confirm my string or work as i want to or negative edge
Guessing Rain is goin to be like a scarlet Skillfully play only offline :/
But he just came out, guessin we will have to adjust or do simpler combos


I Will Kill You For Sport.
Having problems as well.
My inputs would drop or it wouldnt confirm my string or work as i want to or negative edge
Guessing Rain is goin to be like a scarlet Skillfully play only offline :/
But he just came out, guessin we will have to adjust or do simpler combos
Exactly what is happening with me offline my combo's work brilliantly, but online it feels like my inputs just arent working.
anoying thing is though is that i dont want to do simpler combos :p i have a 40% no meter combo that is quite easy and a around
54% x-ray midscreen combo 58% with damage boost xD

havent got a corner combo nailed yet though, but im more concerned on concentrating on my midscreen play.


well I would assume that any character heavily juggle reliant would have problems with lag, but then again people have manged fine with Tsung and Mileena.
Stick with the simple yet damaging bnb with online rain.


Shang Bang
Experiencing the same problem myself. It's as if the lag disappeared then came back with the 1.03 patch. Any of my combos that involves a dash punch dash punch kick into water bubble refuses to connect. Too bad the training mode cant simulate lag so we can practice for it.


I Will Kill You For Sport.
Experiencing the same problem myself. It's as if the lag disappeared then came back with the 1.03 patch. Any of my combos that involves a dash punch dash punch kick into water bubble refuses to connect. Too bad the training mode cant simulate lag so we can practice for it.
This is exactly spot on to what i think and feel also!
but for me it feels that since ive downloaded Rain theres more lagg again in game lol :S but yeh ill also have to try easyier combo's until lagg dies down a bit one day... or just keep practicing, but yeh i agree would be cool if it lagged in practice mode so that you could practice in an laggy enviroment :D
The issue is landing roundhouses, its impossible with lag so just drop them from your combos and you should nail it every time well most of the time.


Gaming4Satan Founder
I'm swearing off online altogether. I can't deal with it anymore. I lost 4 times against the scrubiest scrub-zero ever because of input delay and almost smashed my brand new 47" LCD TV. I'm playing ladders and offline casuals and tournaments only from now on. It's going to be hard though... because I want to play MK so bad

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I'm swearing off online altogether. I can't deal with it anymore. I lost 4 times against the scrubiest scrub-zero ever because of input delay and almost smashed my brand new 47" LCD TV. I'm playing ladders and offline casuals and tournaments only from now on. It's going to be hard though... because I want to play MK so bad
Half of the input delay is your tv, fyi. if not more than half.

but i am the same way, i dont play online. its fucking terrible.


I Will Kill You For Sport.
I'm swearing off online altogether. I can't deal with it anymore. I lost 4 times against the scrubiest scrub-zero ever because of input delay and almost smashed my brand new 47" LCD TV. I'm playing ladders and offline casuals and tournaments only from now on. It's going to be hard though... because I want to play MK so bad
I wish it was possible to play people offline whenever i wanted, that would be cool but ill have to just try stick through the lagg/ input delay or pray that the creators of MK will bring out a patch that might actually work, or better still stop bringing out DLC's and sort the lag out 1st .. :p

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
I'm swearing off online altogether. I can't deal with it anymore. I lost 4 times against the scrubiest scrub-zero ever because of input delay and almost smashed my brand new 47" LCD TV. I'm playing ladders and offline casuals and tournaments only from now on. It's going to be hard though... because I want to play MK so bad
Same here man i hear ya!


I tried using Rain online but it was impossible. Way too much of a hassle to land anything with the lag. For online, I'm using Sub Zero now very often. I find that with Subby I can land most of his BNB's most of the time. Cyrax is too much of a headache to use online and I'm pissed because he's my favorite char. Well anyways back on topic, rain is gonna be a pain in the ass to use online, his stuff requires very strict timing.


Gaming4Satan Founder
Half of the input delay is your tv, fyi. if not more than half.
I know what you mean about some LCDs having input delay; I have friends whose tvs do. Whenever I play on those tvs I feel like the online mode is stalking me D:

But luckily any input delay on mine (offline) is unnoticeable.

EDIT: I'm convinced that playing ladders is better training than playing online. I'm going to start doing what I did during the great psn outage of 2011: taking one character up the tag ladder. In essence, playing every round as an endurance match. I always quit at goro/kintaro too because they don't help training wise

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Gaming4Satan Founder
I know what you mean about some LCDs having input delay; I have friends whose tvs do. Whenever I play on those tvs I feel like the online mode is stalking me D:

But luckily any input delay on mine (offline) is unnoticeable

EDIT: I'm convinced that playing ladders is better training than playing online. I'm going to start doing what I did during the great psn outage of 2011: taking one character up the tag ladder. In essence, playing every round as an endurance match. I always quit at goro/kintaro too because they don't help training wise.

Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk

Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk


Robotic said it best:

1. If you have the slightest lag online and you don't have people to play offline with, say goodbye to all your Rain aspirations. He has a pretty specific window for his intermediate and advanced combos.
Rain is for offline play only, unfortunately.


I Will Kill You For Sport.
Even with the lagg and some of his strict timing combo's im still trying to get used to him through the lagg because ill just try knowing when to use certain moves at certain times with and without the lagg, might be hard but it will be well worth trying tbh :)


I know what you mean about some LCDs having input delay; I have friends whose tvs do. Whenever I play on those tvs I feel like the online mode is stalking me D:

But luckily any input delay on mine (offline) is unnoticeable.

EDIT: I'm convinced that playing ladders is better training than playing online. I'm going to start doing what I did during the great psn outage of 2011: taking one character up the tag ladder. In essence, playing every round as an endurance match. I always quit at goro/kintaro too because they don't help training wise

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Online is where all the fun is though! Unless you live close to a Tournament!

Sent from my Aris using Crap-a-Talk


Yeah, I can already tell he'd be a pain using online. Skarlet is just as bad online because you need to have good timing to land moves. The best bet is to play him offline or only on really good connections.

TBH, I never touch online unless it's with friends who have good connections.