nw shouldnt be able to steam roll some chars just by switching to staff stance. hes too overly safe on some things oh oops cough ADVANTAGE cough and blocking right means nothing vs him pretty much
Uh steam roll people in staff? NW has no way to move forward safely in staff without trying to jump in, which is easy to AA, or flying grayson, which is a free punish every time he does it.
Overly safe on what? Ground blast is plus? It's a good thing that you can interrupt staff normal into ground blast if you are close to NW. If he is at the proper range to actually not be interrupted, you can backdash out of his pressure free. Are you talking about mb staff spin? Because after his options for offense are actually incredibly limited unless you are cornered by staff, which still makes his options just alright. As long as you continue blocking low after mb staff spin, and react with d2 if he tries to jump, then NW has no way to continue pressure after. If you are cornered and block a mb staff spin, then the same thing that I mentioned before applies: block low until he goes for his 20 frame overhead.
Blocking means everything against staff NW, because once you block a handful of normals, every character can backdash his pressure for free, meaning that he has to risk something like a flying grayson to get back in. You are free to discuss NW as much as everybody else, but please try to do it while being educated on the characters actual options, as well as his opponents.