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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
We aren't delusional

you just have on super blinders that EVERYTHING Walt does is for Walt.... and that just isn't true at all, and has been proven time and time again.
You refuse to see it though, because you don't think anything he does is for anyone else ever.

and i'm pretty sure that ALL of use here know he's a bad dude. That is what you don't seem to grasp. We know he is bad... hell... Walt knows he's bad. But every time he does something horrendous... he ALWAYS trys to fix it or keep it so that his family will not be harmed.
Evidence... every season in the show. The "no name producer" probably has his name shown when the show starts.
You're unbelievable.
Bro it's not even worth explaining to jay anymore. It's like talking to a brick wall. Just save your breath imo


Yes, he didn't care if jesse were to get killed or not. He officially broke bad. What kind of man does not care if someone gets killed as long as they obtain their objective. An Evil Man. Hank and Walt are clearly the same lol. Hank has a bigger ego than Walt if you ask me. Walt was ready to give up 80 million for Hank and go to jail. Hank was willing to do anything to catch Walt. Hank got my favorite character killed (gomez) and i can never forgive that.
How did hank get gomez killed. They are DEA agents they accept that they are gonna be pit in harms way, Gomez and hank did their job and they did it honorably. Walt is the reason gomez is dead nobody else. How can you say hank has a bigger ego only 1 guy said "im not in the money business or the meth business im in the empire business". And how can you say Hank would do anything to catch walt what has Hank done that would lead you to believe that?

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
How did hank get gomez killed. They are DEA agents they accept that they are gonna be pit in harms way, Gomez and hank did their job and they did it honorably. Walt is the reason gomez is dead nobody else. How can you say hank has a bigger ego only 1 guy said "im not in the money business or the meth business im in the empire business". And how can you say Hank would do anything to catch walt what has Hank done that would lead you to believe that?
I was being Sarcastic. I don't believe any of the stuff i said in that post. I can't think of any evil thing Hank has done other than say he doesn't care if Jesse dies. As for Hank catching Walt at all costs, he doesn't care if jesse dies as long he catches him so that's one thing. Walt is in the fault for hank's and Gomez deaths, but Hank should have always have gone to the police and the other DEA agents straight away.


I was being Sarcastic. I don't believe any of the stuff i said in that post. I can't think of any evil thing Hank has done other than say he doesn't care if Jesse dies. As for Hank catching Walt at all costs, he doesn't care if jesse dies as long he catches him so that's one thing. Walt is in the fault for hank's and Gomez deaths, but Hank should have always have gone to the police and the other DEA agents straight away.
He couldnt go to other DEA agents or the police cause of the blackmail tape. As far as not caring if Jesse died i didnt hear Gomez objecting to hard to that either. Remember what Gomez said about the survivng twin in the hospital. Im pretty sure most law enforcement dont hold the lives of murdering drug dealers in to high regard.


Nah Huell ate that guy.
In which case hes free and the only guys who knew he was being kept away are dead or busy being a meth cooking slave. Huell is living life currenty with that money he skimmed of walts 80 million. Probably at the strip club right now.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Right or wrong, good or bad, it's all subjective. There's no "right" answer. I could make a case for defending almost everyones actions, especially Walt's, on this show. No one has been a saint, and I don't think such a thing is even possible to achieve, not in real life. Everyone "broke bad" in some way. It just comes down to who you are more a fan of and who you agree with more.



TYM White Knight
Anyone think that this series will end with Walt or Jesse cooking a poisenous batch of Meth? Killing a ton of users and making people skeptical of Meth all together?

I find it funny that through the entirety of this shows run they have NEVER shown the effects of Blue on people who use it...and I think Walt is going to face that at some point. He is going to have to look at an addict of his substance and see what he is truly doing to a LARGE amount of people...something he didn't even consider or care about.


Anyone think that this series will end with Walt or Jesse cooking a poisenous batch of Meth? Killing a ton of users and making people skeptical of Meth all together?

I find it funny that through the entirety of this shows run they have NEVER shown the effects of Blue on people who use it...and I think Walt is going to face that at some point. He is going to have to look at an addict of his substance and see what he is truly doing to a LARGE amount of people...something he didn't even consider or care about.
Yes Walt creates poison that ruins peoples lives on a daily basis. But its ok hes fond of his family and paid for jesses rehab that 1 time. If thats not grounds for sainthood i dont know what is, ghandi who?


TYM White Knight
Yes Walt creates poison that ruins peoples lives on a daily basis. But its ok hes fond of his family and paid for jesses rehab that 1 time. If thats not grounds for sainthood i dont know what is, ghandi who?

I still root for Walt.

Don't get me wrong, he is an asshole...but he did have good intentions.


TYM White Knight
Cooking and selling meth and good intentions should never ever be in the same sentence.

But that's just like...your opinion man. I sat along for the ride of the show just like you did. I just see things differently than you. Perhaps I look a little deeper...who knows, but it's been one hell of a ride.


But that's just like...your opinion man. I sat along for the ride of the show just like you did. I just see things differently than you. Perhaps I look a little deeper...who knows, but it's been one hell of a ride.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
I am sorry Jay, but I seriously can't make myself believe you are not trolling in some of your posts. Either that or you are just incredibly closed minded. For a person to call out people as stupid for being open minded about a character with as much depth as Walter in this series just seems out of this world to me.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Yes Walt creates poison that ruins peoples lives on a daily basis. But its ok hes fond of his family and paid for jesses rehab that 1 time. If thats not grounds for sainthood i dont know what is, ghandi who?
Well those people who are buying the meth are choosing to ruin their own lives. Yes Walt is the producer, but to say he is to blame for those people ruining their lives nah brah. Life is all about choices and in the end you are responsible for your own actions.


Bigg Burd
Outside of desert references, I just realized that the episode is called Ozymandias because I think that's Walter's new name. Walter White, Heisenberg, Ozymandias. That's probably part of the new name he chose when he got in the van. I wonder if we will be told that or if i'm wrong.
Didn't the flash forward at the beginning of the season where he was in the diner reveal his new name? Or did she just call him by a first or last name only?