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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


My blades will find your heart
Well those people who are buying the meth are choosing to ruin their own lives. Yes Walt is the producer, but to say he is to blame for those people ruining their lives nah brah. Life is all about choices and in the end you are responsible for your own actions.
To be fair, you try it once an you are hooked for life. I wouldnt blame someone for making one bone-headed decision that ruined their life.

Also about Walter, yes he started with the intention of helping his family(LBSH, there were a lot of other things he couldve done lol) but by the end of season 2 he had made enough money to last them a lifetime. As Jaym has been saying, the creator himself said that he wanted to show Walt's transition from dedicated family man to delusional psycopath.

He has some morals but they are incredibly twisted. "Oh I dont want to harm Jesse, so you go do it for me. But dont make him suffer, I dont wanna do him like that". Killing a person is killing a person....lol. This last season is basically showing that Walt has let the power go to his head and has lead him to basically ruin his whole life.

As for the person saying the show doesnt talk about the harmful effects of the drugs, that is totally false. Walt has to deal with Jesse's addiciton to heroine(by letting his girlfriend die, which might be a little harsh but hey). Jesse encounters the crackhead parents who end up killing each other. They also show the girl who tries one ounce and gets addicted.

Basically you are all right lol


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I am sorry Jay, but I seriously can't make myself believe you are not trolling in some of your posts. Either that or you are just incredibly closed minded. For a person to call out people as stupid for being open minded about a character with as much depth as Walter in this series just seems out of this world to me.
I think he is trolling or he's really narrow-minded, like you said. You explain something to him and it flies 10,000 feet right over his head. You end up having to repeat yourself multiple times like it's going in one ear and out the other. He also makes these absurd comparisons which aren't even remotely similar on any level.

I guess even to some people the Mona Lisa looks like a piece of shit painting.

Zoidberg747 Actually no, I've known several people who have smoked meth before and they were able to quit no problem. It's silly to say ALL people get hooked for life after one try. That's not true at all.


Currently playing as Lex Luthor.
Threads debating these topics always remind me that most of us would rather see punishment than forgiveness. I thought humanity would be better then that by now :(


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Threads debating these topics always remind me that most of us would rather see punishment than forgiveness. I thought humanity would be better then that by now :(
I don't think anyone on team Walter wants to see him get punished. I could be wrong though. I know I have always wanted him to get away with everything and never be prosecuted or convicted.


Currently playing as Lex Luthor.
I don't think anyone on team Walter wants to see him get punished. I could be wrong though. I know I have always wanted him to get away with everything and never be prosecuted or convicted.
More a general statement then anything regarding either team :)


My blades will find your heart
I think he is trolling or he's really narrow-minded, like you said. You explain something to him and it flies 10,000 feet right over his head. You end up having to repeat yourself multiple times like it's going in one ear and out the other. He also makes these absurd comparisons which aren't even remotely similar on any level.

I guess even to some people the Mona Lisa looks like a piece of shit painting.

Zoidberg747 Actually no, I've known several people who have smoked meth before and they were able to quit no problem. It's silly to say ALL people get hooked for life after one try. That's not true at all.
It depends on the person. Meth gets you addicted faster than almost any illegal drug. It also has some of the worst effects. Either you're friends are lying to you, they got lucky, or what they had wasn't meth.

Point still stands that it can ruin your life lol

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Yes Walt creates poison that ruins peoples lives on a daily basis. But its ok hes fond of his family and paid for jesses rehab that 1 time. If thats not grounds for sainthood i dont know what is, ghandi who?
Does Walt work for Newport or Coke Or Coors?
Are drugs the only time we blame the sellers and makers? Because the goverment says so huh...
Morality is a funny thing...

Sent from the bottom of a bottomless pit.


It's funny that Jay thinks he's right even though every other person that has posted in this thread has disagreed with him.

vince gilligan agrees with me thats all the reassurance i need. Mos of yout are just your typical cliche of "im cool cause i root for the bad guy, check out my fedora"


Well those people who are buying the meth are choosing to ruin their own lives. Yes Walt is the producer, but to say he is to blame for those people ruining their lives nah brah. Life is all about choices and in the end you are responsible for your own actions.
And Walt is chosing to provide those people with the means to ruin their lives. If you want to kill yourself and i give you a gun, am i not partialy responsible for your death. Its called enabling.


I am sorry Jay, but I seriously can't make myself believe you are not trolling in some of your posts. Either that or you are just incredibly closed minded. For a person to call out people as stupid for being open minded about a character with as much depth as Walter in this series just seems out of this world to me.
Most of the Walt supporters are stupid this is fact and Vince Gilligan agrees (though hes not as blunt). A lot of the same people who root for Walt also root for the death of characters like skylar, marie ,and walt jr. I wish more Wakt supporters would just be honest and say i like rooting for the bad guy.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
And Walt is chosing to provide those people with the means to ruin their lives. If you want to kill yourself and i give you a gun, am i not partialy responsible for your death. Its called enabling.
But the decision lies within that person. In the end he/she has the final say and choice. If you are too weak minded to make the right decision then that's on you, not the enabler. No one is forcing you to pull the trigger.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
But the decision lies within that person. In the end he/she has the final say and choice. If you are too weak minded to make the right decision then that's on you, not the enabler. No one is forcing you to pull the trigger.
The problem is that he thinks we only see the black and white he does

we are swimming in gray....


Threads debating these topics always remind me that most of us would rather see punishment than forgiveness. I thought humanity would be better then that by now :(
You make one damning decision thats horrible i can forgive you. You make 10 aweful decisions you dont deserve forgiveness, you deserve punishment. Your dog shits in my yard once no problem twice i say something three times im pissed 4 times im feeding you that shit.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Idk how anyone could make the comparison between darth vader, hannibal lecter and Walter white. They are not even remotely the same.

But Darth Vader is AWESOME. How can anyone not like him as a character? doesn't mean i rooted for him. Never liked lecter.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
No the only people who see black and white are his supporters." Yeah he poisoned an innocent child, but he didnt die" like that makes it ok.
and if you notice

the people that stopped quoting you aren't those people

But again..... you compare in black and white...... like your gun analogy

basically saying enabling is also making the decision for the person

If the person said "i'm going to kill myself, can i have your gun"
then yeah its your damn fault

if the person said "I don't feel safe in my home, can I borrow your gun"

then what?


Ok so I have heard that Breaking Bad was an extremely good series. I know it's on Netflix so I decided to start watching it one day. Me and my cousin watched the first episode and it was kinda ehhh.... We got bored and couldn't really get into it. We only watched like 20 minutes of it and didn't even finish the episode.

Does it take a long time to get into Breaking Bad? Like am I going to have to watch a couple episodes to get drawn in? I want to give this show a chance but what I seen of the first episode so far was kinda boring

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
No the only people who see black and white are his supporters." Yeah he poisoned an innocent child, but he didnt die" like that makes it ok.
I definitely do not see things as black and white. I always look for the grey in characters, and Walt is a grey character. We have to entirely different view points on Brock.


Idk how anyone could make the comparison between darth vader, hannibal lecter and Walter white. They are not even remotely the same.

But Darth Vader is AWESOME. How can anyone not like him as a character? doesn't mean i rooted for him. Never liked lecter.
See this is where im gonna come off as a hypocrite. I love the lecter as a character cause despite him being evil he had redeeming qualities as characters. He had loads of charisma, he was incredibly charming and witty he was funny and he never withered under pressure and his psychosis made him genuinely interesting. Of course im still rooting for starling to catch bill . My hate for Walt isnt just cause hes evil i also find his character to have no redeeming qualities to make him likeable as a character hes not funny hes not witty he has zero charisma he has no prescence hes frail and weak and can only lie and manipulate.


Ok so I have heard that Breaking Bad was an extremely good series. I know it's on Netflix so I decided to start watching it one day. Me and my cousin watched the first episode and it was kinda ehhh.... We got bored and couldn't really get into it. We only watched like 20 minutes of it and didn't even finish the episode.

Does it take a long time to get into Breaking Bad? Like am I going to have to watch a couple episodes to get drawn in? I want to give this show a chance but what I seen of the first episode so far was kinda boring
Ok so I have heard that Breaking Bad was an extremely good series. I know it's on Netflix so I decided to start watching it one day. Me and my cousin watched the first episode and it was kinda ehhh.... We got bored and couldn't really get into it. We only watched like 20 minutes of it and didn't even finish the episode.

Does it take a long time to get into Breaking Bad? Like am I going to have to watch a couple episodes to get drawn in? I want to give this show a chance but what I seen of the first episode so far was kinda boring
The first season sucks imo. Despite what some say this is not an all time great show but it is a very good show.