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GTA: 1 Billion Dollars in a week


"More deadly than the dawn"
No surprise, the Game store I work at has been busy every day of the week just because of GTA.

We had the biggest midnight launch I've ever seen for this town.


Skarlet who ?
I've never played any GTA game, just saw the gameplay when my friend was playing, and never got why it is so popular. Same with watching my friend playing GTA4 on Xbox 360, game like game, nothing special. But figures speak for themselves, so good for Rockstar.


I'm obsessed with cars in this game. If I find someone with a sweet ass car I'm jacking that shit and customize the hell out of it


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Ok but the thing is I've done half of those things in past GTA games and the other half I'm doing or can do IRL. So that pretty much only leaves tanks and triathalons LOL.

tbh Everything you listed is exactly why I don't play GTA5. I just find it silly lol. I mean why the hell would I play GTA to play a golf mini-game instead of a fully fleshed out golf game or IRL golf. Same with pool, hunting, darts, card games, sports etc. And why would I play GTA to play arcade mini-games instead of my huge collection of real games? Why would I watch fake movies for lolz when I have so many real movies I have yet to watch?

YOU GUYS ARE INSANE. Your minds must have been colluded.
You play Stryker bro, we understand.


My blades will find your heart
I like how sometimes if you jack someones car they get up and pull you back out of it, dat retaliation.

It almost worked until Stretch shot him lol