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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2


King of Heroes
From best to worst-


Really liked how this revitalized Zod. His new backstory is utterly brutal and amazing and showing how cruel Zod could be. I'm really liking how he used to be close to Jor-El and Zor-El until events happened to separate them. This really makes me excited to see him in the New 52. It was somewhat confusing though and Zod never said "Kneel before Zod." :( .


This issue REALLY impressed me by managing to make me like this new Lobo. This is the Lobo we know and love. He's obnoxious, he's an asshole, and he loves his job. His design though is pretty bad and needs some serious work. However I wasn't expecting to ever like Twilobo but now I do and I'm excited to see him again. Design needs work though.

Court of Owls-8.5/10

I'm a sucker for horror and this issue was full of it. From the creepy art to great writing I was really impressed with this. The issue seemed kind of filler-ish but it was a really good look at the Court's history.

Black Manta-8/10

I'm really liking how Black Manta's going in the New 52. After having awful origins for years he's finally got a good one. The beginning and ending of this are the best parts but the middle's alright. A bit filler-ish but I'm VERY excited for how Manta'll be in Forever Evil.

Solomon Grundy-8/10

This Grundy is scarier, more disturbing, and more powerful then ever while being the Grundy we know and love. That takes a lot of work to do and this issue impressed me by being able to do that. The art was really nice in this and I really liked how the writing was. It had problems though, like why was Grundy in a Meteorite? His new origin also kind of makes me miss him being known as Cyrus Gold and being a mobster.


Braniac's gone through the New 52 mostly unchanged except for one major thing. He no longer goes to planets for info alone. This issue really showed how cruel Braniac is and I really liked that. This story is also making way for Braniac's apperance next month as an enemy of ol' Supes and that's VERY exciting. Really excited to see where he'll go. Problems here though were a somewhat confusing story and some eh changes but overall really great.


When I first read this I was disappointed, but then I thought about it and I realized that Riddler being the same is a good thing compared to some other pieces of shit this week. Riddler's costume is exactly like how it was and his character is unchanged. The issue showed that Riddler's not simply a intellectual villain but can be physical as well. I loved how his can worked and how Riddler did all that just to
kill one guard for being an ass to him at Arkham.


Where to start with this utter train wreck of an issue. This episode had utterly NO direction and went in 50 places and implied 50 things. The flashback scenes while tragic don't fit in with the new Freeze being a psychotic asshole.......however this issue switches between Nora never existing and being real. Not to mention Freeze going after his half-brother's family. An utter mess of an issue and makes me wish that DC would finally clear up how Freeze is being written.

Harley Quinn-1/10

Ugh this was by far the worst comic I've read in a while. Nothing went right in this issue. Not only was there no need to change Mad Love but this origin shown doesn't match up with Suicide Squad's better origin. Also a lot of this issue seemed to be based on sex appeal to a degree with Harley
stealing clothes to make her outfit
. What was worse though was
Harley knowing Joker never loved her. This makes a significant portion of Harley's character ruined and gone.
Not to mention what Harley does in this issue is
is unforgivable with her blowing up at least 50 bombs in Gotham and feeling no remorse what so ever.
Really disappointed in how Harley is in the New 52.

Perfect Mongul there.

I was kinda interested in getting her issue but other issues were more important. I ALMOST bough Reverse Flash's issue but I put it back at the last second.
Yo randomdude and Iron Angel comment on my reviews.


The one guy hoping for Kai
Yep. If you like Snyder's stuff get Court of Owls and Riddler as well.
Thank you.Just so you know my pulllist used to be:
-Flash(considering dropping for months)
Plus I wanted to read: Supes/Bats,Superman Unchained,WW/Superman and JL 3000


King of Heroes
Thank you.Just so you know my pulllist used to be:
-Flash(considering dropping for months)
Plus I wanted to read: Supes/Bats,Superman Unchained,WW/Superman and JL 3000
JL villains-Darkseid, Lobo

JLA-Deadshot, Killer Frost

Superman and AC-Cyborg Superman, Bizzaro, Braniac, and Zod

Batman-Joker and Riddler ((Get Court of Owls as well))

Flash-Grodd, Reverse Flash

GL-Relic, Mongul

Earth-2-Deesad and Grundy

Aquaman-Black Manta


When the new Toymaster uses a secret, potentially deadly element in his new video game, the characters created by players manifest in real life! The ultimate fighting game results—and a world-wide network of players must team up to create the most powerful, skilled Super Heroes imaginable with one goal: To kill Batman. Can Superman come to the rescue before the game claims its victim? Find out in this amazing issue that’s printed in a special horizontal storytelling format. - See more at: http://www.dccomics.com/comics/batman-superman-2013/batmansuperman-5#sthash.nj9qC2sp.dpuf

Iron Angel


Really liked how this revitalized Zod. His new backstory is utterly brutal and amazing and showing how cruel Zod could be. I'm really liking how he used to be close to Jor-El and Zor-El until events happened to separate them. This really makes me excited to see him in the New 52. It was somewhat confusing though and Zod never said "Kneel before Zod." :( .
I agree 99% with this. I loved as well how ruthless he was not only as a grown man but as a child. The coldness he was shown by his emotionless-seeming parents seems to have not affected him in a bitter way but more, encouraged him. He's a child of the whole "only the strong should survive" kind of thinking. I liked how he was friends with the Els and I really liked what he did to get himself banished to the phantom zone in the first place. The 1% I didn't see eye to eye on though is that I had no qualms about the "kneel before Zod" being omitted. lol Really glad I picked this up......
What he did to his dad! That was freakin brutal!


When I first read this I was disappointed, but then I thought about it and I realized that Riddler being the same is a good thing compared to some other pieces of shit this week. Riddler's costume is exactly like how it was and his character is unchanged. The issue showed that Riddler's not simply a intellectual villain but can be physical as well. I loved how his can worked and how Riddler did all that just to
kill one guard for being an ass to him at Arkham.
I wasn't disappointed at all about this book or the purpose of it (because I believe it was more than just getting back at that one guard). I think the only thing I was dismayed about was how he got into the Wayne building in the first place. Did that guard not see him toss that cane over the top of the metal-detector, wasn't sure if the artist meant to convey something I just didn't get (where's Capullo when you need him?). But the ending of the book was not to get at the one guard is was to flesh out Batman, he didn't believe he was dead like the rumors he had heard, and he wanted to do something extravagant to get his attention (what's more extravagant than attacking Wayne Industries/Enterprises/whatever?) This is evident in his very last riddle of the book.

"I can't quite see the reason now, but I do what I must do. I shriek and squeak and flap about in order to find you."

But over all, yeah I wouldn't disagree with your reviews.


King of Heroes
I agree 99% with this. I loved as well how ruthless he was not only as a grown man but as a child. The coldness he was shown by his emotionless-seeming parents seems to have not affected him in a bitter way but more, encouraged him. He's a child of the whole "only the strong should survive" kind of thinking. I liked how he was friends with the Els and I really liked what he did to get himself banished to the phantom zone in the first place. The 1% I didn't see eye to eye on though is that I had no qualms about the "kneel before Zod" being omitted. lol Really glad I picked this up......
What he did to his dad! That was freakin brutal!

I wasn't disappointed at all about this book or the purpose of it (because I believe it was more than just getting back at that one guard). I think the only thing I was dismayed about was how he got into the Wayne building in the first place. Did that guard not see him toss that cane over the top of the metal-detector, wasn't sure if the artist meant to convey something I just didn't get (where's Capullo when you need him?). But the ending of the book was not to get at the one guard is was to flesh out Batman, he didn't believe he was dead like the rumors he had heard, and he wanted to do something extravagant to get his attention (what's more extravagant than attacking Wayne Industries/Enterprises/whatever?) This is evident in his very last riddle of the book.

"I can't quite see the reason now, but I do what I must do. I shriek and squeak and flap about in order to find you."

But over all, yeah I wouldn't disagree with your reviews.
If you can pick up Joker, Ivy, and Two-Face's issues from last week. All three were the cream of the crop. Sadly I felt that there was a lack of quality this time.

Iron Angel

If you can pick up Joker, Ivy, and Two-Face's issues from last week. All three were the cream of the crop. Sadly I felt that there was a lack of quality this time.
I've only heard terrible things about Joker to be honest. Ivy's look interesting and Two-Face's looked awesome. But, it behooves me to say that I've limited myself to only 3 comics a month now (unexpected big expenses have come up) and I'm only grabbing Riddler since his was a direct tie-in to Batman's Zero Year storyarc, Zod since he's supposed to be the first villain in the Superman/Wonder Woman comic next month (that'll be the third issue a month I get), and Lex Luthor next week since he seems to be very important to the Superman Unchained current arc.

Zod's was REALLY close to being perfect but it was a little bit to short.
I want to see that skin in Injustice lol


King of Heroes
I've only heard terrible things about Joker to be honest. Ivy's look interesting and Two-Face's looked awesome. But, it behooves me to say that I've limited myself to only 3 comics a month now (unexpected big expenses have come up) and I'm only grabbing Riddler since his was a direct tie-in to Batman's Zero Year storyarc, Zod since he's supposed to be the first villain in the Superman/Wonder Woman comic next month (that'll be the third issue a month I get), and Lex Luthor next week since he seems to be very important to the Superman Unchained current arc.
Random can......hook you up with links >_> <_<

Iron Angel

Random can......hook you up with links >_> <_<
??? Links to read these? That'd be appreciated....
As for Joker tell me what you've heard so I can disspell them. Iron Angel
A lot of the reviews I've seen have been about how Joker's one-shot was wasted as it had nothing to do with an origin, how he met Batman, or anything related to the current New 52 universe. They said it felt like a random story of Joker training a monkey to be evil. lol


King of Heroes
??? Links to read these? That'd be appreciated....

A lot of the reviews I've seen have been about how Joker's one-shot was wasted as it had nothing to do with an origin, how he met Batman, or anything related to the current New 52 universe. They said it felt like a random story of Joker training a monkey to be evil. lol
1. randomdude

2. People need to get the fuck over it. When a character is as thorougly ruined like Joker was in DoTF you need to start from square one. That's what they did. They told a classic Joker story and I appreciate that immensely.