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Match-up Discussion Batman Match-Up Discussion


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
You can dash away from regular Supernova and MB B3 enhanced Supernova. While I'm not sure about now(I need to test this), MB Venom could be parried. He also has no low starters, so you just have to watch out for his sweep(which, to me, looks similar to his d1). Most of his other strings are parryable.


TYM is really blowing and won't let me edit my post, so until I can, Grundy is also a huge pain. Armor charges all day, can't punish him in any way.


TYM is really blowing and won't let me edit my post, so until I can, Grundy is also a huge pain. Armor charges all day, can't punish him in any way.

Based on your series of posts I'm going to guess you're just not very experienced. Grundy match is heavily in batmans favor because grundy can't anti air him or lock him down.

No character does a raw punish on banes charge they either jump back and full combo or neutral/forward jump and punish in some manner.

DD match seems to be in batmans favor too for reasons already explained.


LIn Kuei Champion
What do you batman mains think of the GL matchup.
I've always thought it was a solid 5-5
Most gl players think it is batman favor 6-4.
what do you guys think?

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
What do you batman mains think of the GL matchup.
I've always thought it was a solid 5-5
Most gl players think it is batman favor 6-4.
what do you guys think?
I'm not ready to put a score on it yet. However, I feel like the key for Batman in this MU is to get within upward Batarang range to trade with GL's air downward rockets. I feel like that particular scenario trades in Batman's favor.

I guess that I can agree with 5-5, now that I think about it.


LIn Kuei Champion
I'm not ready to put a score on it yet. However, I feel like the key for Batman in this MU is to get within upward Batarang range to trade with GL's air downward rockets. I feel like that particular scenario trades in Batman's favor.

I guess that I can agree with 5-5, now that I think about it.
I've played it a decent amount of times just so even I think.
I could be wrong but my exp vs batman 5-5 right now


When's Injustice?
How do I up my defensive game, I always get hit out of 50/50 mixups, and B23 is too slow to punish anything, so what is his best punish string. What happens is I block the string, I try to punish, no move comes out, full combo. This shit has got to go for me to start winning.


Grundy think you handsome!
How do I up my defensive game, I always get hit out of 50/50 mixups, and B23 is too slow to punish anything, so what is his best punish string. What happens is I block the string, I try to punish, no move comes out, full combo. This shit has got to go for me to start winning.

You have to use his trait bats alot more, make sure you always have atleast one bat out so you can punish and initiate offense easily.


When's Injustice?
What strings do you use for punishing?

Especially against deathstroke, batgirl, hawk girl, raven, and Wonderbitch.


What strings do you use for punishing?

Especially against deathstroke, batgirl, hawk girl, raven, and Wonderbitch.
You have to know what strings they are either neutral or negative on and capitalize on that. If a certain string is say -3, you have no normal to punish it, but you CAN call a bat immediately and try to catch them pressing buttons. I just did a little match analysis of me as Bman vs. my buddy as Bgirl so watch that if you want to know anything about the Bgirl matchup from my own perspective (I sound a bit boring in the vid, apologies).



When's Injustice?
But what string am I supposed to use specifically? I'm in block stun for so long that no move ones out anthem they hit me with another string! I can't do anything! I just faced a nightwing player and I could not do anything I was blocking the whole match. Wasted all my meter on push block, and was useless.

I also went in the training room and was trying to punish Supermans 223 combo with B23 and even though my inputs are correct, either nothing comes out, or b3 comes out! Is this a bug? What the fuck? All the strings I use in training mode to punish are SLOW. My opponent can just do another string before my move even comes out. I don't understand how I can be at such negative frame advantage all the time. Other characters can easily punish with full combos, so what gives?

An in using the wrong strings?

Am I forced to use all my meter on push block?

How do I get out of pressure without meter to push block?

What do you guys do.


You can't punish 223 with anything, you have to fuzzy block it and then go for a backdash, stand jab or crouch jab / uppercut afterwards. You should go read the frame data for the strings you're looking to punish.

22 is -1 on block, 223 is -2 on block. You have no normal fast enough to punish either. Have to fuzzy guard it low then high in case he cancels 22 into low scoop. Honestly you need to know how far your normals extend, when to use them and what strings they lead into for full combo punish.

If you block batgirl's low starting string, she is -10. She can crouch after this, which means your standing 1 / jab won't hit her since it's a high. You should go for a b1 because it's 9 frame startup and if she presses anything or tries to backdash she'll get hit and you can do b113 into full combo punish.

Look at each character's frame data, go into training mode and see the distance they're at after you block it, punish accordingly.

Getting out of pressure without using meter = backdashing or guessing with a neutral jump against certain characters. If you want to get fully out of pressure and not use pushblock but still use a meter, use MB batarang after a cancelled string.

Edit: When you're midscreen, Batman's game is to be weary and try to get in since he can keep pressure on for ages.

If you're fullscreen, in certain matchups, play the zoning game with batarangs (watch out for reaction teleports obviously). MB batarang does excellent chip.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Here is a set I had with Rude 's Batman last night. Maybe you batman players can analyze his play and offer constructive criticism. I know nothing about batman enough to offer him advice against my KF. ;)


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Oh dear. Yeah. That was me. How embarrassing. Take it easy on me, guys. :-P


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Watching so far, I missed a few opportunities to call bats during my string staggers. I should do that every time. MB Batarang more as well. My biggest issue was that I don't understand Frost's spacing in slide at all. I honestly feel powerless here, as if she can throw it out whenever, from incredible distance, and all i can do is guess. In fact...guessing is what I feel I have to do a lot here. I could be wrong. It doesn't help that I was fighting an amazing player.


I can't get through Sinestro. He gets his distance and spams projectiles all day. That little yellow orb thing isn't like Luthor's; it keeps shooting and won't disappear, even if you hit him with the bats. How do you beat Sinestro??

Also, you can't initiate clash when he launches projectiles?


Same here. I seem to have to a lot of problem vs good Sinestro's. Any tips? UsedForGlue and other Batman players?

As A Batman main, I can offer you my personal opinion.

Sinestro is tricky if you allow him to control the pace of the match and charge his train freely.

Imho, an important part of this match is the very beginning. When it starts, you can't really go on the offense immediately because Sinestro has a few options from neutral start positions such as his uppercut and jump fear axe. Your best option is to simply back off, activate trait and look for openings (crouch blocking and moving in) since no meter has been gained and he cannot throw out MB Fear Blast which can kill your trait.

Don't allow yourself to be bullied full screen and find every opportunity to close the distance and force him into a corner (where Batman excels). You can throw out Batarangs but trading is useless unless you have the life lead; it's better to keep it cool, look out for MB fear blast and dash in rapidly (releasing bats if available) when you hear / see his impact meteor animation.

Knocking him down is quite important since he has limited wake up options; Arachnid / MB Arachnid are options but easily blocked and punished. You can even bait is wake up by activating bats, dashing in on knock down and dashing out immediately (the similar method to bait / punish a majority of the roster). If he throws out the Arachnid, just release bats and you got yourself a nice combo and possible MB grapple set-ups. If he doesn't, you'll be less than half screen away with trait up and options to get in.

With his trait up, your options are limited but not completely compromised; You can still get in using your trait and he might start using his trait blast just to keep you out and avoid forward momentum. Stay grounded and dash / crouch your way in activating trait (staggered in 1 / 2 bats) to close the gap. Stay out of B1 range; he will be able to make his block string safe with trait and possibly nail you with an overhead / low mix-up. Jumping in is absolutely not an option because his trait will AA into a combo possibly ending with shackles and more (safe) mix-ups.

Hope this info helps, if anyone has anything to add, please do so.

Btw, my secondary is Sinestro. :D


You will BOW to me!
As A Batman main, I can offer you my personal opinion.

Sinestro is tricky if you allow him to control the pace of the match and charge his train freely.

Imho, an important part of this match is the very beginning. When it starts, you can't really go on the offense immediately because Sinestro has a few options from neutral start positions such as his uppercut and jump fear axe. Your best option is to simply back off, activate trait and look for openings (crouch blocking and moving in) since no meter has been gained and he cannot throw out MB Fear Blast which can kill your trait.

Don't allow yourself to be bullied full screen and find every opportunity to close the distance and force him into a corner (where Batman excels). You can throw out Batarangs but trading is useless unless you have the life lead; it's better to keep it cool, look out for MB fear blast and dash in rapidly (releasing bats if available) when you hear / see his impact meteor animation.

Knocking him down is quite important since he has limited wake up options; Arachnid / MB Arachnid are options but easily blocked and punished. You can even bait is wake up by activating bats, dashing in on knock down and dashing out immediately (the similar method to bait / punish a majority of the roster). If he throws out the Arachnid, just release bats and you got yourself a nice combo and possible MB grapple set-ups. If he doesn't, you'll be less than half screen away with trait up and options to get in.

With his trait up, your options are limited but not completely compromised; You can still get in using your trait and he might start using his trait blast just to keep you out and avoid forward momentum. Stay grounded and dash / crouch your way in activating trait (staggered in 1 / 2 bats) to close the gap. Stay out of B1 range; he will be able to make his block string safe with trait and possibly nail you with an overhead / low mix-up. Jumping in is absolutely not an option because his trait will AA into a combo possibly ending with shackles and more (safe) mix-ups.

Hope this info helps, if anyone has anything to add, please do so.

Btw, my secondary is Sinestro. :D
So, pretty much, i must play a passive game against him and try to find some openings. Good to know, thnx m8.


So, pretty much, i must play a passive game against him and try to find some openings. Good to know, thnx m8.

Pretty much,

Patience is the key and machine gun dashing will only get you fear blasted to death.

It's the classic scenario of a rush down character having to get in on a zoning / projectile zoning character..........

However, Batman has his trait which makes things a little easier; when you get in, try to stay in.

On the flip side, Sinestro can throw out anything extremely negative from full screen (impact meteor) without fearing an immediate punish such as Aquamans' "from the deep".

Both players must be on point to excel in this match-up but I feel that Batman has the edge since he has better options anywhere on screen. Sinestro must make better reads and rely on charging his trait which is a pain but possible since Batman has slow start up range options (batarangs / grapple) which are easy to react to when charging trait / trait cancelling.


Anyone have any experience against the flash? That is my most played matchup and I think it is 6-4. Off a single hard knockdown, you effectively HAVE to block. There is no wake-up option for batman - slide can be punished on whiff with mb headbut into 30 odd % and parry can be beaten by a nj2. You can't armour out of a knockdown because the nj2 is 3 hits and all of his strings have multiple hits really fast. So when flash gets a knockdown, you are in a vortex - choose, overhead or low. Each leads to a 60% combo, that is 100% safe and can result in the same hardknockdown again. You get totally mind f'd if the flash player starts with a d1d2 and goes into overhead f2 or uses mb f3 to stop you poking.

Throwing batrangs and bats all day long with a combination of b23 distance creation, really does not go down well vs the mb headbut. Vs my mates flash, if I throw a batarang from3/4 screen without a trailing bat, it is a mb headbut punish EVERY time after he jumps over it.

The only way batman wins this matchup is by getting the life lead and making his way out of the guessing game.

Any tips and thoughts?


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
This is tough for batman but not unwinnable. (inb4 friction trolls, LOL). Also, don't let him condition you (easier said than done, but at 3/4 screen and more there is no reason not to block low. if he MB LC's at you that shit is punishable in duck block but NOT stand block. On stand flash is plus. if you're trying to press buttons after that he gets a free D1D2 check. This is (yet again) another one of those matches where you CONSTANTLY need your trait out, doesn't matter if its 1 bat or 3. Also, someon should correct me if I'm wrong, but Flash's wakeups are not superb (yes they are better than BM's but LBSH bats' wakeups are shit). his lightning uppercut can be punished and his lightning charge can be punished. I'd have to lab and see if his naked sonic pound wakeup is punishable, but you can at least have time to react to it if you're baiting wakeup. I'm still unsure of whether or not lightning kick is a wakeup, I'd have to find out later, or you can go into practice mode and test it.