Yep I agree. Even if you play friends consistently offline at some point the matchups become knowing what each others tricks and styles are. Which leaves online which is a good place to find lots of variety, but then leaves the possible lag issue, although recently I discovered if you pick the guys that have TONS of wins I have found their connection rocks. However, the guys that have TONS of wins normally equals TONS of losses for me. So ultimately my ONLY place to get truly better is online and keep battling it out with the TONS of wins crew. I find online is a good environment, but lacks TRUE rating of connection speed. Desync is nonexistent now and I just wish they could give us a TRUE rating of each others connection speed instead of everyone having maxed out 4 bars. With better connection selection Skarlet and Rain become viable again. IMO if you can find players with great connection speed, online becomes an execellent environment to get to the next level of play. Til then Rain has to be sideboarded for more efficient online characters, which is too bad, because I feel online would really open up if connection was addressed and we would start seeing characters once plagued by online shine.